HCT-101 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
HCT-100 |
Intro to Health Professions |
2 |
ALTH-106 |
Working in Health Care |
2 |
CIS-101 |
Computer Information Systems |
3 |
CS-100 |
Intro Computer Science |
3 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
1 |
MICR-111 |
Introduction to Microbiology |
3 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
MICR-111L |
Intro to Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
MICR-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
TRG4X-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
MICR-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
TRG4L-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lab |
1 |
NUTR-239 |
Human Nutrition |
3 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3 |
PHYS-100 |
Survey of Physics |
3 |
TRG4X-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
PHYS-100L |
Survey of Phys Lab |
1 |
TRG4L-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lab |
1 |
PHYS-101 |
Introduction to Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-101L |
Introduction to Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-102 |
Introduction to Physics II |
3 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
3 |
PHYS-102L |
Intro to Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
4 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
4 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
4 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
0 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
4 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
4 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
4 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
0 |
PHYS-211 |
Physics Scientist & Engineers |
4 |
PHYS-211 |
Engineering Physics I |
4 |
PHYS-211L |
Phys Scientists & Engineer Lab |
1 |
PHYS-211L |
Engineering Physics Lab I |
1 |
ART-101 |
Art History I |
3 |
ART-101 |
Art History Caves to Cathedral |
3 |
ART-102 |
Art History II |
3 |
ART-102 |
Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital |
3 |
ART-105 |
Design I |
3 |
ART-121 |
2-D/Design Foundations |
3 |
CUL-207 |
Intro American Indian Lit |
3 |
AIST-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature & Ideas |
3 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature and Ideas |
3 |
HUM-101 |
Intro to Humanities I |
3 |
HUMS-101 |
Introduction to the Humanities |
3 |
HUM-102 |
Intro to Humanities II |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSI-108 |
Survey of Jazz & Pop Music |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
PHIL-101 |
Intro to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL-101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
ANTH-101 |
Physical Anthropology |
3 |
TRG6-100 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
CRJ-103 |
Intro to Las & Justice |
3 |
TRG6-100 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
HIST-101 |
World History |
3 |
HIST-101 |
World History I |
3 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United State History I |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United State History II |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3 |
POLS-102 |
Intro to Political Science |
3 |
POLS-105 |
Introduction Political Science |
3 |
ENGL-203 |
Fundamentals Prof Writing |
3 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3 |
BSN-216 |
Business Statistics |
3 |
BUSA-251 |
Business Statistics |
3 |
MATH-147 |
Precalculus |
5 |
MATH-147 |
Precalculus |
5 |
MATH-153 |
Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
MATH-153 |
Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
4 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
4 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
4 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
BIOL-120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ENSI-119 |
Intro to Environmental Science |
4 |
BIOL-120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ENSI-119L |
Environmental Science Lab |
0 |
BIOL-201 |
Biology I |
3 |
BIOL-115 |
Intro Life Sciences |
3 |
BIOL-201L |
Biology I Lab |
1 |
BIOL-115L |
Intro Life Sciences Lab |
1 |
CHEM-100 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-100 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101L |
Introduction to Chemistry Lab |
0 |
CHEM-102 |
Essentials Organic & Biochem |
4 |
CHEM-102 |
Essentials Organic & Biochem |
4 |
CHEM-102 |
Essentials Organic & Biochem |
4 |
CHEM-102L |
Essentials Organic/Biochem Lab |
0 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
ENGL-215 |
Survey of World Mythology |
3 |
ENGL-216 |
Mythology |
3 |
SOC-102 |
Social Problems |
3 |
SOC-102 |
Social Problems |
3 |
PSY-150 |
Human Life Span & Development |
3 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
ECO-100 |
Economic Issues |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CHE-111 |
General College Chem I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
4 |
CHE-111 |
General College Chem I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
CHE-112 |
General College Chem II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
4 |
CHE-112 |
General College Chem II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
COM-101 |
Fundamentals of Speech |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
ENG-102 |
Critical Reading & Writing |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
ENG-202 |
Technical Communication |
3 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3 |
MAT-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
4 |
MAT-123 |
Mathematics in Modern Society |
4 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
MAT-143 |
College Algebra |
4 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3 |
MGT-121 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
MGT-215 |
Business Law |
3 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3 |
POL-101 |
Intro to American Government |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
PSY-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
BIO-228 |
Human Anat Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228 |
Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver |
4 |
BIO-228 |
Human Anat Phys II + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228L |
Human Anat & Phys II Lab |
0 |
BIO-227 |
Human Anat Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227 |
Human Anat & Phys I |
4 |
BIO-227 |
Human Anat Phys I + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227L |
Human Anat & Phys I Lab |
0 |
BIO-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
BIO-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
ENG-101 |
English Composition |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
HCT-118 |
Cert Nurse Assistant Training |
4 |
ALTH-130 |
Nursing Assistant (CNA) |
4 |
COMM-101 |
Fund of Oral Communication |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
MUSI-100 |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
MUSI-100 |
Introduction to Music |
3 |