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Brandman University

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
ENGU-103 Writing and Thetoric 3 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
MATU-203 Introduction to Statistics 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3
CJCU-250 Intro Admin of Criminal Justic 3 CJ-103 Intro to Criminal Justice 3
PSYU-328 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSYC-211 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSYU-322 Theo of Prsn 3 PSYC-210 Psychology of Personality 3
PSYU-101 Intro to Pysch 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSYU-320 Hum Dev Thr Lifespan 3 PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYU-304 Res Meth for the Behav Sci 3 PSYC-218 Intro to Research/Behavior Sci 3
COMU-315 Intercultural Comm 3 COMM-220 Intercultural Communication 3