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Faculty Evaluation Team

FET Duties

First week of October

By the first week of October of the first year in probationary status, the candidate will nominate a faculty evaluation team (FET) to the Tenure Committee.

Fall Semester

FET members observe classroom/lab and deliver written records of observation to the candidate. Student evaluation surveys were completed for candidates to be shared with FET members.

Spring Semester

FET members observe classroom/lab and deliver written records of observation to the candidate. Student evaluation surveys were completed for candidates to be shared with FET members.

Third week of April

Mentor calls a meeting with division chair and the FET to discuss the candidate’s progress, self-evaluation, classroom observations, and student evaluations.

First week of May

The mentor prepares and submits an informal, formative written evaluation indicating the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and providing recommendations for improvement and/or development, as determined by a consensus of the group.  If the group cannot reach a consensus, the dissenting evaluation should also be included. 

The mentor will provide copies of these year-end formative evaluations to the appropriate division chair, the Tenure Committee, and the candidate.


Fall Semester

FET members observe classroom/lab and deliver written records of observation to the candidate. Student evaluation surveys were completed for candidates to be shared with FET members.

Spring Semester

FET members observe classroom/lab and deliver written records of observation to the candidate. Student evaluation surveys were completed for candidates to be shared with FET members.

First week of April

The candidate submits a cumulative self-evaluation, inclusive of all years in the tenure process, to the FET members and division chair. The self-evaluation describes in detail his/her progress in demonstrating eligibility for tenure and performance of all duties outlined in the Teaching Focus Policy. In addition, the self-evaluation reflects any professional and pedagogical changes from year to year throughout the tenure process. 

Data from a previous student, FET, and division chair observations and evaluations should be included to support the conferral of tenure.

Third week of April

The mentor, other FET member(s), and the division chair shall meet as a group to discuss the candidate’s progress, self-evaluation, classroom observations, and student evaluations.

First week of May

Each FET member will prepare and submit a separate written, summative evaluation, inclusive of all years of observation by that FET member. The evaluations will discuss the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, and will include recommendations for improvement and/or development.

Each FET member will share this evaluation individually in conference with the candidate by the third week of May. The candidate will sign the original summative evaluation to acknowledge its review. Signed copies of each evaluation will be provided to the faculty member and division chair/director.

Third week of May

Each FET member submits a separate written, summative evaluation, inclusive of all years of observation by that FET member. The evaluations will discuss the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and will include recommendations for improvement and/or development. 


First week of October

Each FET submits the following to the candidate and division chair:

  1. Copies of the third-year summative evaluations.
  2. A formal recommendation for or against the conferral of tenure, with supporting reasoning.
