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Parking Services

Parking permits are available for purchase online only using a eCheck, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or an American Express (AMEX).

A valid parking permit is required for any vehicle, except motorcycles and vehicles displaying handicapped plates or placards, parked at the main NIC campus and the Career Technical Education Facility (CTE) during the academic year. Parking permits are only valid for the semesters printed on the permit. Permits expire at the end of Spring semester. A new permit must be purchased every academic year.

Purchase Parking Permit

Parking Suggestions

  • Buy a parking permit.
  • Purchased permits may be transferred between vehicles, but can only be used in one vehicle at a time. Please remember to move the parking permit to whichever vehicle will be parked on campus that day. Citations will be issued if a permit is not visible in the parked vehicle.
  • Review a campus map for proper areas to park.
  • Parking at a meter requires additional payment.
  • NIC Permit holders are NOT allowed to park at meters. They are meant for short-term SUB parking.
  • Arrive early to allow time to find parking
  • Speed limit on campus is 20 mph. Do not exceed the speed limit.
  • Use caution around crosswalks and while parking and exiting parking spaces.
  • When leaving your vehicle, make sure permit is visible, windows are shut, and doors are locked.
  • Pay tickets promptly to avoid late fees.
  • Carpool, bicycle, or walk when possible.
  • Call NIC Security at (208) 769-3310 for assistance after hours.

The college does not assume responsibility for any motor vehicle or its contents while parked on college property. Lock your vehicle and do not store valuables in view.

Income derived from the sale of parking permits and from the collection of monetary penalties, is used for the administration, maintenance, and improvement of parking facilities.

All motor vehicles, except motorcycles and vehicles with a government issued handicapped plate or placard, must display a valid parking permit when parking on the NIC campus (including W. Garden Ave. and College Dr.) and the Career Technical Education facility (CTE) between 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday during the academic year, from fall semester to spring semester. The front of the parking permit must be visible from the outside of the vehicle. Permits may be transferred between vehicles, but must be displayed on any vehicle parked on campus. A permit does not guarantee a parking space, only that you can legally park on campus. Parking spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis. A permit also allows permit holders to call for services such as a jump start or vehicle unlock.

  • Employee Permits: $60/permit - purchase by selecting Employee Permit.
    Employee permits allow employees to park in lots designated as employee parking. Employees may not park in visitor parking, but, due to limited employee spaces, if an employee parking space is not available, employees may park in student lots.
  • Student Permits: $20/permit - purchase by selecting Student Permit.
    Student permits allow students to park in lots designated as student parking. Students may not park in visitor, Residence Hall, or employee parking.
  • Motorcycle Parking: No NIC permit required.
    Motorcycles may park in the designated motorcycle parking located at Meyer Health and Sciences Building and behind the soccer field without a parking permit.
  • Handicapped Permit Displayed: No NIC permit required.
    Vehicles with handicapped plates or placard may park in any designated handicapped space, or any legal space if no handicapped spaces are available without an NIC parking permit.
  • Residence Hall Permits: All Residence Hall parking permits are to be purchased online at Residence Hall Permit.
    Only students living in the Residence Hall may purchase a Residence Hall permit and park in the Residence Hall lot.

You will need your vehicle's license plate number and ID number to purchase a permit online.

Permits purchased are mailed or sent inter-campus mail within 1-3 business days to the address you provide, meaning it could take several days to get to you. Please plan accordingly. If needed, place a copy of your receipt in the window until you receive your permit in the mail.

  • Visitor Passes: All visitors to campus are required to obtain a free visitor parking pass for their vehicle if visiting campus between 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday during the academic year. Visitor passes are available from the DeArmond Building and the Switchboard Operator in the Sherman Building. A visitor is defined as a person other than a student, staff, or faculty member of North Idaho College.

Visitor passes are available from the DeArmond Building for those scheduled to take a campus tour ONLY.

  • Metered Spaces: All vehicles whether they have a valid employee or student parking permit must pay for metered parking. Vehicles displaying handicapped placards or plates do not require payment. Designated meters may be paid up to two hours. All other meters may only be paid up to one hour.
  • Towing: Any vehicle parked in violation of any regulation is subject to citation and/or towing at the expense of the owner/operator without warning. Having five or more unpaid violations, an unregistered, abandoned, or improperly parked vehicle may result in vehicle being towed at owner's expense.
  • Overnight Parking: Overnight parking is not allowed on campus except in the N. Molstead lot in designated spaces. During snow removal, parking overnight in a non-designated overnight space will result in immediate towing at owner's expense. For more information, view Nov-March overnight parking rules.

Parking Services is charged with the impartial enforcement of NIC parking regulations. Security officers have the authority to issue citations, control access to campus areas, and to have vehicles towed if necessary.

  • Parking Violations: Lack of familiarity with the regulations does not constitute a defense for failure to comply. It is the individual's responsibility to learn the parking regulations and park their vehicle properly at all times.

    Violation of any of the following regulations is cause for a citation:
    • Parking without permit tag displayed.
    • Parking in restricted area (visitor, no parking, reserved, loading, and yellow zones).
    • Parking in a faculty/staff parking space without a faculty/staff permit.
    • Parking in the Residence Hall Lot without a Residence Hall permit.
    • Parking in a reserved space without a reserved permit.
    • Illegally displaying a voided permit.
    • Parking improperly (occupying more than one parking space, parking in a crosswalk, blocking a driveway, traffic flow, or right of way, parking on the traffic side of any vehicle parked at the curb of a road, on a sidewalk, or within an intersection).
    • Parking overnight in any space not designated for overnight parking.
    • Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire lane access area.
    • Parking in a handicapped space without a handicapped plate or placard.
    • Parking in a metered space without payment.
  • Penalties: All fines are subject to late fees if not paid promptly. If a citation remains unpaid after 7 days of issuance, a regular parking violation fee doubles to $40. After 30 days of non-payment, an additional $10 late fee is added to all unpaid citations.
    • Parking Violation - $20
    • Parking in a handicap space - $141.50 (Enforced 24 hours)
    • Parking in fire lane or fire hydrant access - $20 (Enforced 24 hours)
    • Displaying a permit reported stolen - $50

      Citations may be paid online at To pay a ticket, the user must have both the citation number and license plate number.

      Students with unpaid parking tickets may lose course registration privileges. Tickets may not be excused or voided by anyone other than the Parking Appeals Committee.
  • Appeals Procedure: Any person may file an appeal through the Parking Services Appeals Committee.

    To do so, complete the Parking Appeal Form. The Parking Appeals Committee, will review the appeal and make a decision within seven days of receiving it. Appeals Committee decisions will be communicated via email. The Parking Appeals Committee determinations are final and are not subject to negotiation.

    The appeal must be filed within seven days of the date of the citation. If an appeal is not filed within this time, the person must accept the ticket as valid.

    An appeal is not allowed for a second violation of the same offense, and subsequent tickets for the violation will not be excused.

    North Idaho College reserves the right to submit unpaid parking citations to collections for processing.

    Any questions concerning parking related issues should be directed to Student Finance by email at

If you need to replace your Parking Permit, you may request a replacement online by clicking below. Please allow 1-3 business days for mailing to the address you provide.