ART-101 |
Fund Drawing |
4 |
ART-111 |
Drawing I |
2.68 |
MUSIC-182 |
Guitarcls I |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
PE-226 |
Golf Adv |
1 |
PE-111B |
Beginning Golf |
0.67 |
CMST-294 |
Spec Topics |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BT-106 |
Comp Essent |
5 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3.35 |
HUC-125 |
Medical Term |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
CHEM-121/122 |
Intro Chem/Orgchem |
7.5 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
5.03 |
CHEM-121/122 |
Intro Chem/Orgchem |
7.5 |
CHEM-101L |
Introduction to Chemistry Lab |
0 |
CHEM-122/123 |
Org Chem/Biochem |
7.5 |
CHEM-105 |
General, Organic, and Biochem |
5.03 |
CHEM-122/123 |
Org Chem/Biochem |
7.5 |
CHEM-105L |
General Organic & Biochem Lab |
0 |
CATT-238 |
Adv Excel I |
2.5 |
CAOT-132 |
Spreadsheets/Excel III |
1.68 |
PE-235 |
Gymnastics |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
BUS-100 |
Money Mgmt |
3 |
BUSA-180 |
Personal Finance |
2.01 |
CJ-208 |
Fitness Sem |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PE-151 |
Th/Cond Tenn |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
AQUAT-110 |
Swimming Int |
1 |
PE-110A |
Begin/Interm Swimming |
0.67 |
PE-208 |
Tennis Adv |
1 |
PE-111F |
Beginning Tennis |
0.67 |
PE-158 |
Tech Tennis |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HED-104 |
Med Term/Ana |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
EDUC-202 |
Intro Educ |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGHRT-105 |
Hort Sales |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AGHRT-111 |
House Plants |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGHRT-116 |
Gm Bus Mgmt |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGHRT-103 |
Intr Gh Prd |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AGHRT-109 |
Veg Grdn |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
AGHRT-185 |
Aghort Oc |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MACH-113/124 |
Blueprint I & II |
4 |
MM-155 |
Industrial Blueprints |
2.68 |
BT-105 |
Gramr Bus II |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CIS-240 |
Intro Netwrk |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CMST-121 |
Job Com Skil |
3 |
COMM-111 |
Interview Techniques |
2.01 |
HS-102 |
Intro HS |
5 |
HSS-101 |
Intro to Human Serv |
3.35 |
ENG-205 |
Tech Writing |
5 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3.35 |
HM-115 |
Food Sanitat |
3 |
CULA-111 |
Food Safety and Sanitation |
2.01 |
PSYC-220 |
Abnormal Psych |
5 |
PSYC-211 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PHYS-120 |
Med Phys Lab |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HIST-219 |
Nativ Hist |
5 |
HIST-240 |
American Indian History |
3.35 |
HIM-161 |
Hlth Mmgt Is |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
CIS-126 |
Dbms/Sql |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CIS-154 |
Beg Flash |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CIS-239 |
Softprojmgmt |
2.5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.68 |
CIS-258 |
Asp Net |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PHYS-115 |
Physics Tele |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
LA-219 |
Crim Proceds |
3 |
PLEG-260 |
Criminal Law and Procedure |
2.01 |
LA-207 |
Dom Rel/Est |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-125 |
Law Pro/Tech |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-221 |
Prop Real Tr |
3 |
PLEG-240 |
Real Estate and Property Law |
2.01 |
ACCT-51 |
Basic Acct |
5 |
ACCT-110 |
Small Business Accounting |
3.35 |
MATH-146 |
Intro Stats |
5 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3.35 |
PE-256 |
Tech Soccer |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PE-241 |
Th/Cond Socr |
2 |
PE-111M |
Soccer |
1.34 |
ENGL-241 |
Bible As Lit |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PE-177 |
Body Bond Bg |
1 |
PE-110R |
Strength Training |
0.67 |
SUR-105 |
Disease Central |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MATH-104 |
Comp Math |
3 |
MCTE-105 |
Technical Math for MACH/CADT |
2.01 |
OFFTC-131 |
Ad Wrdperfct |
2 |
CAOT-121 |
Word Processing/Word II |
1.34 |
OFFTC-161 |
Msword-Win |
2 |
CAOT-120 |
Word Processing/Word I |
1.34 |
HIM-120 |
Ma Code Reimb |
3 |
CAOT-168 |
Integrated Med Office Software |
2.01 |
GUID-102 |
Strat Succes |
2 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
1.34 |
HM-288 |
Coop Ed Exp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ART-112 |
Nonwestart |
5 |
ART-102 |
Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital |
3.35 |
OCEA-101 |
Intro Ocean |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
LE-201 |
Law of Arrst |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
OFFTC-128 |
Off Math App |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
PE-114 |
Beg Karate |
1 |
PE-110X |
Kenpo Karate |
0.67 |
PE-214 |
Adv Karate |
1 |
PE-110XX |
Intermediate Kenpo Karate |
0.67 |
SSCI-096 |
Typing Skill |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
0.67 |
GBUS-120 |
Intrnatl Bus |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
GENST-132 |
Life Perspec |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
EMS-293 |
Indep Study-Field Intern |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
EMS-291 |
Indep Study-Field Intern |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
PE-285 |
Aerobic Fit |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
BCS-280 |
Bus Info Sys |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
GENST-266 |
Coop Ed Sem |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
GENST-267 |
Coop Ed Exp |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
PE-135 |
Gymnastics |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
PSYC-204 |
Research Method |
5 |
PSYC-218 |
Intro to Research/Behavior Sci |
3.35 |
ENGL-151 |
Read Study 1 |
5 |
CSC-104 |
College Reading |
3.35 |
POLS-102 |
Compar Govt |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HUM-102 |
Intr Wom Stud |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HED-106 |
Disease Proc |
5 |
MAST-180 |
Introduction to Human Disease |
3.35 |
LIFE-129 |
Emt-B |
10.3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.9 |
FILM-141 |
Intro Film |
5 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3.35 |
MET-105 |
Prnt Read |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PHARM-119 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PHARM-122 |
Advanced Pharmacology |
5 |
PHAR-150 |
Introduction to Pharmacology |
3.35 |
ENGL-112 |
Intro Fiction |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MATH-087 |
Math Lit I |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
HEQ-131 |
Power Train |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-132 |
Power Trn App |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
HEQ-261 |
Shop Prcedrs |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-262 |
Pract Shop |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
HEQ-294 |
Spec Problms |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AGGEN-153 |
Oxy Acet Wld |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
HEQ-241 |
Hydraul Thry |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-242 |
Hydraul App |
9 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
HEQ-251 |
Practical Shop Procedures |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-252 |
Practical Shop |
9 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
WELD-117 |
Arc Applicat |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ARCFT-115 |
Intro Maint |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-116 |
Int Maint Sh |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ARCFT-117 |
Gen Arc Main |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HIM-103 |
Him Thry/Prc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HIM-162 |
Elec Hlth Rcd |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LIFE-132 |
Advanced Life Support II |
15 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
10.05 |
LIFE-133 |
Advanced Life Support III |
18 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
12.06 |
LIFE-134 |
Advanced Life Support IV |
21 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
14.07 |
COS-242 |
Int Apps II |
10 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
COS-251 |
Adv Cos I |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-252 |
Adv Apps I |
10 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
COS-261 |
Adv Cos II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-262 |
Adv Apps II |
10 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
MMGT-125 |
Soc Marketing |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
APLED-113 |
Int Comp Tec |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-101 |
Intro Cosmo |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
COS-111 |
Cosmet 1 |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-112 |
Cos Apps I |
12 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
8.04 |
COS-121 |
Cosmet-Ii |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-122 |
Cos Apps II |
11 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
7.37 |
COS-131 |
