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Phoenix College

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
ENH-111 Lit/American Experience 3 ENGL-278 Great American Writers II 3
MAT-151 College Algebra/Functions 4 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 4
SPA-101 Elementary Spanish I 4 SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I 4
RDG-091 College Prep Reading 3 CSC-013 Reading Comp/Vocabulary 3
CRE-101 College Critical Reading 3 CSC-104 College Reading 3
AJS-101 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 CJ-103 Intro to Criminal Justice 3
ENH-110 Intro to Literature 3 ENGL-175 Literature and Ideas 3
CIS-133DA Internet/Web Dev Lev I 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
IFS-102 Intro Info Skills in Glbl Scty 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
NAV-101 Elementary Navajo I 4 TRFL-100 Foreign Language Transfer Crse 4
BPC-110 Computer Usage and Application 3 CAOT-162 Introduction to Computer Appl 3
LAS-101 Intro to Law 3 CJ-205 Criminal Procedures 3
MAT-120 Intermediate Algebra 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 5
SLG-101 American Sign Language I 4 ASL-101 Elem American Sign Language I 4
ENG-101 First Year Composition 3 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 3
CIS-105 Survey Computer Info Systems 3 CS-100 Intro Computer Science 3
ENG-102 First Year Composition 3 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
SOC-101 Intro to Sociology 3 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3
SOC-157 Sociology Familes & Relationsh 3 SOC-220 Marriage and Family 3
AJS-213 Eviden Tech/Fingerprints 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
CHM-230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry 3 CHEM-275 Carbon Compounds 3
CHM-130 Fundamental Chemistry 3 CHEM-101 Introduction to Chemistry 3
CHM-130LL Fundamental Chemistry Lab 1 CHEM-101L Introduction to Chemistry Lab 1
PSY-101 Intro to Psychology 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
PSY-240 Developmental Psychology 3 PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 3
ACC-115 Microcomputer Accounting 2 ACCT-110 Small Business Accounting 2
ACC-212 Managerial Accounting 3 ACCT-202 Managerial Accounting 3
COM-100 Intro to Human Communication 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3
ACC-221 Tax Accounting 3 ACCT-246 Current Business Taxes 3
BPC-114AG Quattro Pro: Level 1 1 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 1
BIO-201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 4
BIO-201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
BIO-202 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 BIOL-228 Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver 4
BIO-202 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 BIOL-228L Human Anat & Phys II Lab 0
NUR-156/157 Nurse Assisting + Lab 4 ALTH-130 Nursing Assistant (CNA) 4
HCC-130 Fund in Hlth Care Delvry 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
HCC-145AA Med Trm Hlth Care Wrk I 1 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 1