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Frequently Asked Questions

For freshman, transfer, and returning students, once you have been accepted you will need to sign up for an Advising & Registration appointment in order to meet with an Advisor and register for classes.

For non-degree and continuing students, check the college calendar for registration dates as well as your registration start time in Student Planning within your MyNIC account. The Registrar's Office will also email your Cardinal Mail account when your registration time is available.

Once you have applied to North Idaho College and have had your official transcripts sent, your transcript is reviewed by the Admissions Office to identify equivalent courses. You will receive an email to your Cardinal Mail once a transcript has been evaluated. You may view your transfer equivalency report on your MyNIC account by searching “Transfer Credits.”

Visit the Transfer Center to review how your courses transfer to NIC. The Transfer Center is an unofficial aid for students. All official evaluations require official transcripts.

Unofficial transcripts are available at no charge through Student Planning within your MyNIC. Official NIC transcripts can be ordered through National Student Clearinghouse.

Learn about Ordering NIC Transcripts