Int Cos I |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
COS-132 |
Int Apps I |
11 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
7.37 |
COS-241 |
Int Cos II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PE-170 |
Intro Pe |
3 |
PE-160 |
Foundations of Physical Ed. |
2 |
MATH-088 |
Math Lit II |
5 |
MATH-025 |
Elementary Algebra |
3.35 |
MATH-100 |
Voc Tech Mth |
4 |
MCTE-101 |
Technical Mathematics |
2.68 |
ICT-217 |
Tch Skl Pci |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
NCT-253 |
Echocardio I |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
ICT-224 |
Ad Prac/Mgmt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ICT-225 |
Ped Cath |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
ICT-226 |
Stats/Rsrch |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
ICT-227 |
Electro Phys |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ICT-228 |
Tech Skl/Ped |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ICT-229 |
Cath Clin III |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ICT-234 |
Brd Registry |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ICT-235 |
Cath Clin IV |
12 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
8.04 |
ENGL-095 |
Read Lab |
5 |
CSC-013 |
Reading Comp/Vocabulary |
3.35 |
ENGL-098 |
Writing Lab |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-101 |
Rc Funds I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BT-100 |
Beg Keyboard |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
0.67 |
ANTH-210 |
Indians North America |
5 |
ANTH-225 |
Native People of North America |
3.35 |
SBM-101 |
Start Small Business |
5 |
BMGT-266 |
Small Bus & Entrepreneur Mgmt |
3.35 |
PHIL-210 |
Ethics |
5 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3.35 |
MATH-021 |
Develop Math |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
HLTH-102 |
Health Enhancement |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NURS-108 |
Nursing Assistant Certified |
6 |
ALTH-130 |
Nursing Assistant (CNA) |
4.02 |
HLTH-174 |
First Aid |
3 |
PE-288 |
First Aid |
2.01 |
ZOOL-122 |
Vertibrate Zoology + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-202 |
General Zoology |
3.35 |
ZOOL-122 |
Vertibrate Zoology + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-202L |
General Zoology Lab |
0 |
NUTRI-251 |
Nutrition |
5 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3.35 |
MATH-096 |
Intro Algebra |
5 |
MATH-025 |
Elementary Algebra |
3.35 |
SOC-211 |
Marriage and Family |
5 |
SOC-220 |
Marriage and Family |
3.35 |
HLTH-101 |
Health & Wellness |
3 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
2.01 |
PSYC-210 |
Con-Adol Dev |
5 |
CHD-134 |
Infancy-Middle Childhood |
3.35 |
BIOL-260 |
Microbiology |
5 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3.35 |
BIOL-260 |
Microbiology |
5 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
0 |
BIOL-241 |
Anat Physiol I + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-227 |
Human Anat & Phys I |
3.35 |
BIOL-241 |
Anat Physiol I + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-227L |
Human Anat & Phys I Lab |
0 |
BIOL-242 |
Anat Physiol II + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-228 |
Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver |
3.35 |
BIOL-242 |
Anat Physiol II + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-228L |
Human Anat & Phys II Lab |
0 |
PHYS-100 |
Int Phys + Lab |
5 |
PHYS-101 |
Fundamentals Physical Science |
3.35 |
PHYS-100 |
Int Phys + Lab |
5 |
PHYS-101L |
Fund Phys Science Lab |
0 |
HRC-125 |
Medical Terminology |
5 |
BUSO-109 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
PHIL-106 |
Intro Logic |
5 |
PHIL-201 |
Logic and Critical Thinking |
3.35 |
HLTH-104 |
Stress Management |
3 |
PE-226 |
Stress Management |
2.01 |
HED-125 |
Medical Terminology |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
CHEM-110 |
Chem Conc + Lab |
5 |
CHEM-100 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
3.35 |
CHEM-110 |
Chem Conc + Lab |
5 |
CHEM-100L |
Concepts of Chemistry Lab |
0 |
MSEC-108 |
Med Off Comp |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NURS-215 |
Adv Con I |
10 |
TRRN-200 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
6.7 |
NURS-225 |
Adv Conc II |
10 |
TRRN-200 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
6.7 |
NURS-226 |
Health Mgmt |
2 |
TRRN-200 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
1.34 |
NURS-235 |
Adv Conc III |
11 |
TRRN-200 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
7.37 |
OFFTC-196 |
Skilbuild |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MUSC-109 |
World Music |
5 |
MUSH-163 |
Survey of World Music |
3.35 |
PE-184 |
Aerobic Danc |
1 |
DANC-105 |
Aerobic Dance/Fitness |
0.67 |
ENG-261 |
Pop Novels |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PLANT-101 |
Ag Plant Bio |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CHEM-120 |
Organic & Biochem for Hlth Sci |
5 |
CHEM-105 |
General, Organic, and Biochem |
3.35 |
CHEM-120 |
Organic & Biochem for Hlth Sci |
5 |
CHEM-105L |
General Organic & Biochem Lab |
0 |
FLPT111/112/114 |
Hydraul Calc, Basics + Lab |
12 |
MM-156 |
Industrial Hydraulics |
8.04 |
AOS-090 |
Gramr Bus II |
5 |
CAOT-183 |
Business Editing & Proofread |
3.35 |
AOS-102 |
Docu Process |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MSEC-121 |
Med Recp |
5 |
MAST-111 |
Admin Skills for Med Asst I |
3.35 |
ACCT-151 |
Acct I |
5 |
ACCT-110 |
Small Business Accounting |
3.35 |
MSEC-102 |
Med Term/Ana |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
CMST-127 |
Leader Dev |
5 |
BLDR-122 |
Leadership |
3.35 |
CMST-287 |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HSEAR-101 |
5 |
ASL-101 |
Elem American Sign Language I |
3.35 |
NATRS-112 |
Math Applic |
5 |
TRMA-100 |
Math Transfer Course |
3.35 |
NATRS-122 |
Trig Applic |
5 |
TRMA-100 |
Math Transfer Course |
3.35 |
WATER-120 |
Hydr Tec/Fld |
5 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3.35 |
WATER-205 |
Leveling |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PE-218 |
Bowling Adv |
1 |
PE-110Y |
Bowling |
0.67 |
BOT-111 |
Plant Str + Lab |
5 |
TRLS-100 |
Lab Science Transfer Course |
3.35 |
ENGL-113 |
Intro Poetry |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AUTO-130 |
Sv Auto Tran |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.1 |
AUTO-111 |
Thry Brakes |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AUTO-112 |
Thry Brk Rep |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AUTO-131 |
Suspension |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AUTO-132 |
Suspension 2 |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGGEN-157 |
Arc Welding |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
AUTO-115 |
Thry Elec Ac |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AUTO-116 |
Diag Electro |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AUTO-215 |
Adv Thry Ele |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AUTO-216 |
Adv Dia Elec |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
GBUS-102 |
Math Skl Bus |
3 |
TRMA-100 |
Math Transfer Course |
0.1 |
CIS-111 |
XHTML Basics |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CIS-146 |
Intro Prog |
5 |
CS-125 |
Intro to Visual Basic |
3.35 |
CIS-282 |
Beg Java |
5 |
CS-213 |
Language of CS: Java |
3.35 |
CIS-130 |
Web Design |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
GEOL-100 |
Srv Earth Sc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MATH-212 |
Math for Elem Educ II |
5 |
MATH-257 |
Math for Elem Teach II |
3.35 |
MATH-092 |
Elementary Algebra II |
5 |
MATH-025 |
Elementary Algebra |
3.35 |
GEOG-230 |
World Geography |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ART-108 |
Anc/Med Art |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HIST-240 |
Modmideast |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HSEAR-101/102 |
ASL I & II |
10 |
ASL-101 |
Elem American Sign Language I |
6.7 |
HED-121 |
Cultural Div |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
NURS-116 |
Nurs Founds |
9 |
TRRN-100 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
6.03 |
NURS-126 |
Pharm Nurses |
2 |
TRRN-100 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
1.34 |
SURG-100 |
Intro Surg T |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SURG-107 |
Surg Environ |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
SURG-120 |
Disease Cntl |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
SURG-101 |
Surgicl Proc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
SURG-104 |
Central Serv |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
SURG-111 |
Tech Skll I |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
SURG-202 |
Surgicl Proc |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
SURG-212 |
Tech Skll II |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ARCFT-118 |
Gen Maint Sh |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ARCFT-119 |
Adv Gen Main |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-120 |
Adv Maint Sh |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ARCFT-135 |
Bas Arf Main |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-136 |
Maint Shop |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-137 |
