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Laramie County Cmty College

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
HOEC-1140 Nutrition 2 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 2
HLTK-1510 Nurse Assistant 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
STAT-2070 Intro Stat for Social Science 4 MATH-253 Statistical Methods 4
ANTH-1100 Intro to Physical Anth 3 ANTH-251 Intro to Biological Anth 3
GEOL-1100 Physical Geology 4 GEOL-101 Physical Geology 4
GEOL-1100 Physical Geology 4 GEOL-101L Physical Geology Lab 0
PEAC-1295 Indiv Exercise Programs 1 PE-110F Cardiovascular Training 1
ENGL-0700 Fundamentals of English 3 ENGL-099 Fund for Writing 3
COM-1010 Public Speaking 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3
COSC-1200 Computer Info Systems 3 BUSA-100 Digital Literacy in Business 3
GEOG-1010 Intro to Physical Geog 4 GEOG-100 Physical Geography 4
GEOG-1010 Intro to Physical Geog 4 GEOG-100L Physical Geography Lab 0
ACCT-2010 Principles of Accounting I 3 ACCT-201 Principles of Accounting 3
BNK-110 Principles of Banking 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
BNK-180 Monetary & Banking System 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
BNK-290 Analyz Financl Statment 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3
PHL-100 Intro to Philosophy 3 PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy 3
ENGL-2042 Creative Wrtg: Fiction Drama 3 ENGL-292 Creative Writing: Fiction 3
ART-2020 Art History II 3 ART-102 Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital 3
COM-1030 Interpersonal Communication 3 COMM-233 Interpersonal Communication 3
EDEC-2200 Early Childhood Practicum 5 CHD-298A Child Development Practicum A 5
ART-2210 Beginning Painting 3 ART-231 Beginning Painting I 3
MATH-1400 Pre-Calculus Algebra 4 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 4
BADM-1000 Introduction to Business 3 BUSA-101 Intro to Business 3
THEA-1000 Introduction to Theater 3 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 3
ART-2010 Art History I 3 ART-101 Art History Caves to Cathedral 3
EDEC-1020 Intro to Early Childhood Ed 3 CHD-243 Early Childhood Education 3
PSYC-1000 General Psychology 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
ENGL-1010 English I: Composition 3 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
ENGL-1020 English II 3 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
HMDV-1000 Freshman Seminar 1 CSC-100 College Transition 1
POLS-1000 American & Wyoming Govt 3 POLS-101 American National Government 3
MATH-0930 Intermediate Algebra 3 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3
MATH-0930 Intermediate Algebra 3 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3
MATH-1000 Problem Solving 3 MATH-123 Math in Modern Society 3
ASTR-1050 Survy of Astronomy + Lab 4 PHYS-103 Elementary Astronomy 4
ASTR-1050 Survy of Astronomy + Lab 4 PHYS-103L Elem Astronomy Lab 0