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Sterling Silver Award

Do you know an NIC staff or faculty member who goes above and beyond their normal duties for the college community or has done something extraordinary? Nominate them for the Sterling Silver Employee of the Month Award. All employees that nominate will be included in a drawing at the beginning of each academic year. Two lucky employees will be selected to win a $100 gift card. It’s a win-win!

The Sterling Silver Award is given each month based on nominations submitted by students and employees. The Sterling Silver Committee makes the final selection based on the nominations. All employees are eligible to receive the award, regardless of their time of service. Employee nominations will stay active for one year from the time the first nomination was received; or if they are awarded the Sterling Silver, whichever comes first.

See the latest Employee of the Month

The winner of the Sterling Silver Award will be congratulated with a surprise presentation by members of the Sterling Silver Committee, the NIC president, fellow employees, students and a representative of the North Idaho College Foundation.

The Sterling Silver recipient will receive the following at the presentation:

  • $200 gift card (taxable), presented by NIC Foundation
  • A recognition plaque, provided by NIC
  • A copy of the nominations submitted, provided by NIC
  • A campus parking space of the recipient’s choice for one month, provided by NIC

A special thanks to the NIC Foundation for providing funding for this award.

For more information, contact the Foundation Office at 208-769-5978 or Human Resources at 208-769-3404.

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