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Surgical Technology

Career and Technical

Competitive Entry

Location: Coeur d'Alene

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Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance

Program Description

The Surgical Technology program prepares students for entry-level employment as surgical technologists in hospitals surgery centers and specialty clinics. The program combines didactic laboratory and clinical instruction which provides students with the knowledge and skills required to enter the field of surgical technology in accordance with the American Medical Association and the Association of Surgical Technologist guidelines. A clinical externship begins in semester four of the Professional Component and provides students with the opportunity to work in real-life settings.

The Surgical Technology program is a selective admissions program. Ten students are admitted to the Professional Component of the program each fall semester. Program requirements other than the Professional Component are open to all students who meet specific course prerequisites. An Associate of Applied Science Degree is awarded upon successful completion of the program. All Professional Component courses must be passed with a minimum cumulative grade point average of C+/2.3 and must be passed consecutively before continuing to the next courses.

View Degree Requirements

Application Information

The Surgical Technology (SURG) Program opens a competitive-entry application cycle twice a year during the following timeframes:

  • Early March through mid-May for the August (Fall semester) program start.
  • Early August through mid-October for the January (Spring semester) program start.

An application cycle may remain open beyond a set deadline if program space is available.
Contact the Health Professions Advisor by calling (208) 625-2320 for additional program and application information.

Competitive Entry

1. Official high school transcripts or equivalent.

2. Application to the Surgical Technology program.

3. Minimum grades of C/2.0 must be earned in each of the courses required for the program. The minimum prerequisite courses must be successfully completed prior to beginning the program. Additional degree requirement courses can be completed within the program; however, only courses successfully completed at the application deadline will be included in the competitive-entry application point process.

Minimum Prerequisites

    • BIOL-175/175 Lab (Human Biology) or BIOL-227/227 Lab and BIOL-228/228 Lab (Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II)
    • ENGL-101 or ENGL-102 (Writing and Rhetoric I or II)
    • GEM 3 MATH (Mathematical Ways of Knowing)*
    • SURG-101 (Foundations of Surgical Technology)

Additional Degree Requirements

    • CAOT-179 (Medical Terminology)
    • COMM-101 (Fundamentals of Oral Communication)
    • PSYC-101 (Introduction to Psychology) or SOC-101 (Introduction to Sociology)

4. A criminal background check will be required upon acceptance. Violations may result in denied access to clinical sites and therefore inability to complete the program. For questions regarding specific violations, please contact the program director 

*Mathematics requirement includes any math course that is MATH-123 or higher and fulfills the A.A.S. degree requirements as listed in the NIC catalog.

The North Idaho College Surgical Technology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 – 113th St. North, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775

Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARCSTSA)
6 West Dry Creek Circle, Suite #110,
Littleton, Colorado, 80120
(303) 694-9262

The following is program outcomes of graduates taking the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) certifying exam the first time:

2024: 100% pass rate
2023: 93% pass rate
100% pass rate
100% pass rate
 100% pass rate

The Associate of Applied Science degree program in Surgical Technology is designed to provide students with the knowledge and technical skills required to obtain entry-level employment in the field of Surgical Technology. The curriculum prepares students in areas of general and specialty surgical procedures, principles of anesthesia, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology and surgical technology techniques. Additional course work in general education assists the graduates in growing professionally and in developing the ability to assume leadership roles.

The goals of the program are:

  • To prepare competent graduates in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.
  • To prepare students to function in a professional, caring, and ethical manner when providing patient care.
  • To prepare students to function as a member of the surgical team.
  • To prepare students to successfully complete and pass the Surgical Technology National Certifying Examination provided by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting.
  • To provide the community with professional, competent, desirable employees and entry-level Surgical Technologists.
  • To recruit and retain quality students who are enthusiastic and motivated to become professional, competent Surgical Technologists.

Upon program completion, the graduate will be able to:

  • Demonstrate practical skills required to work as a competent surgical technologist in the operating room including aseptic technique, instrument setup, assisting the surgeon, anticipating the surgeon’s needs, and assisting with post-operative care.
  • Correlate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology concepts to the role as a Surgical Technologist.
  • Understand and correlate the elements, action, and use of medications and anesthetic agents used during the perioperative experience.
  • Implement safe practice techniques during perioperative routines, patient transportation, positioning, and emergency procedures.
  • Integrate principles of surgical asepsis as part of the perioperative experience.
  • Apply knowledge and skills of a professional Surgical Technologist to address the biopsychosocial needs of the surgical patient.
  • Display professionalism, continue educational growth, and value the professional attributes of the Surgical Technologist.

Program Snapshot

Degree Type Duration Path Credits
Associate of Applied Science Degree 5 Semesters Full-time 62-64 Degree requirements

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