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Calif St Univ Bakersfield

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
SPAN-101 Introductory Spanish 5 SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I 3.35
SOC-322 Social Services + Social Prob 5 SOC-102 Social Problems 3.35
MATH-101 Finite Mathematics 5 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 3.35
ANTH-100 Intro Cultural Anthropology 5 ANTH-220 Peoples of the World 3.35
ENGL-110 Writing & Research 5 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3.35
MATH-90 Inter Algebra & Functions 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3.35
ENGL-101 Intro to Literature 5 ENGL-175 Literature and Ideas 3.35
MATH-221 Data Anal, Stat & Alg Models 5 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 3.35
THTR-232 Acting I 5 THEA-115 Basics of Performance I 3.35
ART-101 Prac & Apprec Visual Arts 5 ART-100 Introduction to Art 3.35
HIST-231 Survey US History to 1865 5 HIST-111 United States History I 3.35
SOC-120 Crit Thinking & Social Prob 5 SOC-102 Social Problems 3.35
HIST-210 World History I 5 HIST-101 World History I 3.35
EDSP-301 Teaching Exceptnal Diverse Lrn 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.01
CHEM-211 General Chemistry I 5 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 3.35
CHEM-211 General Chemistry I 5 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
BIOL-212 Principles of Cellular Biology 5 BIOL-115 Intro Life Sciences 3.35
BIOL-212 Principles of Cellular Biology 5 BIOL-115L Intro Life Sciences Lab 0
BIOL-312 General Microbiology 5 BACT-250 General Microbiology 3.35
BIOL-312 General Microbiology 5 BACT-250L General Microbiology Lab 0
CHEM-212 General Chemistry II 5 CHEM-112 Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II 3.35
CHEM-212 General Chemistry II 5 CHEM-112L Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab 0
THTR-101 Intro to the Study of Theatre 5 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 3.35
ANTH-104 Introduction to Archaeology 5 ANTH-230 Intro to Arch/World Prehistory 3.35
HIST-102 Making of Modern World 1750-PR 5 HIST-102 World History II 3.35
SOC-100 Introduction to Sociology 5 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3.35
ENGL-290 Intro to World Literature 5 ENGL-258 Lit of Western Civilization 3.35
PLSI-101 American Government & Politics 5 POLS-101 American National Government 3.35
HIST-232 Surv US History Since 1865 5 HIST-112 United States History II 3.35
BIOL-210 Principles of Animal Biology 5 ZOOL-202 General Zoology 3.35
BIOL-210 Principles of Animal Biology 5 ZOOL-202L General Zoology Lab 0
ANTH-102 Physical Anthropology 5 ANTH-251 Intro to Biological Anth 3.35
GEOL-100 Perspectives in Geology 5 GEOL-102 Historical Geology 3.35
GEOL-100 Perspectives in Geology 5 GEOL-102L Historical Geology Lab 0
PHIL-102 Logical Reasoning 5 PHIL-201 Logic and Critical Thinking 3.35
PHIL-100 Intro to Philosophy 5 PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy 3.35
ANTH-252 Native Peoples of No America 5 ANTH-225 Native People of North America 3.35
MUS-101 Understanding & Apprec Music 5 MUSH-101 Survey of Music 3.35
PED-156 Fencing 1 PE-111N Beginning Fencing 0.67
CMPS-120 Computer Skills & Concepts I 5 BUSA-100 Digital Literacy in Business 3.35
ENGL-294 Masterpeices Western World Lit 5 ENGL-257 Lit of Western Civilization 3.35
MATH-80 Elem Algebra & Geometry 5 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 3.35
PED-173 Judo & Self Defense I 1 PE-110O Self-Defense 0.67
ENGL-100 Critical Thinking & Writing 5 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3.35
MATH-140 Elementary Statistics 5 MATH-253 Statistical Methods 3.35
MATH-120 Quantitative Methods in Bus 5 MATH-160 Survey of Calculus 3.35
MIS-200 Intro Computers & Info Systems 5 CS-100 Intro Computer Science 3.35
ENGL-315 English Lit Survey I 5 ENGL-267 Survey of English Literature 3.35
ENGL-336 Shakespeare II 5 ENGL-271 Introduction to Shakespeare 3.35
ENGL-381 American Lit Civil War to 1900 5 ENGL-277 Great American Writers I 3.35
ENGL-384 American Lit Survey II 5 ENGL-278 Great American Writers II 3.35
SCI-370A Human Biology 5 BIOL-175 Human Biology 3.35
SCI-370A Human Biology 5 BIOL-175L Human Biology Lab 0
PEAK-156 Fencing 1 PE-111N Beginning Fencing 0.67