Arfm Struc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-138 |
Af Struc Shp |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-139 |
Arfm Sys |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-140 |
Af Sys Shop |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-235 |
Adv Arfm Sys |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-236 |
Adv Sys Shop |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-237 |
Int Ap Maint |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-238 |
Int Ap Shop |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-245 |
Arcft Eng I |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-246 |
Arcft Shp I |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-247 |
Arcft Eng II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-248 |
Arcft Shp II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-255 |
Pp Sys Cmp I |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-256 |
Pwrplt I Shp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-257 |
Pp Sys II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCFT-258 |
Pwrplt II Shp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HEQ-111 |
Basic Elec |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-112 |
Bas Elec App |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
APLED-112 |
Applied Math |
3 |
MCTE-101 |
Technical Mathematics |
2.01 |
HEQ-121 |
Bas Eng Thry |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
HEQ-122 |
Bas Eng Appl |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
CARP-011 |
Intr Carpntr |
10 |
CARP-141 |
Intro to Carpentry & Construct |
6.7 |
CARP-012 |
App Carpntry |
9 |
CARP-146 |
Framing Applications |
6.03 |
ARCHT-071 |
Bl Prnt Read |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
CARP-021 |
Prin Carpntr |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
CARP-022 |
App Carpntry |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
PE-122 |
Skiing Beg |
1 |
PE-110P |
Skiing/Snowboarding |
0.67 |
CARP-031 |
Carpntry-Cab |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
CARP-032 |
App Carpntry |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
FS-101 |
Fire Company |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
FS-102 |
Fire Company |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
FS-266 |
Coop Ed Sem |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FS-267 |
Coop Ed Exp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FS-121 |
Fire Company |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
FS-122 |
Fire Company |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
FS-131 |
Fire Company |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
FS-132 |
Fire Company |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
FS-266 |
Coop Ed Sem |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
FS-267 |
Coop Ed Exp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ACCT-101/102 |
Princ Acct |
10 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
6.7 |
ACCT-101 |
Princ Acct |
5 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
3.35 |
HLTH-270 |
Nutr for Fit |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
2.01 |
ENG-209 |
Eng Lit |
5 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3.35 |
FRNCH-101 |
Elem French |
5 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
3.35 |
NURS-112 |
Cult Diversity |
1 |
TRCD-100 |
Cultural Diversity Trans Crse |
0.67 |
VASC-100 |
Intro Echo |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
VASC-112 |
Vasc Fund |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
VASC-113 |
Electrophy |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
VASC-116 |
Acute Cr Syn |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
VASC-117 |
Crdio Phrm 1 |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
VASC-125 |
Ultra Phys I |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
JOURN-220 |
News Writing |
5 |
COMJ-121 |
Introduction to Media Writing |
3.35 |
JOURN-103 |
College News |
2 |
COMJ-100 |
The Sentinel |
1.34 |
BCS-114 |
Java Script |
4 |
CS-213 |
Language of CS: Java |
2.68 |
CIS-256 |
Vbasic Prog |
5 |
CS-125 |
Intro to Visual Basic |
3.35 |
MSEC-103 |
Disease Proc |
5 |
MAST-180 |
Introduction to Human Disease |
3.35 |
AOS-196 |
Skilbuild |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
0.67 |
HED-103 |
Success H.C. |
4 |
ALTH-106 |
Working in Health Care |
2.68 |
SOC-261 |
Crim Justice |
5 |
TRLE-200 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
3.35 |
MA-111 |
Admin Ma II |
3 |
MAST-211 |
Administrative Skills II |
2.01 |
MA-112 |
Clin Ma II |
5 |
MAST-201 |
Clinical Skills Med. Assts. II |
3.35 |
MA-120 |
Ma Cod Reimb |
5 |
CAOT-186 |
Medical Coding |
3.35 |
MA-125 |
Amb Pharm |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MA-131 |
Fin/Mgmgt |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
MA-132 |
Clin Ma IV |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MA-141 |
Ma Sem |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MA-142 |
Ma Extern |
6 |
MAST-216 |
Medical Assistant Externship |
4.02 |
HUM-201 |
Human PP & F |
5 |
HUMS-200 |
Interdisciplinary Seminar |
3.35 |
ENGL-096 |
Read Improve |
5 |
CSC-104 |
College Reading |
3.35 |
MATH-124 |
Calculus I |
5 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
3.35 |
BIOL-221 |
Eco/ Evol + Lab |
5 |
TRLS-200 |
Lab Science Transfer Course |
3.35 |
BIOL-223 |
Org/ Phys + Lab |
5 |
TRLS-200 |
Lab Science Transfer Course |
3.35 |
BIOL-223 |
Org/ Phys + Lab |
5 |
TRLS-100 |
Lab Science Transfer Course |
3.35 |
MMGT-101 |
Prin Mgt |
5 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3.35 |
MATH-108 |
College Alg |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
2.01 |
POLSC-201 |
Stat Loc Gov |
5 |
POLS-102 |
State and Local Government |
3.35 |
PE-216 |
Basktbl Adv |
1 |
PE-111A |
Basketball |
0.67 |
GBUS-100 |
Money Mgmt |
3 |
BUSA-180 |
Personal Finance |
2.01 |
GBUS-280 |
Human Rel Bs |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ACCT-052 |
Basic Acct |
5 |
ACCT-202 |
Managerial Accounting |
3.35 |
GBUS-284 |
Spcl Topics |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
MMGT-266 |
Coop Ed Sem |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
GBUS-104 |
Bus Math |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MMGT-102 |
Selling |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
MMGT-103 |
Goal Devel |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MMGT-104 |
Time Mgmt |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
MMGT-105 |
Decision Mak |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
CHEM-114 |
Intro Chem |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HED-291 |
Indep Study |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
OFFTC-123 |
Writ Update |
3 |
CAOT-183 |
Business Editing & Proofread |
2.01 |
MSEC-190 |
Medical WPRC |
4 |
CAOT-205 |
Business Doc Format/Transcript |
2.68 |
MSEC-146 |
Med Trans I |
10 |
CAOT-216 |
Medical Transcription I |
6.7 |
MSEC-147 |
Med Trans II |
10 |
CAOT-217 |
Medical Transcription II |
6.7 |
MSEC-150 |
Practicum |
8 |
CAOT-227 |
Medical Transcription Intern I |
5.36 |
MSEC-240 |
Med Off Tran |
5 |
CAOT-183 |
Business Editing & Proofread |
3.35 |
ART-110 |
Modern Art |
5 |
ART-100 |
Introduction to Art |
3.35 |
ENG-225 |
Ad Expos Wrt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
OFFTC-109 |
Gramr & Punc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
OFFTC-231 |
Off Procedure |
5 |
CAOT-210 |
Office Proc & Technologies |
3.35 |
OFFTC-151 |
Bus Stu Prep |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PE-164 |
Tech Bsktbal |
3 |
TRPE-200 |
PE Transfer Course |
2.01 |
PE-143 |
Th/Cond Bskl |
2 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
1.34 |
HIST-107 |
Hist World |
5 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3.35 |
ENG-245 |
American Lit |
5 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3.35 |
PHYS-101 |
Phy 101 + Lab |
5 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3.35 |
PHYS-101 |
Phy 101 + Lab |
5 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
0 |
CJ-132 |
CJ Phys Trnb |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
CJ-101 |
Crime Just |
5 |
CJ-103 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3.35 |
ACCT-141 |
Int Comp Apps |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
SURG-125 |
Microbiology |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
SURG-130 |
Surgicl Term |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
SURG-102 |
Surgicl Proc |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
SURG-109 |
Relat Theory |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
SRUG-112 |
Surg Proc Lab |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
SURG-131 |
Prog Issu Or |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SURG-155 |
Op Rm PRAC |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
SURG-103 |
Surgical Proc |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SURG-150 |
Surg Tec Sem |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SURG-156 |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
NATRS-205 |
Surveying |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ENVS-210 |
Soil Science |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-220 |
