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Case Management

The Student Support Case Manager assists students through challenges and empowers students to navigate toward degree completion. The case manager is not a counselor or therapist; instead, the case manager can foster a supportive relationship with students while helping the student identify their needs and connecting them with appropriate resources, both on campus and within the community. Services are free and confidential.

Our Mission

The Student Support Case manager assists students who face complex issues and crises that could affect their ability to remain successful towards degree completion and empowers students to build and strengthen their support systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Submit a Care Report.
  • Schedule a meeting with a case manager by phone or email.
  • Stop by in person at Seiter Hall 100.
  • When you are concerned about a student who is having difficulties, whether academic, physical and/or emotional.
  • When you, as a student, need support.

If you consider the situation you are a reporting a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately and then call Campus Security at (208) 769-3310.

After a report is made, the Student Support Case Manager will reach out to the student to offer support and to set up a time to meet. Depending on the student’s comfort, these meetings may take place in person, over the phone or virtually.

Due to the confidential services that the case manager provides, no information can be shared unless when required by law. You may receive an email from the case manager advising you that your report has been received.


Amy Taylor

Phone: 208-769-5947