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El Camino College

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
HIST-1A US History to 1877 3 HIST-111 United States History I 3
ART-12B Freehand Drawing 3 ART-112 Drawing II 3
ART-15A Painting Fundamentals I 3 ART-231 Beginning Painting I 3
ART-12A Freehand Drawing 2 ART-111 Drawing I 2
PE-54A Basic Weight Training 1 PE-110R Strength Training 1
HIST-5B Hist Eng/Great Britain 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
PE-61ABC Off Seas Trng Wmn Soccer 2 PE-101WF VS Strength Women's Soccer 2
CH-1 Persnl/ Communty Health Iss 3 PE-222 Wellness Lifestyles 3
MATH-40 Elementary Algebra 4 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 4
ENGL-A Writing the College Essay 3 ENGL-099 Fund for Writing 3
MATH-70 Intermediate Algebra 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 5
THTRE-1 Intro to the Theatre 3 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 3
HIST-102 U S History - 1877- Present 3 HIST-112 United States History II 3
PE-15ABC Men Intercol Bsktball Team 3 PE-111A Basketball 3
ELECT-402 Math of Electronics II 2 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2
ELECT-112 Direct Current Circuits 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 4
ELECT-103 Altrntng Current Circuits 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 4
MATH-A Elementary Algebra 4 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 4
ESL-55 Engl Sec Lang-Coll Studnt 4 ESL-101 ESL Composition 4
MATH-1 Second Course in Algebra 4 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 4
ESL-53B Inter Writing/Grammar 4 ESL-100 English As a Second Language 4
MATH-2A Trigonometry 3 MATH-144 Precalculus II: Trigonometry 3
PHYS-11 Descriptive Intro-Physics 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
MATH-2B Pre-Calculus 4 MATH-147 Precalculus 4
ELECT-130 Digital Syst/Comptr Logic 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 4
ELECT-132 Micrcmptr Systems/Repairs 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 4
ELECT-235 Intro Micrproc/Interfacng 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 4
MATH-5A Sgl Var Cal/Anlyt Geom I 4 MATH-170 Calculus I 4
ANATOMY-32 Princ Human Anatomy 4 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 4
ANATOMY-32 Princ Human Anatomy 4 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
SPAN-1 Elementary Spanish I 4 SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I 4
MUSIC-31A Beginning Piano I 2 MUSA-145 Piano Class I 2
FAID-1 First Aid Cpr/Accdnt Prvnt 2 PE-288 First Aid 2
MAST-4 Medical Terminology 3 CAOT-179 Medical Terminology 3
CHEM-21A Survey Gen/Organic Chem 4 CHEM-101 Introduction to Chemistry 4
CHEM-21A Survey Gen/Organic Chem 4 CHEM-101L Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0
PS-1 Governments Us/Calif 3 POLS-101 American National Government 3
ENGL-1B Literature/Composition 3 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
PHYSIOL-31 Human Physiology 4 BIOL-228 Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver 4
PHYSIOL-31 Human Physiology 4 BIOL-228L Human Anat & Phys II Lab 0
SPAN-2 Elementary Spanish II 4 SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II 4
PSYCH-5 General Psychology 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
MUSIC-35A Beginning Voice Class I 2 MUSA-112 Introduction to Voice 2
SPCH-1 Effective Speaking 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3
SPAN-3 Intermediate Spanish I 4 SPAN-201 Intermediate Spanish I 4
MUSIC-35B Beginning Voice Class II 2 MUSA-114A Voice 2
SPAN-4 Intermediate Spanish II 4 SPAN-202 Intermediate Spanish II 4
ANTH-2 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH-220 Peoples of the World 3
MUSIC-53ABCD Chorale 2 MUSP-103 NIC Cardinal Chorale 2
PE-208ABCD Bowling 1 PE-110Y Bowling 1
ENGLISH-1A Read & Composition 3 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
ENGLISH-A Basic 3 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3