Intro Gis |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ENVS-208 |
Outdoor Recr |
3 |
PE-237F |
Outdoor Navigation |
2.01 |
ENVS-211 |
Weather Clim |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-221 |
Gis Apps |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HIM-160 |
Ocmp App |
5 |
CAOT-162 |
Introduction to Computer Appl |
3.35 |
HED-145 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
PHAR-150 |
Introduction to Pharmacology |
2.01 |
PE-141 |
Th/Cond Socr |
2 |
PE-111M |
Soccer |
1.34 |
AQUAT-115 |
Swimming |
1 |
PE-110A |
Begin/Interm Swimming |
0.67 |
HSEAR-102 |
5 |
ASL-102 |
Elem American Sign Language II |
3.35 |
SPCH-291 |
Indep Study-Spch |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
CJ-250 |
Career A/J |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
CJ-251 |
Career Dev |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
CJ-200 |
Officer Surv |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CJ-211 |
Crime Scene |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
CMST-111 |
Voice I |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CMST-112 |
Voice II |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ASL-121/122 |
Asl I + II |
7.5 |
ASL-101 |
Elem American Sign Language I |
5.03 |
ASL-122/123 |
Asl II + III |
7.5 |
ASL-102 |
Elem American Sign Language II |
5.03 |
FS-100 |
Orient Fire |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
CUL-110 |
Intro Arts |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CUL-115 |
Food Sanitat |
3 |
CULA-150 |
Sanitation and Safety |
2.01 |
SPAN-122 |
Spanish II |
5 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
3.35 |
PHYS-121 |
Med Phys Lab |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CUL-124 |
Cook Apps I |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
CUL-126 |
Food Science |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HM-116 |
Nutr for Hm |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HM-110 |
Intro Hosp |
5 |
HOSP-100 |
Intro Hospitality and Tourism |
3.35 |
HM-160 |
Housekeeping |
3 |
HOSP-120 |
Supervisory Housekeeping |
2.01 |
HM-112 |
Hosp Math |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
BUS-140 |
Intl Mkting |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HM-205 |
Hr Law |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NURS-135 |
Perinat Nur |
5 |
TRRN-100 |
Registered Nursing Trsf Crse |
3.35 |
MET-123 |
Tech Math I |
5 |
MCTE-101 |
Technical Mathematics |
3.35 |
MA-107 |
Med Assist |
3 |
PE-288 |
First Aid |
2.01 |
HIST-214 |
Pac NW Hist |
5 |
HIST-223 |
History of Pacific Northwest |
3.35 |
MET-101 |
Intro Eng |
2 |
ENGR-123 |
Introduction to Engineering |
1.34 |
MET-114 |
Eng Graph 1 |
4 |
ENGR-105 |
Engineering Graphics |
2.68 |
BT-101 |
Keyboarding |
5 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
1.68 |
BT-101 |
Keyboarding |
5 |
CAOT-113 |
Keyboarding II |
1.67 |
CJ-105 |
Intr Traffic |
3 |
TRLE-100 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
3 |
CJ-103 |
Police Org |
1 |
TRLE-100 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
0.67 |
CJ-235 |
Fire Arms |
2 |
TRLE-200 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
2 |
CJ-236 |
Fire Arms |
2 |
TRLE-200 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
1.34 |
CJ-235 |
Fire Arms |
2 |
TRLE-200 |
Law Enforcement Transfer Crse |
1.34 |
CJ-242 |
CJ Phys Trn |
3 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
2.01 |
GEOL-115 |
Geol Telecrs |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CHEM-123 |
Intro to Biochemistry |
5 |
CHEM-105 |
General, Organic, and Biochem |
3.35 |
CHEM-123 |
Intro to Biochemistry |
5 |
CHEM-105L |
General Organic & Biochem Lab |
0 |
AUTO-113 |
Thry Tran/Ax |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AUTO-114 |
Diag Tran/Ax |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AUTO-213 |
Av Thry Tran |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
AUTO-214 |
Adv Diag Tra |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
HIST-103 |
West Civilization |
5 |
HIST-103 |
History of Civ 20th Century |
3.35 |
HIT-125 |
Medical Term |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
HM-267 |
Coop Ed Exp |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HM-141 |
Maintenance |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HM-155 |
Hosp Purchas |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
HM-208 |
H Sales Mkt |
5 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3.35 |
HM-220 |
Tourism |
5 |
RRM-100 |
Intro to Hospitality & Tourism |
3.35 |
HM-130 |
Human Relat |
5 |
HRA-110 |
Diversity & Human Relations |
3.35 |
HM-202 |
Front Office |
5 |
HOSP-110 |
Front Office Procedures |
3.35 |
OFFTC-103 |
Formatting |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
OFFTC-114 |
Steno Shrtnd |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HM-150 |
Basic Foods |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HM-158 |
Menu Plan |
3 |
CULA-173 |
Special Food Desg/Event Menu |
2.01 |
HM-151 |
Rest Mgt |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
HM-157 |
Food Control |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HM-158 |
Menu Plan |
3 |
RRM-225 |
Event Planning and Management |
2.01 |
ACCT-051 |
Basic Acct |
5 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
3.35 |
HM-101 |
Intro to Hr |
3 |
BMGT-260 |
Human Resource Management |
2.01 |
HM-152 |
Food Sanitat |
2 |
CULA-150 |
Sanitation and Safety |
1.34 |
POLS-125 |
Glbliss |
5 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics/Problem |
3.35 |
DRMA-108 |
Rehears Perf |
5 |
THEA-190 |
Theatre Practice |
3.35 |
ENVS-110 |
Plant Biol |
5 |
BIOL-231 |
General Ecology |
3.35 |
ENVS-110 |
Plant Biol |
5 |
BIOL-231L |
Gen Ecol Lab |
0 |
GEOL-116 |
Environ Geol |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PHARM-115 |
Mathematics for Pharmacy Tech |
5 |
MCTE-102 |
Comp Skills Allied Health |
3.35 |
APLED-123 |
Leader Skills |
4 |
BLDR-122 |
Leadership |
2.68 |
APLED-125 |
Employ Prep |
3 |
ATEC-117 |
Occupational Rlatns/Job Search |
2.01 |
PE-217 |
Kickboxing |
1 |
PE-110K |
Cardio Kickboxing |
0.67 |
GEOL-210 |
Geol P NW + Lab |
5 |
GEOL-123 |
Geol Idaho/Pac NW |
3.35 |
GEOL-210 |
Geol P NW + Lab |
5 |
GEOL-123L |
Geol ID/Pac NW Lab |
0 |
CHEM-161/162 |
Chem Hlth Sci + Lab I & II |
7.5 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
5.03 |
CHEM-161/162 |
Chem Hlth Sci + Lab I & II |
7.5 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
CHEM-162/163 |
General Chem W/Lab II & III |
7.5 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
5.03 |
CHEM-162/163 |
General Chem W/Lab II & III |
7.5 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
POLSC-203 |
Islam & West |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HUMAN-202 |
Wom World |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
HUM-107 |
Int Cult |
5 |
HUMS-200 |
Interdisciplinary Seminar |
3.35 |
ENG-098 |
Writing Lab |
4 |
ENGL-045 |
Writers Workshop |
2.68 |
PE-287 |
Cross Train |
2 |
PE-110V |
Cardio Cross Training |
1.34 |
CMST-250 |
Conflict Mgt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CIS-112 |
Web Graphics |
5 |
GDES-255 |
Web Design II |
3.35 |
ENVS-104 |
Env Cons |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CMST-266 |
Genter Com |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CMST-226 |
Gender Com |
5 |
TRCO-200 |
Communication Transfer Course |
3.35 |
POLSC-202 |
Polsc Phil |
5 |
PHIL-205 |
Political & Social Philosophy |
3.35 |
MILIT-101 |
Physical Educ |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
MILIT-102 |
Physical Educ |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
MILIT-104 |
Hlth & Well |
3 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
2.01 |
GOVT-191 |
Student Sen |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
GOVT-195 |
Activ Board |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
GOVT-192 |
Student Sen |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
GOVT-196 |
Activ Board |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
ASTR-115 |
Astrnmy Tel |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
GEOL-101 |
Princ of Geol + Lab |
5 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3.35 |
GEOL-101 |
Princ of Geol + Lab |
5 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
0 |
ELECT-150 |
Intro to Dc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELECT-151 |
Intro to AC |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELECT-152 |
Solid State |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BCS-105 |
Comp Fnd Voc |
4 |
CAOT-164 |
Computer Fundamentals for Tech |
2.68 |
OFFTC-100 |
Key for Comp |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
0.67 |
SPCH-121 |
Job Com Skill |
2 |
ATEC-117 |
Occupational Rlatns/Job Search |
1.34 |
ENG-088 |
Intro Writ Voc |
3 |
ENGL-045 |
Writers Workshop |
2.01 |
SPCH-127 |
Leader Dev |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ENG-088/089 |
Writ Voc |
6 |
ENGL-045 |
Writers Workshop |
4.02 |
ISFTY-111 |
Ind Frst Aid |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SPCH-250 |
Conflict Mgt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NCT-113 |
