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Lower Columbia College

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
PSYC-100 General Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
SOC-101 Intro to Sociology 5 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3.35
PSYC-200 Lifespan Psychology 5 PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 3.35
BTEC-181 Medical Terminology 3 CAOT-179 Medical Terminology 2.01
ENGL-101 English Composition 5 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3.35
ENGL-102 English Composition 5 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3.35
PSYC-111 General Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 5 PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 3.35
SPCH-101 Intro Speech Communication 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 2.01
MATH-092 Elementary Algebra 5 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 3.35
SOCY-110 Intro to Sociology 5 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3.35
MATH-112 College Algebra 5 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 3.35
SPCH-110 Intro to Public Speaking 5 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3.35
CHEM-121 Intro to Chemistry 5 CHEM-101 Introduction to Chemistry 3.35
CHEM-121 Intro to Chemistry 5 CHEM-101L Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0
HIST-136 US History I 5 HIST-111 United States History I 3.35
MUSC-119 American Music 5 MUSH-127 Surv Amer Popular Music 3.35
NUTR-101 Nutrition 5 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 3.35
BIOL-160 General Biology 5 BIOL-100 Concepts of Biology 3.35
BIOL-160 General Biology 5 BIOL-100L Concepts of Biology Lab 0
HLTH-100 Occupational Safety/Hlth 3 PE-288 First Aid 2.01
ECON-201 Microeconomics 5 ECON-202 Principles of Microeconomics 3.35
ECON-202 MacRoeconomics 5 ECON-201 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.35
HUM-116 Humanities I 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
SPAN-123 Spanish Iii: Div 5 SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II 3.35
BUS-206 Statistical Methods 5 BUSA-251 Business Statistics 3.35
BUS-201 Business Law 5 BUSA-265 Legal Envrnmt of Business 3.35
MATH-125 Applied College Algebra 5 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 3.35
CIS-110 Microcomputer Applications 3 CAOT-162 Introduction to Computer Appl 2.01
MATH-078/079 Pre-College Math I 5 MATH-015 Pre-Algebra 3.35
ART-106 Basic Design 5 ART-121 2-D/Design Foundations 3.35
BUS-101 Introduction to Business 5 BUSA-101 Intro to Business 3.35
CHEM-110 Chemical Concepts W/Lab 5 CHEM-100 Concepts of Chemistry 3.35
CHEM-110 Chemical Concepts W/Lab 5 CHEM-100L Concepts of Chemistry Lab 0
BIOL-260 General Microbiology 5 BACT-250 General Microbiology 3.35
BIOL-260 General Microbiology 5 BACT-250L General Microbiology Lab 0
HDEV-100 New Student Orientation 1 CSC-100 College Transition 0.67
MATH-070 Review of Math Fundamtls 5 MATH-015 Pre-Algebra 3.35
PHED-128 Weight Training 2 PE-110R Strength Training 1.34
MATH-091 Pre-Algebra 5 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 3.35
BUS-144 Mgmt/Human Relations: Div 5 BMGT-260 Human Resource Management 3.35
MATH-106 Industrial Math 5 MATH-022 Technical Math for MACH/CADT 3.35
SPCH-126 Competitive Public Spkng 2 TRCO-100 Communication Transfer Course 1.34
SPCH-290 Forensic Mgmt/Organizatn 1 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 0.67
POLS-220 The Law & Social Issues 5 TRSS4-200 Social Science Gr 4 Trans Crse 3.35
CHEM-100 Introductory Chemistry 5 CHEM-100 Concepts of Chemistry 3.35
CHEM-100 Introductory Chemistry 5 CHEM-100L Concepts of Chemistry Lab 0
BIOL-100 Survey of Biology 5 BIOL-100 Concepts of Biology 3.35
BIOL-100 Survey of Biology 5 BIOL-100L Concepts of Biology Lab 0
FW-110 Wildlife Conservation 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
FREN-103 Elementary French 5 FREN-102 Elementary French II 3.35
SDEV-299 Independent Study 1 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 0.67
ART-110 Intro to Art Appreciation 5 ART-100 Introduction to Art 3.35
CHEM-151 General Chemistry 5 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 3.35
CHEM-151 General Chemistry 5 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
ART-228 History of Art 5 ART-102 Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital 3.35
BSAD-288 Cooperative Education 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.68
CIS-107 Intro to Excel 1 CAPS-130 Spreadsheets/Excel I 0.67
BSAD-289 Coop Education Seminar 1 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 0.67
HUMN-250 Seminar 1 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 0.67
BIOL-120 Human Biology 5 BIOL-175 Human Biology 3.35
BIOL-120 Human Biology 5 BIOL-175L Human Biology Lab 0
BIOL-221 Human Anatomy/Physiology 5 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 3.35
BIOL-221 Human Anatomy/Physiology 5 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
NURS-090 Nursing Assistant 6 ALTH-130 Nursing Assistant (CNA) 4.02
BIOL-222 Human Anatomy/Physiology 5 BIOL-228 Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver 3.35
BIOL-222 Human Anatomy/Physiology 5 BIOL-228L Human Anat & Phys II Lab 0
BIOL-257 General Microbiology 5 BIOL-250 General Microbiology 3.35
BIOL-257 General Microbiology 5 BIOL-250L General Microbiology Lab 0
TECH-100 Adv Principle Technology 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
MATH-098/099 Pre-College Math III 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3.35
ART-130 Intro to Graphic Design 4 GDES-133 Adobe InDesign-Layout & Comp 2.68
MATH-088/089 Pre-College Math II 5 MATH-025 Elementary Algebra 3.35
WELD-151 Intro to Oxy Acetylene 6 WELD-197L Oxy/Fuel Cutting Lab 4.02
WELD-221 Wire Machine 6 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 4.02
WELD-222 Adv Wire Machine 6 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 4.02
SPCH-114 Small Grp Communication 5 COMM-236 Small Group Communication 3.35
BIOL-241 Human A & P 1 6 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 4.02
BIOL-241 Human A & P 1 6 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
SPAN-121 Spanish I: Div 5 SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I 3.35
ART-241 Beginning Ceramic Art 3 ART-261 Ceramics I 2.01
AH-104 Health Care Foundations 2 ALTH-106 Working in Health Care 1.34
AH-114 Hlth Care Comm Skills 2 ALTH-107 Communication for Health Prof 1.34
BIOL-170 Human Biology 5 BIOL-175 Human Biology 3.35
BIOL-170 Human Biology 5 BIOL-175L Human Biology Lab 0
MATH-210 Elements of Statistics 5 MATH-253 Statistical Methods 3.35
PHED-104 Begin Pilates & Stretch 1 PE-110M Pilates 0.67
CHEM-120 Nutrition 5 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 3.35
COLL-093/094 Test Taking + Note Taking 2 CSC-105 College Study Skills 1.34