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Univ Connecticut

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
HDFS-220 Human Devel: Adulthood & Aging 3 ALTH-103 Mental Fitness and Aging 3
MATH-1011Q Intr Col Algebra & Math Model 3 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 3
DRAM-101 Intro to Theatre 3 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 3
PSYC-132 General Psych I 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
HIST-101 Modern Europe 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
ENGL-105 English Composition 3 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3
BIOL-1102 Foundations of Biology 4 BIOL-100 Concepts of Biology 4
BIOL-1102 Foundations of Biology 4 BIOL-100L Concepts of Biology Lab 0
ENGL-1011 Seminar Writing Thr Literature 4 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 4
PSYC-1100 General Psychology I 3 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3
UNIV-1800 Univ Learning Skills 1 CSC-100 College Transition 1
ANTH-1006 Intro to Anthropology 3 ANTH-100 Intro to Anthropology 3
GEOG-1200 The City in Western Tradition 3 FLAN-207 Contemp World Cultures 3
HDFS-1070 Individual & Fam Develop 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3
MATH-1070Q Math for Business & Econ 3 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 3
MATH-1030Q Element Discrete Math 3 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 3
STAT-1000Q Intro to Statistics I 4 BUSA-251 Business Statistics 4