Electrophy I |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-110 |
Physical Sci |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-111 |
Rc Funds I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-112 |
Ph Med Tm I |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
NCT-123 |
Electrphy II |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-120 |
Rc Funds II |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-130 |
Fd Sp Bga |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-131 |
Cp Anat Phys |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-132 |
Rc Funds III |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-133 |
Ph Med Tm II |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-134 |
Rc Clin I |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-140 |
Rc Funds IV |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
RT-141 |
Med Surg Rc |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-142 |
Comp Appl Rc |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-143 |
Rc Clin II |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
RT-210 |
Crit Care I |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
RT-211 |
Acls |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
RT-212 |
Rc Clin III |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
RT-213 |
Pvdi |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-214 |
Pd Clinic I |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-215 |
Cp Pathophys |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-220 |
Crit Care II |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
RT-221 |
Perinatal Rc |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-222 |
Rc Clin IV |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-223 |
Adv Pul Diag |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
RT-224 |
Adv Pd Clin |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
RT-230 |
Cur Trend Rc |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
RT-231 |
Pmps |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
RT-232 |
Sarhrc |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
RT-233 |
Fund Mmgt Hc |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
RT-234 |
Rc Clin V |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CET-122 |
Survey Theory |
5 |
ENGR-214 |
Surveying |
3.35 |
CET-123 |
Intro to Cad |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
GEOL-110 |
Environ Geol |
5 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
3.35 |
GEOL-110 |
Environ Geol |
5 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
0 |
CET-133 |
Fld Survey |
8 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
CET-136 |
Statics |
6 |
ENGR-210 |
Statics |
4.02 |
CET-161 |
Land Survey |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CET-111 |
Tech Math |
8 |
MATH-024 |
Technical Mathematics |
5.36 |
CET-112 |
Plan Reading |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CET-113 |
Drafting |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CIS-105 |
Comp Fnd Voc |
3 |
CAOT-164 |
Computer Fundamentals for Tech |
2.01 |
CET-121 |
Ap Tech Math |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
BT-165 |
Word Proc |
5 |
CAPS-120 |
Word Processing/Word I |
1.12 |
BT-165 |
Word Proc |
5 |
CAPS-121 |
Word Processing/Word II |
1.12 |
BT-165 |
Word Proc |
5 |
CAPS-122 |
Word Processing/Word III |
1.11 |
BT-231 |
Off Procedur |
5 |
CAOT-210 |
Office Proc & Technologies |
3.35 |
BT-272 |
Bus Corres |
5 |
ENGL-272 |
Business Writing |
3.35 |
ACCT-201 |
Princ Acct |
5 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
3.35 |
BT-160 |
Job Prep Tec |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
BT-201 |
Info Process |
5 |
BUSA-240 |
Computer Sys/Bus Applications |
3.35 |
BT-202 |
Adv Info Pro |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BT-263 |
Int Off App |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BT-280 |
Proj Mgmt Off |
3 |
BLDR-222 |
Project Management |
2.01 |
BT-285 |
Adm Intrnshp |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
BT-250 |
Info Tech |
5 |
CAOT-162 |
Introduction to Computer Appl |
3.35 |
BT-260 |
Adm Off Mgt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BUS-280 |
Human Rel Bs |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CATT-241 |
Project |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CATT-128 |
Desktop Pub |
5 |
CAOT-160 |
Desktp Publishing/Publisher I |
1.675 |
CATT-128 |
Desktop Pub |
5 |
CAOT-161 |
Desktp Publishing/Publisher II |
1.675 |
FS-152 |
Bldg Constr |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-130 |
Ethics |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
LA-130 |
Ethics |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
LA-110 |
Resrch/Writ |
5 |
PLEG-210 |
Legal Research and Writing I |
3.35 |
LA-100 |
Leg Careers |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
LA-101 |
Intro Paralg |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
LA-217 |
Business Org |
3 |
PLEG-265 |
Business Organizations |
2.01 |
LA-220 |
Torts |
3 |
PLEG-135 |
Torts |
2.01 |
LSEC-239 |
Legal Format |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
BUS-204 |
Intro Law |
5 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3.35 |
LA-135 |
Prof Effect |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
LA-215 |
Com Transact |
3 |
PLEG-125 |
Contracts |
2.01 |
LA-240 |
Sp Issue Sem |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LSEC-237 |
Leg Term |
5 |
PLEG-115 |
Legal Terminology |
3.35 |
MSEC-101 |
Med Term/Ana |
5 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
3.35 |
LA-105 |
Crt Rules |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-118 |
Inst Dr |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-201 |
Int Probate |
3 |
PLEG-245 |
Estate and Probate |
2.01 |
LA-240 |
Sp Issue Sem |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-245 |
Legal Wk Exp |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
IBE-202 |
Intg Bus II |
10 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
LA-120 |
Law Off Comp |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
LA-218 |
Employ Law |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
LA-230 |
Insur Law |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
IBE-203 |
Intg Bus III |
10 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
LA-285 |
Leg Off Intn |
3 |
PLEG-290 |
Paralegal Internship I |
2.01 |
LSEC-216 |
Leg Off Proc |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
LA-245 |
Legal Wk Exp |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
IBE-201 |
Intg Bus I |
10 |
BMGT-266 |
Small Bus & Entrepreneur Mgmt |
6.7 |
LA-225 |
Trial Prep |
3 |
PLEG-105 |
Civil Procedure and Litigation |
2.01 |
SPAN-102 |
Elem Span 2 |
5 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
3.35 |
EMS-120 |
BC First Aid |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
BIOL-100 |
Enviro Biol + Lab |
5 |
ENSI-119 |
Intro to Environmental Science |
3.35 |
BIOL-100 |
Enviro Biol + Lab |
5 |
ENSI-119L |
Environmental Science Lab |
0 |
ENVS-207 |
Wildlife Biol |
5 |
BIOL-290 |
Prin Wildlife Biology |
3.35 |
AQUAT-136 |
Aquatic Fit |
1 |
PE-110U |
Water Aerobics |
0.67 |
CATT-190/191 |
Powerpoint I/Ii |
5 |
CAOT-150 |
PowerPoint |
3.35 |
COS-123 |
Esth Conc I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
COS-124 |
Esth Apps I |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
COS-123 |
Esth Conc I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
COS-125 |
Esth Con II |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
COS-126 |
Esth Apps II |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
PHIL-120 |
Symbl Logic |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MATH-201 |
Finite Math |
5 |
MATH-130 |
Finite Mathematics |
3.35 |
GEOG-101 |
Intro Geog |
5 |
GEOG-100 |
Physical Geography |
3.35 |
GEOG-101 |
Intro Geog |
5 |
GEOG-100L |
Physical Geography Lab |
0 |
MATH-020 |
Math Ctr 1 |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
PHYS-102 |
Phys 102 |
5 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3.35 |
PHYS-102 |
Phys 102 |
5 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
0 |
MATH-097 |
Intermediate Algebra |
5 |
MATH-025 |
Elementary Algebra |
3.35 |
BT-102 |
Docu Process |
5 |
BLDR-160 |
Business Communications |
3.35 |
BT-109 |
Bus Commun |
5 |
CAOT-183 |
Business Editing & Proofread |
3.35 |
ARCHT-134 |
Elec Mec Sys |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
ARCHT-110 |
Draft Fund |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ARCHT-114 |
Arch Math |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
ARCHT-120 |
Res Arc Theo |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
ARCHT-124 |
Adv Arc Math |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ARCHT-125 |
Bldg Codes |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ARCHT-126 |
Intro to Cad |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ARCHT-130 |
Res Bldg Mat |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
CATT-102 |
Intro Outlook |
2.5 |
CAOT-115 |
Outlook |
1.68 |
CATT-138 |
MS Excel I |
2.5 |
CAOT-130 |
Spreadsheets/Excel I |
1.68 |
BUS-103 |
Bus Math Cal |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CATT-122 |
Ms Access I |
2.5 |
