Coastline Cmty College
Transfer Course | Transfer Course Title | Transfer Credit | NIC Course | NIC Course Title | NIC Credit |
PSYC-C100 | Intro to Psychology | 3 | PSYC-101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
HIST-C170 | US History to 1876 | 3 | HIST-111 | United States History I | 3 |
PHIL-C115 | Logic/ Critical Thinking | 3 | PHIL-201 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 |
ANTH-C100 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | ANTH-220 | Peoples of the World | 3 |
ART-C101 | Hist/Appreciation Art 2 | 3 | ART-102 | Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital | 3 |
HLTH-C100 | Health | 3 | PE-222 | Wellness Lifestyles | 3 |
SOC-C100 | Intro to Sociology | 3 | SOC-101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
MATH-C100 | Liberal Arts Math | 3 | MATH-123 | Math in Modern Society | 3 |
ENGL-C102 | Critical Reasoning | 3 | ENGL-102 | Writing and Rhetoric II | 3 |
PHYS-C110 | Introduction to Physics | 3 | TREL-100 | Transfer Elective | 3 |
PE-C190/L | Physiology of Exercise + Lab | 3 | PE-223 | Exercise Physiology | 3 |
BIOL-C104 | Medical Terminology for Health | 3 | CAOT-179 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
MUS-C103 | World Music | 3 | MUSH-163 | Survey of World Music | 3 |
PSYC-C255 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 | PSYC-211 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
BIOL-C225 | Human Physiology | 4 | BIOL-228 | Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver | 4 |
BIOL-C225 | Human Physiology | 4 | BIOL-228L | Human Anat & Phys II Lab | 0 |
PHIL-120 | Ethics | 3 | PHIL-103 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
SPAN-180 | Elementary Spanish 1 | 5 | SPAN-101 | Elementary Spanish I | 5 |
HIST-175 | US History Since 1876 | 3 | HIST-112 | United States History II | 3 |
HLTH-100 | Health | 3 | PE-222 | Wellness Lifestyles | 3 |
PSYC-C168 | Peer Counslr Trng Adols | 3 | TREL-100 | Transfer Elective | 3 |
ENGL-C100P | English Composition | 3 | ENGL-101 | Writing and Rhetoric I | 3 |
MATH-C030 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 | MATH-108 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 |
ENGL-C140 | Intro to Literature | 3 | ENGL-175 | Literature and Ideas | 3 |
COMM-C100 | Intro to Mass Communication | 3 | COMJ-140 | Mass Media in a Free Society | 3 |
COUN-C105 | Succeeding in College | 3 | CSC-105 | College Study Skills | 3 |
FN-C170 | Nutrition | 3 | BIOL-207 | Concepts Human Nutrition | 3 |
PHIL-C100 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 | PHIL-101 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
MATH-C010 | Elementary Algebra | 4 | MATH-025 | Elementary Algebra | 4 |
HUM-C110 | Humanities Thru Arts | 3 | HUMS-101 | Introduction to the Humanities | 3 |
BUS-C120 | Personal Financial Plng | 3 | BUSA-180 | Personal Finance | 3 |
BUS-C222 | Small Bus Oper Mgmt | 3 | BMGT-266 | Small Bus & Entrepreneur Mgmt | 3 |
BUS-C110 | Legal Environment Bus | 3 | BUSA-265 | Legal Envrnmt of Business | 3 |
FREN-C180 | Elementary French 1 | 5 | FREN-101 | Elementary French I | 5 |
MUS-C100 | Music Hist/Appreciation | 3 | MUSH-101 | Survey of Music | 3 |