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Cascadia Cmty College

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
HIST-126 World Civilizations I 5 HIST-101 World History I 3.35
ANTH-104 World Prehistory 5 ANTH-230 Intro to Arch/World Prehistory 3
HIST-127 World Civilizations II 5 HIST-102 World History II 3.35
PSYC-220 Abnormal Psychology 5 PSYC-211 Abnormal Psychology 3.35
ANTH-205 Biological Anthropology 5 ANTH-251 Intro to Biological Anth 3.35
PHIL-106 Intro to Logic 5 PHIL-201 Logic and Critical Thinking 3.35
CMU-150 Multicultural Communication 5 COMM-220 Intercultural Communication 3.35
ENG-100 College Reading/ Writing 5 ENGL-099 Fund for Writing 3.35
ENG-101 College Composition 5 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3.35
MATH-075 Pre-Algebra 5 MATH-015 Pre-Algebra 3.35
COLL-100 Study Strategies 5 CSC-105 College Study Skills 3.35
BUS-101 Intro to Business 5 BUSA-101 Intro to Business 3.35
ENGL-090 Undrstnd Coll Read/Wrtng 5 CSC-013 Reading Comp/Vocabulary 3.35
ENGL-096 College Reading/Writing 5 CSC-104 College Reading 3.35
GEOG-120 Regional Environ & Peopl 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
HIST-146 Us History I 5 HIST-111 United States History I 3.35
HIST-148 Us History III 5 HIST-112 United States History II 3
PHIL-267 Philosophy of Religion 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
NUTR-101 Nutrition 5 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 3.35
CHEM-121 Intro to Chemistry 5 CHEM-101 Introduction to Chemistry 3.35
CHEM-121 Intro to Chemistry 5 CHEM-101L Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0
PSYC-100 General Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
SOC-150 Social Inequality 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
BIOL-211 Majors Cellular 6 TRLS-200 Lab Science Transfer Course 4.02
BIOL-231 Human Anatomy 6 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 4.02
BIOL-231 Human Anatomy 6 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
BIOL-232 Human Physiology 6 BIOL-228 Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver 4.02
BIOL-232 Human Physiology 6 BIOL-228L Human Anat & Phys II Lab 0
POLS-202 American Government 5 POLS-101 American National Government 3.35
ENGL-102 Composition II 5 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3.35
CMST-220 Public Speaking 5 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3.35
CMST-150 Multicultural Communication 5 COMM-220 Intercultural Communication 3.35
EDUC-202 Intro to Education 5 EDUC-201 Introduction to Teaching 3.35
MATH-095 Intermediate Algebra 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3.35
ENGL-101 English Composition I 5 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3.35
SOC-101 Intro to Sociology 5 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3.35
HIST-128 World Civilizations III 5 HIST-103 History of Civ 20th Century 3.35
ENGL-100 College Reading/Writing 5 ENGL-099 Fund for Writing 3.35
HIST-147 US History II 5 HIST-112 United States History II 3.35
MATH-085 Elements of Algebra 5 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 3.35
PSYCH-101 Principles of Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
COLL-101 College Strategies 3 CSC-100 College Transition 2.01
ANTH-202 Cultural Anthropology 5 ANTH-102 Cultural Anthropology 3.35
NUTR-110 Human Nutrition 5 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 3.35