CAOT-140 |
Database/Access I |
1.68 |
MMGT-100 |
Supr Vol Exp |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
PE-126 |
Golf Beg |
1 |
PE-111B |
Beginning Golf |
0.67 |
MATH-094 |
Algebra II |
5 |
MATH-025 |
Elementary Algebra |
3.35 |
MATH-095 |
Mathematics Center 2 |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
ACCT-201/202 |
Princ Acct |
7.5 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
5.03 |
ACCT-202/203 |
Princ Acct |
7.5 |
ACCT-202 |
Managerial Accounting |
5.03 |
ENG-277 |
Introfiction |
5 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature and Ideas |
3.35 |
AIRC-255 |
Inst Pract |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
AIRC-264 |
Serv Ht Pump |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
ELECT-110 |
Compfundelec |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
ELECT-111 |
Dc Circuits |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
ELECT-112 |
Dc Cir Lab |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELECT-113 |
Dc/Ac Math |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELECT-121 |
Ac Circuits |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
ELECT-122 |
Ac Cir Lab |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELECT-123 |
Advdc/Acmath |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGGEN-152 |
Arc Welding |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
APLED-121 |
App Writ Com |
4 |
ECTE-100 |
Fundamentals for Writing |
2.68 |
FLPT-230 |
Adv Pnu Thry |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-231 |
Adv Pnu Lab |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-232 |
Mech Drv Try |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-233 |
Mech Drv Lab |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-234 |
Vel/Load Cal |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
FLPT-121 |
Pneumatc Thr |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
FLPT-122 |
Drawing Fund |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-123 |
MacH Control |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
GENAG-053 |
Oxy Acet Wld |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FLPT-111 |
Hydraul Calc |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-112 |
Hydral Basics |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-113 |
Blueprnt Read |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FLPT-114 |
Bsc Hydr Lab |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-131 |
Hydraul Syst |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
FLPT-132 |
Fluid Line |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-133 |
Fld Line Con |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-134 |
Shop Drawing |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-135 |
Fluid Ln Cal |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-251 |
Hydraul Circ |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FLPT-252 |
Hydr Cmp Rep |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
FLPT-253 |
Flo Line Lay |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
FLPT-254 |
Adv Hydr Lab |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-241 |
Fluid Power |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-242 |
MacH Tool Op |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
FLPT-243 |
Prog Control |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
FLPT-244 |
M F & S Calc |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
GENAG-052 |
Arc Welding |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FLPT-261 |
Hydr Cmp Tst |
6 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
FLPT-262 |
Hydraul Man |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-263 |
Powr Unt Fab |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
GENAG-061 |
Ad Main Weld |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
ARCH-126 |
Intro to Cad |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
MET-113 |
Com Fund Eng |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-111 |
Elect Math |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-112 |
Elect Theory |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-113 |
Safety Tools |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-114 |
Matr 7 Fastn |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-123 |
Ac Theory |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-124 |
Motor Maint |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-262 |
Raceways |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-122 |
Dc Circuits |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-131 |
Solid State |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-132 |
Dc Gen Motor |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-135 |
Dc Mtr Cntrl |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-252 |
Transformers |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-133 |
Ac Motr/Altn |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-251 |
Nsl Elct Cde |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-134 |
Int Ac Cntrl |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-243 |
Prog Cntrlrs |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-253 |
Nec Artc 430 |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-241 |
Ac Motor Ctl |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-244 |
Ss Motor Ctl |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-242 |
Adv Ac Cntrl |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-254 |
Pgm Cntrl Ap |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-265 |
Adv Prog Cnt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ELMT-263 |
Wirng Tcneqs |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
ELMT-268 |
Pgm Integrat |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AIRC-262 |
Thry & Auto |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
AIRC-265 |
Ddc Systems |
8 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
FLPT-271 |
Pneumatc Thr |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-272 |
Pneumat Math |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
FLPT-273 |
Hydraul Theo |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
FLPT-274 |
Appl Hydraul |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AIRC-114 |
Princ Elec |
8 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
AIRC-117 |
Heat Trans |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AIRC-115 |
Elec Apps |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
AIRC-128 |
Heating Fund |
8 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
AIRC-137 |
Serv & Trbl |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
AIRC-201 |
Refrig Fund |
8 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
AIRC-202 |
Thermo Ref |
8 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
AIRC-263 |
Trblesht A/C |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
AIRC-125 |
Layout Fab |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AIRC-246 |
Load Calcs |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AIRC-247 |
Oil Heat Sys |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
AIRC-249 |
Hydronic Sys |
7 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
DENT-138 |
Office Mgt |
3 |
MAST-111 |
Admin Skills for Med Asst I |
2.01 |
DENT-118 |
Dent Anatomy |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
DENT-139 |
Chair Cl Exp |
8 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
5.36 |
DENT-121 |
Chairs Asst |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
DENT-122 |
Ch Rel Theor |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
DENT-124 |
Adv Dent Rad |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
DENT-126 |
Restor Tech |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
DENT-129 |
Chair Cl Exp |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
DENT-131 |
Adv Ch Asst |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
DENT-136 |
Dent Res Tec |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SOC-221 |
Race/Ethnic |
5 |
SOC-251 |
Race and Ethnic Relations |
3.35 |
DENT-111 |
Dental Asst |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
DENT-112 |
Ch Rel Theor |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
DENT-114 |
Dent Radiol |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
DENT-116 |
Restor Tech |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
MMGT-211 |
Marketing |
5 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3.35 |
MMGT-212 |
Retailing |
5 |
BMKT-231 |
Principles of Retailing |
3.35 |
MMGT-218 |
Fund Advertising |
5 |
BMKT-241 |
Fund Promotion & Advertising |
3.35 |
MMGT-231 |
Human Resource Mgt |
5 |
BMGT-236 |
Human Resource Management |
3.35 |
AQUAT-230 |
Lifeguard Training |
2 |
PE-259 |
Lifeguard Training |
1.34 |
CATT-120 |
MS Word I |
2.5 |
CAOT-120 |
Word Processing/Word I |
1.68 |
CIS-110 |
Computer App |
5 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3.35 |
CATT-123 |
MS Access II |
2.5 |
CAOT-141 |
Database/Access II |
1.68 |
CATT-121 |
MS Word II |
2.5 |
CAOT-121 |
Word Processing/Word II |
1.68 |
CATT-190 |
Powerpoint |
2.5 |
CAOT-150 |
PowerPoint |
1.68 |
CATT-139 |
MS Excel II |
2.5 |
CAOT-131 |
Spreadsheets/Excel II |
1.68 |
CMST-220 |
Public Speaking |
