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Staff Sabbatical Process

Staff Sabbatical Leave Application

View Policy and Procedure for the most complete and up-to-date information. 

The staff sabbatical leave is available to all benefit-eligible staff members who have been employed continuously at North Idaho College for at least seven (7) years. The signed and completed sabbatical application is due to the employee’s supervising vice president or supervising member of President’s Cabinet by Mid-December.

Minimum leave time is four weeks with a maximum leave time of 36 weeks (two full semesters)      

  • Leaves up to 18 weeks (one full semester) may be granted at full pay
  • Leaves between 19 weeks and 36 weeks may be granted at half pay

All of the following information is required to complete this application.

a) The applicant’s up-to-date résumé which includes a summary of his/her relevant professional work and activities.

b) A detailed plan of what you propose to do while on sabbatical leave.  This should include: 

  1. A one paragraph description of the intended activity
  2. Goals and objectives of the leave
  3. Leave timeline
  4. Proposed plan for assessment of how goals and objectives will be met at the completion of the sabbatical
  5. How the project contributes to the mission of the college
  6. Demonstrated need for new or additional knowledge in the applicant’s field or position
  7. How the project connects to the applicant’s current or future job responsibilities at the institution
  8. How the project benefits the institution
  9. Other as requested by supervising President’s Cabinet member (if needed)

c) Supportive documentation should include: 

  1. A completed Leave Impact Form.
  2. A detailed description from the college, business, or institute of courses, program, or activities applicant is planning to complete.
  3. Written endorsement of employee’s performance by direct supervisor.
  4. Other as requested by supervising President’s Cabinet member.