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Updated Covid Protocols

While COVID protocols have ended, NIC is committed to keeping the community safe and healthy. If you're feeling under the weather or experiencing any symptoms of COVID, or any other communicable disease, NIC encourages you to stay home, take care of yourself and help prevent the spread of illness to others.

  • Students feeling symptoms of illness should immediately inform their instructors of their inability to attend class. Instructors will advise and help navigate the implications of missing class due to illness.
  • Employees must coordinate sick leave or work-from-home options with their supervisor and contact their health care provider with any questions.

For the CDC's most recent guidelines on when to quarantine or isolate, visit


Resources Available

The NIC Food Pantry can assist NIC students who are facing food insecurity. For information, contact Student Services Senior Administrative Assistant Robin Reese at (208) 676-7156 or

Here are additional local resources available to help with food assistance.

During these ever-changing times, it is a priority to take care of your mental health. Here are some simple yet effective ways to stay healthy during this time. Also make sure to check out the Stay Active At Home offerings through our Student Wellness and Recreation.

Additionally, North Idaho College has two licensed therapists available to assist students. Student Counseling Services provides two to four sessions of FREE confidential solution-focused brief therapy to assist and encourage student success at North Idaho College. For students who may benefit from other kinds of counseling and/or long-term services, the staff at the Student Counseling Services works with students to help them locate and access additional resources in their local community.

For questions or to make an appointment, contact Therapeutic Counseling Senior Administrative Assistant Ty Caraway at (208) 665-4520 or

Other resources to be aware of include:

NIC students with disabilities are supported by NIC's Disability Support Services (DSS) office. DSS facilitates academic accommodations, access, assistance and services at NIC and at the North Idaho Consortium of Higher Education campuses of Boise State University, Lewis and Clark State College and the Idaho State University in the North Idaho region.

For questions or information about Disability Support Services, contact Senior Administrative Assistant Ty Caraway at (208) 665-4520 or

  • eLearning - This site provides resources for your online class such as Canvas and Proctorio, as well as frequently asked questions. You can learn more about Canvas by logging into the Canvas Essentials for Students.
  • IT Resources
    • Loaner Laptops-The IT Help Desk has loaner laptops available for students in need. Laptops are only available by NIC faculty or advisor referral. If you need a laptop, please ask one of your instructors or your advisor to submit a loaner laptop request to the Help Desk by emailing or submitting a ticket at
    • Loaner Internet Hotspots - A limited number of hotspots for wireless internet are available for students in need. Hotspots are only available by NIC faculty or staff referral. The referring faculty or staff member should contact Student Services Senior Administrative Assistant Robin Reese at 208-676-7156 or for assistance.
    • Student Labs and Computing Spaces - There are several computers that students can use on the NIC campus and at NIC's outreach sites. See the Student Labs & Computing Spaces map for more information.
    • Cardinal WiFi - Wireless access points are in every building on the Coeur d'Alene campus, at the Parker Technical Education Center and at NIC at Sandpoint. *For off-campus internet options, see the knowledge base article for Home Internet Options and Resources for Students.
    • Student Resources Page - NIC's IT Department has Student Resources that summarizes all of the IT resources that are available for students.
    • IT Help Desk - Students are encouraged to contact the IT Help Desk if they need help with Canvas, MyNIC, Cardinal WiFi, Cardinal Mail and other technical issues and questions. See for the Help Desk's contact information and hours.
  • Molstead Digital Resource Support - Contact the Molstead Library for information on how to access and use NIC digital resources.