5 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3.35 |
MATH-093 |
Algebra I |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
PE-117 |
Kickboxing |
1 |
PE-110K |
Cardio Kickboxing |
0.67 |
SURG-105 |
Pathogens |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
PSY-200 |
Lifespan Psy |
5 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3.35 |
MATH-091 |
Elem Algebra I |
5 |
MATH-015 |
Pre-Algebra |
3.35 |
PE-207 |
Jogging |
1 |
PE-110J |
Jogging/Powerwalking |
0.67 |
PE-100 |
Fit for Life |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
PE-186 |
Fast Fitness |
1 |
PE-110F |
Cardiovascular Training |
0.67 |
PE-107 |
Jogging |
1 |
PE-110J |
Jogging/Powerwalking |
0.67 |
ENGL-097 |
Basic Writing |
5 |
ENGL-045 |
Writers Workshop |
3.35 |
ENGL-099 |
Impr Writing |
5 |
ENGL-099 |
Fund for Writing |
3.35 |
PE-106 |
Yoga Fitness |
1 |
PE-110E |
Beginning Yoga |
0.67 |
PE-187 |
Cross Train |
2 |
PE-110V |
Cardio Cross Training |
1.34 |
PE-206 |
Yoga Fitness |
1 |
PE-110E |
Beginning Yoga |
0.67 |
PE-147 |
Th/Cond Trck |
2 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
1.34 |
SPAN-123 |
Spanish III |
5 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
3.35 |
CHEM-162 |
General Chem W/Lab II |
5 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
3.35 |
MMGT-205 |
Sm Bus Plan |
5 |
BMGT-266 |
Small Bus & Entrepreneur Mgmt |
3.35 |
PHIL-101 |
Intro Philosophy |
5 |
PHIL-101 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
3.35 |
ASTR-100 |
Survey Astronomy |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
PE-185 |
Aerobic Fit |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
NUTRI-150 |
Gen Nutritn |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
2.01 |
ASL-122 |
Asl II |
5 |
ASL-102 |
Elem American Sign Language II |
3.35 |
ARCFT-011 |
Int Gen Arcf |
15 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
10.05 |
ARCFT-012 |
Bas Gen Shop |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
ARCFT-013 |
Adv Gen Arcf |
15 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
10.05 |
ARCFT-014 |
Adv Gen Shop |
7 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.69 |
ARCFT-031 |
Bas Airframe |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-032 |
Bs Afrm Shop |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-033 |
Adv Airframe |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-034 |
Ad Afrm Shop |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-041 |
Bas Powrplnt |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-042 |
Bas Powr Shp |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-043 |
Adv Powrplnt |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-044 |
Adv Powr Ship |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-075 |
Theor Review |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
ARCFT-076 |
Ar-Powr Shop |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
CJ-104 |
Scene Diag |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CJ-201 |
Law of Arrst |
5 |
CJ-205 |
Criminal Procedures |
3.35 |
CJ-150 |
Rpt Writing |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CJ-205 |
Criminal Law |
5 |
CJ-205 |
Criminal Procedures |
3.35 |
CJ-108 |
Intr Traffic |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
CJ-217 |
Adv Rpt Wrt |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
CJ-237 |
CJ Self Def |
3 |
PE-110O |
Self-Defense |
2.01 |
CJ-266 |
Coop Ed Sem |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.67 |
CJ-267 |
Coop Ed Exp |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
SPAN-122/123 |
Spanish II & III |
7.5 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
5.03 |
MUSC-105 |
Music Apprec |
5 |
MUSH-101 |
Survey of Music |
3.35 |
PE-116 |
Basktbl Beg |
1 |
PE-111A |
Basketball |
0.67 |
ECON-100 |
Fund Econ |
5 |
TRSS4-100 |
Social Science Gr 4 Trans Crse |
3.35 |
NURS-107 |
Women Health |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
PE-188 |
Basic Fit I |
2 |
PE-110F |
Cardiovascular Training |
1.34 |
PE-288 |
Basic Fit II |
2 |
PE-110F |
Cardiovascular Training |
1.34 |
ASL-121 |
5 |
ASL-101 |
Elem American Sign Language I |
3.35 |
PE-200 |
Fit for Life |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
EMS-128 |
EMT-B Lect |
9 |
EMS-101 |
Basic EMT |
6 |
EMS-129 |
3.1 |
EMS-103 |
Basic EMT Lab & Practicum |
2 |
SPAN-121 |
Spanish I |
5 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
3.35 |
MATH-098 |
Algebra III |
5 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3.35 |
AQUAT-101 |
Swimming Beg |
1 |
PE-110A |
Begin/Interm Swimming |
0.67 |
PE-286 |
Fast Fitness |
1 |
TRPE-200 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
PE-239 |
Wt Train |
1 |
PE-110R |
Strength Training |
0.67 |
PE-270 |
Nutr for Fit |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
2.01 |
NATRS-110 |
Forest Plant |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-111 |
Natrs Seminar |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
NATRS-112/122 |
Math Applic/Trig Applic |
10 |
MATH-024 |
Technical Mathematics |
6.7 |
NATRS-120 |
Basic Comp |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
NATRS-202 |
Dendrology |
5 |
BIOL-241 |
Systematic Botany |
3.35 |
NATRS-202 |
Dendrology |
5 |
BIOL-241L |
Systematic Botany Lab |
0 |
NATRS-101 |
Env Conserve |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-121 |
Natrs Seminar |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
NATRS-215 |
Forest Meas |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-130 |
Chainsaw Opr |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
NATRS-204 |
Aerial Photo |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-205/235 |
Surveying/Adv Survey |
8 |
ENGR-214 |
Surveying |
5.36 |
NATRS-205/235 |
Surveying/Adv Survey |
8 |
ENGR-214L |
Surveying Lab |
0 |
NATRS-209 |
Silviculture |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-216 |
Forest Inv |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-230 |
Global Sys |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
NATRS-210 |
Soil Science |
5 |
BIOL-205 |
General Soils |
3.35 |
NATRS-210 |
Soil Science |
5 |
BIOL-205L |
General Soils Lab |
0 |
NATRS-220/221 |
Adv Comp/GIS Apps |
9 |
CADT-249 |
GIS/Cartography |
6.03 |
NATRS-225 |
N R Occup Exp |
2 |
BIOL-101 |
Intro to Natural Resources |
1.34 |
ENVSC-218 |
Env Plan |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
NATRS-207 |
Wildlife Bio |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-208 |
Outdoor Recr |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-203 |
Forest Hrvst |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
NATRS-217 |
Frshwtr Fish |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
WATER-109 |
Intro Water |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
AGGEN-151 |
Ag Shop Skls |
4 |
OPRV-105 |
Orient/Safety/Shop Practices |
2.68 |
AGGEN-154 |
Small Engine |
4 |
OPRV-110 |
2- and 4-Cycle Gas Engines |
2.68 |
NATRS-201 |
Fores Protec |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
WATER-233 |
Hyd Projects |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
PE-201 |
Volleyball Adv |
1 |
PE-111G |
Volleyball |
0.67 |
WATER-209 |
Water Qualit |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
SPAN-101 |
Elem Spanish |
5 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
3.35 |
GBUS-204 |
Intro Law |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
ART-109 |
Ren/Bar Art |
5 |
ART-102 |
Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital |
3.35 |
MMGT-288 |
Coop Ed Exp |
5 |
ATEC-194 |
Cooperative Workbased Learng I |
3.35 |
VCT-110 |
Optics |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
VCT-111 |
Ocular A&p |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
VCT-112 |
Intro Pretest |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
VCT-130 |
Mech Optics |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
VCT-123 |
Dispensing |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
VCT-124 |
Pharmacology |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
VCT-125 |
Adv Pretesting |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
VCT-126 |
Contact Lens |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
VCT-137 |
Specialities |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1.34 |
VCT-138 |
Practicum |
6 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4.02 |
VCT-139 |
Bus Mmgt |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.68 |
HIT-160 |
Com Theo Hi |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HED-108 |
Human Anatomy |
5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3.35 |
MA-101 |
Admin MA I |
5 |
MAST-111 |
Admin Skills for Med Asst I |
3.35 |
MA-102 |
Clin MA I |
3 |
MAST-101 |
Clinical Skills for Med Asst I |
2.01 |
GUID-100 |
College Orientation |
1 |
CSC-100 |
College Transition |
0.67 |
FRCH-121 |
French I |
5 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
3.35 |
FRCH-122 |
French II |
5 |
FREN-102 |
Elementary French II |
3.35 |
GUID-101 |
Career Plan |
2 |
SOSC-107 |
Career Develop & Life Planning |
1.34 |
PE-169 |
Fly Tying |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
PE-269 |
Fly Tying |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
SPCH-101 |
Intro Speech |
