HST-104 |
Western Civilization |
3 |
HIST-103 |
History of Civ 20th Century |
3 |
SPA-101 |
Elementary Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
MTE-180 |
Theory Elementary Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
MTE-181 |
Theory Elementary Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-257 |
Math for Elem Teach II |
3 |
MAT-270 |
Calculus & Analytic Geom |
4 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
4 |
KIN-105 |
Pe: Swimming |
1 |
PE-110A |
Begin/Interm Swimming |
1 |
ECE-100 |
Intro to Engineering Design |
3 |
ENGR-123 |
Introduction to Engineering |
3 |
CSE-110 |
Prin of Programming W/Java |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
HST-109 |
US to 1865 |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3 |
MAT-106 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
CHM-116 |
General Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
4 |
CHM-116 |
General Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
PHY-105 |
Basic Physics |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CSE-185 |
Internet & Www |
3 |
CS-212 |
Language of the WWW |
3 |
MAT-251 |
Calculus for Life Sciences |
3 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
3 |
UNI-150 |
Major & Career Exploration |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BIO-182 |
General Biology II |
4 |
BIOL-115 |
Intro Life Sciences |
4 |
BIO-182 |
General Biology II |
4 |
BIOL-115L |
Intro Life Sciences Lab |
0 |
CHM-113 |
General Chemsitry I |
4 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
4 |
CHM-113 |
General Chemsitry I |
4 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
GRK-140 |
Frk & Lat Roots Biosctic Trmno |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
HON-272 |
The Human Event |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ASU-101UC |
The Asu Experience |
1 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
1 |
BIO-181 |
General Biology I |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIO-181 |
General Biology I |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
HON-171 |
The Human Event |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PSY-101 |
Intro to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
GCU-121 |
World Geography |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
GCU-102 |
Intro Human Geography |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
GIS-205 |
Geographic Info Technologies |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ASB-252 |
Sports and Culture |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FMS-100 |
Intro to Film |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
ENG-105 |
Adv First-Year Comp |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
NTR-241 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3 |
PHI-103 |
Principles of Sound Reasoning |
3 |
PHIL-201 |
Logic and Critical Thinking |
3 |
HST-110 |
US since 1865 |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3 |
BIO-201 |
Human Anat Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227 |
Human Anat & Phys I |
4 |
BIO-201 |
Human Anat Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227L |
Human Anat & Phys I Lab |
0 |
ENG-102 |
First Year Comp |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
ASB-102 |
Intro to Cultural & Social Ant |
3 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
WAC-101 |
Intro to Academic Writing |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
ENG-302 |
Business Writing |
3 |
ENGL-272 |
Business Writing |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introductory Sociology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
COM-225 |
Public Speaking |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
GPH-111 |
Intro Physical Geography |
4 |
GEOG-100 |
Physical Geography |
4 |
GPH-111 |
Intro Physical Geography |
4 |
GEOG-100L |
Physical Geography Lab |
0 |
SPA-102 |
Elementary Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
MAT-142 |
College Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
CHM-233M |
General Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHM-237M |
Gen Organic Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
CHEM-278 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
ENG-101 |
First Year Composition |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
FRE-101 |
Elementary French |
4 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
UNI-101 |
Student Success Seminar |
1 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
1 |
PHI-101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL-101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
MUS-354 |
Popular Music |
3 |
MUSH-127 |
Surv Amer Popular Music |
3 |
MAT-117 |
College Algebra |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3 |
SHS-101 |
American Sign Language I |
4 |
ASL-101 |
Elem American Sign Language I |
4 |
SHS-102 |
American Sign Language II |
4 |
ASL-102 |
Elem American Sign Language II |
4 |
BIO-202 |
Human Anat & Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228 |
Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver |
4 |
BIO-202 |
Human Anat & Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228L |
Human Anat & Phys II Lab |
0 |
SHS-201 |
American Sign Language III |
4 |
ASL-201 |
Intermed American Sign Lang I |
4 |
SHS-202 |
American Sign Language IV |
4 |
ASL-202 |
Intermed American Sign Lang II |
4 |
SOC-315 |
Courtship & Marriage |
3 |
SOC-220 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
NTR-100 |
Introductory Nutrition |
3 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3 |
ECN-112 |
Microecon Principles |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
PGS-101 |
Intro to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
REL-100 |
Religions of the World |
3 |
PHIL-111 |
World Religions |
3 |
GER-201 |
Intermediate German |
4 |
GERM-201 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GER-202 |
Intermediate German |
4 |
GERM-202 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
FIN-380M |
Personal Financial Mgmt |
3 |
BUSA-180 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
BIS-301M |
Found of Interdisc Studies |
3 |
INTR-200 |
Interdisciplinary Seminar |
3 |
HST-110M |
United States Since 1865 |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3 |
MAT-114M |
College Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
UNI-100M |
Academic Success At Univ |
3 |
CSC-105 |
College Study Skills |
3 |
ECN-111M |
Macroecon Principles |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ENG-102M |
First Year Composition |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
MCO-110M |
Intro to Mass Communication |
3 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
3 |
ENG-201M |
World Literature |
3 |
ENGL-257 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
COM-225M |
Public Speaking |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
JMC-201M |
Journalism Newswriting |
3 |
COMJ-121 |
Introduction to Media Writing |
3 |
POS-110M |
Government & Politics |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
ASU-101 |
The ASU Experience |
1 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
1 |
PGS-101M |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
ENG-101M |
First Year Composition |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
MAT-114 |
College Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
MAT-119 |
Finite Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-130 |
Finite Mathematics |
3 |
ECN-111 |
Macroecon Principle |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECN-211 |
MacRoeconomic Principles |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
JPN-101 |
First-Year Japanese I |
5 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
5 |
JPN-102 |
First-Year Japanese II |
5 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
5 |
POS-310 |
American National Govt |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
JUS-105 |
Intro to Justice Studies |
3 |
CJ-103 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
POS-360 |
World Politics |
3 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics/Problem |
3 |
GLG-101 |
Intro to Geology I |
3 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GLG-103 |
Introduction to Geology |
1 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
POS-368 |
Ethics & Human Rights |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
ASM-104 |
Bones, Stones/Human Evolution |
4 |
ANTH-251 |
Intro to Biological Anth |
4 |
CH-101 |
First-Year Chinese |
5 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
5 |
PHY-111 |
General Physics |
3 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3 |
PHY-113 |
General Physics Lab |
1 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
1 |
STP-226 |
Elements of Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
CHM-233 |
General Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHM-237 |
Gen Organic Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHEM-278 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
PHY-112 |
General Physics |
3 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
3 |
PHY-114 |
General Physics Lab |
1 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
1 |
TEL-315 |
Child & Adolescent Development |
3 |
CHD-134 |
Infancy-Middle Childhood |
3 |
CHM-234 |
General Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHEM-287 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHM-238 |
Gen Organic Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CHEM-288 |
Org Chem II Lab |
1 |
POS-110 |
American Government & Politics |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |