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Location: Workforce Training Center

Boiler Operations

This eight-week course will provide a comprehensive overview of the safe and efficient operation of high-pressure boilers and related equipment. You will learn the latest combustion control technology as well as EPA regulations and their implications. Topics include:

Boiler: Steam Training

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the safe and efficient operation of high-pressure boilers and related equipment. Students will learn the latest combustion control technology, as well as EPA regulations and their implications. This eight-week course will be held every Wednesday at NIC’s Workforce Training Center and will cover the following topics:
  • The Building Site
  • Steam Boilers
  • Boiler Systems
  • Steam System Fittings and Accessories
  • Feedwater Systems
  • Water Treatment
  • Combustion Equipment
  • Fuels, Combustion, and Boiler Controls
  • Draft Systems
  • Instrumentation and Control Systems
  • Boiler Water Treatment
  • Steam Boiler Operation
  • Licensing

Boiler: Environmental Class

This one-day course will provide an overview of the environmental regulations that apply to the operation of a facility. You will learn the latest combustion control technology, as well as EPA regulations and their implications. This class will provide an overview of EPA environmental regulations; an overview of the State Department of Environmental Quality and Air Quality permit condition; reporting, monitoring and testing; and Water Quality permit conditions, reporting, monitoring and testing.