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Strong Interest Inventory

Best Career Assessment in the World – Ages 14 and up

This inventory is based upon a comparison of your interests to those of successful people in a wide range of occupations. You will also gain insight into your work style and the environment in which you are most productive and comfortable.  Once you have learned about compatible occupations, we supply you with resources to do further exploration. It is rated the number one career assessment in the world.

Allow about 45 minutes for homework, before a 1&1/2 hour appointment.

Sign Up.

The Strong assessment supports:

Choosing a program of study — The Strong assessment helps students uncover their career interests and identify which areas of study are appropriate or required for a particular field. Students become more engaged because they are focused on classes relevant to their goals.
Career exploration — By identifying personal interests and how these relate to different occupations, the Strong assessment opens up the world of work to first-time career seekers and people considering a career transition.
Career development — The Strong assessment heightens people's self-awareness and provides deeper understanding of individual strengths and blind spots, including work style and orientation to risk taking.
Employee engagement — The Strong assessment helps employees align their interests with areas of responsibility in their job, or in other jobs within your organization where those interests can be applied.
Reintegration — The Strong assessment helps individuals re-enter the workplace after a period of disconnection or absence.

Sign Up for a Free Career Goals Workshop to take the Strong Interest Inventory

  1. For a limited time the Strong is available FREE to students and prospective students. Sign Up.
  2. Within 3 business days, Career Services will create a project on the Elevate site, and you are sent an email invite from
  3. Complete the Strong Interest Inventory questions on the Elevate web site before your Career Goals Workshop.
  4. Also complete the Informed Consent form.
  5. Connect in person or over Zoom at your appointment time to meet with Career Services to receive your results.