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Wood Products

Location: Online

Wood Products Manufacturing

Whether you are interested in earning your license in log scaling or in learning the fundamentals of wood and how to dry it, we have the courses for you.

Log Scaling Online License Preparation Training 

Log Scalers are responsible for calculating the net volume of harvested logs. Primarily working in log yards, scalers use industry tools and calculations in their practice. Students will learn species identification, proper techniques for calculating log volumes, and rules /calculations applied to determine types of defects. When combined, these three highly skilled techniques determine net volume. Prior Timber industry experience is not required; however, working knowledge of basic math and fractions application is required. This online self-study course will prepare students to take the Idaho Log Scalers License Exam, which is administered by the Idaho Board of Scaling Practices. Log Scalers are required by Idaho State law to be licensed. The course runs every year, starting in February

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Kiln-Lumber Drying

This online (instructor-led) 8-week course introduces the fundamentals of kiln lumber drying and provides a basic understanding of wood and how to dry it. This class offers practical, up-to-date information on wood properties and how wood dries. Students will learn how steam-heated and dehumidification kilns are made, operated, and maintained, and how to create and modify kiln schedules for different species. Drying to meet the European quality standards and heat-treating standards will also be discussed. Topics include

  • Air, Water, and Wood
  • Moisture Content
  • Drying Equipment and Methods
  • Scales and Calculations
  • Relative/Absolute Humidity
  • Kiln Process
  • Cooling and Related Systems
What to Expect
This instructor-led online course consists of 2-3 hours of online study per week, module assessments, and student interaction. Students will be required to participate in online labs which will be conducted through Zoom Video Conferencing.

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