4 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
2.68 |
PE-118 |
Bowling Beg |
1 |
PE-110Y |
Bowling |
0.67 |
AQUAT-228 |
Scuba |
1 |
PE-111S |
Beginning Scuba Diver |
0.67 |
PE-101 |
Volleyball Beg |
1 |
PE-111G |
Volleyball |
0.67 |
PHIL-220 |
Philos Religion |
5 |
PHIL-131 |
Introduction to Religion |
3.35 |
PE-119 |
Pool Billiards |
1 |
TRPE-100 |
PE Transfer Course |
0.67 |
PE-139 |
Wt Train Beg |
1 |
PE-110R |
Strength Training |
0.67 |
HIST-260 |
Wash Pacific NW |
5 |
HIST-223 |
History of Pacific Northwest |
3.35 |
ENG-109 |
Grammar & Punc |
5 |
ENGL-045 |
Writers Workshop |
3.35 |
FRNCH-101/102 |
Beg/Elem French |
7.5 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
5 |
FRNCH-102/103 |
Beg/Elem French |
7.5 |
FREN-102 |
Elementary French II |
5 |
SOC-250 |
Sociology of Religion |
5 |
PHIL-131 |
Introduction to Religion |
3.35 |
JOURN-110 |
Mass Media |
5 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
3.35 |
CJ-102 |
Adm Justice |
5 |
CJ-103 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3.35 |
MATH-211 |
Math Elem Educ I |
5 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3.35 |
MATH-099 |
Intermediate Algebra |
5 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3.35 |
HED-109 |
Phys Disease |
5 |
MAST-180 |
Introduction to Human Disease |
3.35 |
MATH-274 |
Elementary Differential Equat |
5 |
MATH-370 |
Intro Ordinary Diff Equations |
3.35 |
POLS-101 |
Intro to Political Science |
5 |
POLS-105 |
Introduction Political Science |
3.35 |
POLS-202 |
American Government |
5 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3.35 |
POLS-201 |
State & Local Government |
5 |
POLS-102 |
State and Local Government |
3.35 |
POLS-203 |
International Relations |
5 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics/Problem |
3.35 |
PSYC-100 |
General Psychology |
5 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3.35 |
PSYC-200 |
Lifespan Psychology |
5 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3.35 |
CMST-101 |
Introduction to Communication |
5 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3.35 |
CMST-103 |
Effective Listening |
3 |
COMM-133 |
Improving Listening Skills |
2.01 |
CMST-114 |
Oral Interpretation of Lit |
5 |
COMM-103 |
Oral Interpretation |
3.35 |
CMST-210 |
Interpersonal Communication |
5 |
COMM-233 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3.35 |
CMST-227 |
Intercultural Communication |
5 |
COMM-220 |
Intercultural Communication |
3.35 |
CMST-230 |
Small Group Communication |
5 |
COMM-236 |
Small Group Communication |
3.35 |
SOC-201 |
Social Problems |
5 |
SOC-102 |
Social Problems |
3.35 |
ZOOL-121 |
Invertebrate Zoology |
5 |
BIOL-202 |
General Zoology |
3.35 |
ZOOL-121 |
Invertebrate Zoology |
5 |
BIOL-202L |
General Zoology Lab |
0 |
MMGT-223 |
Custmr Serv |
3 |
BLDR-105 |
Customer Service |
2.01 |
ART-100 |
Art Appreciation |
5 |
ART-100 |
Introduction to Art |
3.35 |
ANTH-100 |
Survey of Anthropology |
5 |
ANTH-230 |
Intro to Arch/World Prehistory |
3.35 |
ASTR-101 |
Intro to Astronomy |
5 |
PHYS-103 |
Elementary Astronomy |
3.35 |
ASTR-101 |
Intro to Astronomy |
5 |
PHYS-103L |
Elem Astronomy Lab |
0 |
ANTH-206 |
Cultural Anthropology |
5 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3.35 |
BIOL-160 |
General Biology + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
3.35 |
BIOL-160 |
General Biology + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
BIOL-222 |
Majors Cell/Molecular + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-115 |
Intro Life Sciences |
3.35 |
BIOL-222 |
Majors Cell/Molecular + Lab |
5 |
BIOL-115L |
Intro Life Sciences Lab |
0 |
CHEM-121 |
Intro to Chemistry |
5 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
3.35 |
CHEM-121 |
Intro to Chemistry |
5 |
CHEM-101L |
Introduction to Chemistry Lab |
0 |
CHEM-122 |
Intro to Organic Chem + Lab |
5 |
CHEM-275 |
Carbon Compounds |
3.35 |
CHEM-161 |
General Chemistry + Lab |
5 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
3.35 |
CHEM-161 |
General Chemistry + Lab |
5 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
0 |
DRMA-101 |
Intro to Theatre |
5 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3.35 |
ECON-201 |
Micro Economics |
5 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3.35 |
ECON-202 |
Macro Economics |
5 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3.35 |
EDUC-205 |
Intro to Educ W/Field Exp |
5 |
EDUC-201 |
Introduction to Teaching |
3.35 |
ENGL-094 |
Study Skills |
5 |
CSC-105 |
College Study Skills |
3.35 |
ENGL-101 |
English Composition |
5 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3.35 |
ENGL-102 |
Composition II |
5 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3.35 |
ENGL-111 |
Intro to Literature |
5 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature and Ideas |
3.35 |
ENGL-208 |
British Literature to 1800 |
5 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of English Literature |
3.35 |
ENGL-209 |
British Literature Since 1800 |
5 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3.35 |
ENGL-235 |
Technical Writing |
5 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3.35 |
ENGL-236 |
Creative Writing I |
5 |
ENGL-291 |
Creative Writing: Poetry |
3.35 |
ENGL-237 |
Creative Writing II |
5 |
ENGL-292 |
Creative Writing: Fiction |
3.35 |
ENGL-247 |
American Multicultural Lit |
5 |
ENGL-295 |
Contemp US Multicultural Lit |
3.35 |
ENGL-248 |
American Literature to 1865 |
5 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3.35 |
ENGL-249 |
American Literature Since 1865 |
5 |
ENGL-278 |
Great American Writers II |
3.35 |
ENGL-271 |
World Literature to 1650 |
5 |
ENGL-257 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3.35 |
ENGL-272 |
World Literature Since 1650 |
5 |
ENGL-258 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3.35 |
BUS-101 |
Intro to Business |
5 |
BUSA-101 |
Intro to Business |
3.35 |
BUS-104 |
Business Mathematics |
5 |
BUSA-185 |
Business Math |
3.35 |
BUS-105 |
Principles of Leadership |
3 |
BLDR-122 |
Leadership |
2.01 |
BUS-120 |
International Business |
5 |
BUSA-250 |
International Business |
3.35 |
BUS-201 |
Business Law |
5 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3.35 |
BUS-217 |
Business Statistics |
5 |
BUSA-271 |
Stat Inference & Dec Analysis |
3.35 |
HIST-116 |
Western Civilization I |
5 |
HIST-101 |
World History I |
3.35 |
HIST-117 |
Western Civilization II |
5 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3.35 |
HIST-118 |
Western Civilization III |
5 |
HIST-103 |
History of Civ 20th Century |
3.35 |
HIST-136 |
US History I |
5 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3.35 |
HIST-137 |
US History 2 |
5 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3.35 |
HUM-101 |
Intro to Humanities |
5 |
HUMS-101 |
Introduction to the Humanities |
3.35 |
HUM-141 |
Introduction to Film |
5 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3.35 |
MATH-107 |
Math in Society |
5 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3.35 |
MATH-141 |
Precalculus I |
5 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3.35 |
MATH-142 |
Precalculus II |
5 |
MATH-144 |
Precalculus II: Trigonometry |
3.35 |
MATH-148 |
Business Calculus |
5 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
3.35 |
MATH-151 |
Calculus I |
5 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
3.35 |
MATH-152 |
Calculus II |
5 |
MATH-175 |
Analytic Geometry & Calc II |
3.35 |
MATH-153 |
Calculus III |
5 |
MATH-275 |
Analytic Geometry and Calc III |
3.35 |
MATH-221 |
Intro to Probability & Stats |
5 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3.35 |
MATH-245 |
Discrete Mathematics |
5 |
MATH-187 |
Discrete Mathematics |
3.35 |
MATH-220 |
Elementary Linear Algebra |
5 |
MATH-335 |
Linear Algebra |
3.35 |
SOC-101 |
Intro Sociology |
5 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3.35 |
HIST-230 |
Latin American Civilization |
5 |
HIST-131 |
History of Latin America |
3.35 |
CHEM-131 |
Intro to Organic/Biochemistry |
5 |
CHEM-102 |
Essentials Organic & Biochem |
3.35 |
CHEM-131 |
Intro to Organic/Biochemistry |
5 |
CHEM-102L |
Essentials Organic/Biochem Lab |
0 |
MATH-300 |
Math Model Applied Science |
5 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3.35 |
BAK-011 |
BAS Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-012 |
APP Baking |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
BAK-021 |
BAS Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-022 |
APP Baking |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
BAK-031 |
BAS Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-032 |
APP Baking |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
BAK-041 |
ADV Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-042 |
APP Baking |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
MATH-014 |
Math VOC Stu |
2 |
TRMA-100 |
Math Transfer Course |
1.34 |
BAK-051 |
ADV Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-061 |
ADV Baking |
10 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.7 |
BAK-062 |
APP Baking |
9 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
6.03 |
BAK-091 |
Indep Study-Adv Decorat |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2.01 |
HIST-106 |
Hist World |
5 |
HIST-101 |
World History I |
3.35 |