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Univ Minnesota Duluth

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
HIST-1208 Europe Modern Age 4 HIST-103 History of Civ 20th Century 4
ART-1600 Photography 2.01 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
SPED-1234 Sensitiv to Hum Var 2.01 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
MATH-1156 Finite Mathematics 2.68 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 2.68
SOC-1300 Intro to Crime Just 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
PHYS-1001 Elementary Physics 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
SOC-1500E Intro Soc Sci 2.68 PSYC-218 Intro to Research/Behavior Sci 2.68
SOC-1500E Intro Soc Sci 2.68 PSYC-218L Res/Behav Sci Lab 0
SOC-1250 Topics in Sociology 1.34 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 1.34
ENGL-1100 Word Proc for Writ 0.67 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 0.67
ENGL-1506 Maj Themse Engl Lit 2.68 ENGL-175 Literature and Ideas 2.68
PE-1506 Sailing 0.67 PE-110D Beginning Sailing 0.67
ENGL-1110 College Writing 2.68 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 2.68
ACCT-1511 Financial Acct I 2.01 ACCT-201 Principles of Accounting 2.01
MATH-1160 Calc Short Course 2.68 MATH-160 Survey of Calculus 2.68
PE-1402 Tennis I 0.67 PE-111F Beginning Tennis 0.67
GEOG-1303E Cultural Geography 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
MATH-1296 Calculus I 3.35 MATH-170 Calculus I 3.35
MU-1209 Jazz Studies 2.68 MUSH-127 Surv Amer Popular Music 2.68
PHYS-1107 General Physics 3.35 PHYS-111 General Physics I 3.35
PHYS-1107 General Physics 3.35 PHYS-111L General Physics I Lab 0
CS-1501 Fortran Programming 2.01 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
SOC-1400 Dev of Soc Theory 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
COMM-1112 Public Speaking 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 3
COMM-1222 Interpersonal Comm 3 COMM-233 Interpersonal Communication 3
PHIL-1007 World Religion 3 PHIL-111 World Religions 3
PE-1300E Ballroom Dance 0.67 DANC-111 Dance Forms 0.67
PE-1620 Aikido 0.67 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 0.67
ANTH-1602 Prehist Cultures 3.35 ANTH-230 Intro to Arch/World Prehistory 3.35
ANTH-1604 Cultural Anth 3.35 ANTH-220 Peoples of the World 3.35
ARTH-1204 World Art II 2.68 ART-102 Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital 2.68
ENGL-1573 20th Century Lit 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
ENGL-1582 Intro to World Lit 2.68 ENGL-175 Literature and Ideas 2.68
GEOG-1413 Physical Geography 3.35 GEOG-100 Physical Geography 3.35
GEOG-1413 Physical Geography 3.35 GEOG-100L Physical Geography Lab 0
PHIL-1001 Problems of Phil 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
SOC-1100 Social Problems 3.35 SOC-102 Social Problems 3.35
ART-1001 Art Today 2.68 ART-100 Introduction to Art 2.68
COMP-1120 College Writing 3.35 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 3.35
GEOG-1201 World Regional Geog 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
PE-1616 Weight Training 0.67 PE-110R Strength Training 0.67
COMM-1000 Human Comm Theory 2.68 COMM-103 Oral Interpretation 2.68
COMM-1500 Media, Pers, Soc 2.68 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
GEOL-1110 Introductory Geol 3.35 GEOL-102 Historical Geology 3.35
GEOL-1110 Introductory Geol 3.35 GEOL-102L Historical Geology Lab 0