POLS-205 |
Intro Comparative Pol |
3 |
POLS-275 |
State and Local Government |
3 |
CORE-115/165 |
Lit/Art/Music Wrld |
7 |
INTR-200 |
Interdisciplinary Seminar |
7 |
LATN-101 |
Elem Latin I |
4 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
LATN-102 |
Elementary Latin II |
4 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
FLEN-211 |
Classical Myth (gods) |
2 |
ENGL-216 |
Mythology |
2 |
MUSA-318 |
Jazz Choir |
1 |
MUSP-104 |
Vocal Jazz Ensemble |
1 |
GEOG-250 |
World Regional Geog |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
DAN-220 |
Children's Dance |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
DAN-105 |
Dance Jazz II |
1 |
DANC-114 |
Jazz Dance II |
1 |
ENG-103 |
Basic Skills for Writ |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
SOC-110 |
Intro to Sociology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
COMG-131 |
Fund of Public Speaking |
2 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
2 |
ECON-152 |
Prin of Economics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ENG-104 |
Essay Writing |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
PEB-105 |
Dance Aerobics I |
1 |
DANC-105 |
Aerobic Dance/Fitness |
1 |
HEC-205 |
Conc Human Nutrition |
3 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3 |
MUSH-100 |
Survey of Music |
3 |
MUSH-101 |
Survey of Music |
3 |
PEB-108 |
Swim Aqua Fitness |
1 |
PE-110S |
Swim Conditioning |
1 |
ENG-205 |
Adv Expository Writing |
3 |
ENGL-205 |
Interdisciplinary Writing |
3 |
MATH-101 |
Spirit of Math |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
PEP-114 |
Skl/Analy Basketball |
1 |
PE-111A |
Basketball |
1 |
PEP-119 |
Skl/Analy Volleyball |
1 |
PE-111G |
Volleyball |
1 |
PEP-160 |
Found of Phys Ed & Edu |
3 |
PE-160 |
Foundations of Physical Ed. |
3 |
PEP-300 |
Human Kinesiology |
2 |
PTAE-106 |
Applied Anatomy and Physiology |
2 |
PHIL-101 |
Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PSYC-100 |
Intro to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
CHEM-103 |
Intro to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-103 |
Intro to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101L |
Introduction to Chemistry Lab |
0 |
BIOL-116 |
Organisms/Environments |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
MS-204 |
Physical Training |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MS-211 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MSA-211 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
BIOL-213 |
Princ Biological Struct/Functn |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
MS-202 |
Applied Ldrship & Mgmt |
2 |
MSA-202 |
Applied Leadership & Managemnt |
2 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
1 |
PSYC-311 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-211 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
CORE-116 |
The Sacred Journey |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-113 |
Globalization |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
MUSA-119 |
Marching Band |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ANTH-220 |
Peoples of the World |
3 |
ANTH-220 |
Peoples of the World |
3 |
CORE-163 |
Globalization |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENVS-101 |
Intro to Environmental Science |
3 |
ENSI-119 |
Intro to Environmental Science |
3 |
THE-101 |
Intro to the Theatre |
3 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3 |
CORE-110 |
Sex Culture 21st Century |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-160 |
Sex Culture 21st Century |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
EDCI-201 |
Contexts of Education |
2 |
EDUC-201 |
Introduction to Teaching |
2 |
ENVS-102 |
Field Activities Environ Scien |
1 |
ENSI-119L |
Environmental Science Lab |
1 |
AVS-109 |
Sci Anim Serve Humanit |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
ENGL-257 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
ENGL-257 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
COMMG-131 |
Fund of Public Speaking |
2 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
2 |
PSYCH-100 |
Intro to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
HEC-105 |
Indiv & Family Dev |
3 |
SOC-220 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
MATH-140 |
Pre-Calc Algbr/Anl Geo |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3 |
EDUC-201 |
Intro to Teaching |
2 |
EDUC-201 |
Introduction to Teaching |
2 |
ENG-112 |
Lit of Western Civ |
3 |
ENGL-258 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
GEOG-101 |
Man'S Phys Envir Lab |
1 |
GEOG-101L |
Physical Geography Lab |
1 |
POLSC-101 |
American Government |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
PSYCH-205 |
Developmental Psych |
3 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
ANTHR-100 |
Intro to Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-100 |
Intro to Anthropology |
3 |
HEC-234 |
Infancy & Early Chldhd |
3 |
CHD-134 |
Infancy-Middle Childhood |
3 |
MATH-135 |
Math for Elem Teachers |
3 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
MATH-136 |
Math for Elem Teachers |
3 |
MATH-257 |
Math for Elem Teach II |
3 |
ART-101 |
Visual Art |
3 |
ART-100 |
Introduction to Art |
3 |
ENGL-208 |
Personal & Exploratory Writing |
3 |
ENGL-292 |
Creative Writing: Fiction |
3 |
HPRD-201 |
Phys Actv, Wellns & Behvr Chng |
3 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
3 |
HPRD-210 |
Meaning of Mvmnt/Injury Prevnt |
2 |
PE-248 |
Athletic Injuries-Sports Med |
2 |
SOC-220 |
Marriage & the Family |
3 |
SOC-220 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
CORE-114 |
Core:understanding Media |
4 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
4 |
CS-120 |
Computer Science I |
4 |
CS-150 |
Computer Science I |
4 |
CS-120 |
Computer Science I |
4 |
CS-150L |
Computer Science I Lab |
0 |
ECE-101 |
Fndatns Electrcl/Computer Engr |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PHYS-212L |
Engineering Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHYS-212L |
Engr Physics Lab II |
1 |
BIOL-102 |
Biology & Society |
3 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
3 |
BIOL-102L |
Biology & Society Lab |
1 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
1 |
INTR-201 |
Expl & Skill Bld/Majrs/Careers |
1 |
ATEC-110 |
Successful Job Search |
1 |
ECE-211 |
Electrical Circuits I Lab |
1 |
ENGR-240L |
Circuits I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-212 |
Engineering Physics II |
3 |
PHYS-212 |
Engineering Physics II |
3 |
INTR-101 |
Focus on Success |
2 |
CSC-105 |
College Study Skills |
2 |
ECON-343 |
Money & Banking |
3 |
BUSA-260 |
Principles of Banking |
3 |
GEOG-100L |
Physical Geography Lab |
1 |
GEOG-100L |
Physical Geography Lab |
1 |
CORE-101/102 |
Ethnic Exper/Am Soc |
7 |
SOC-103 |
Cultural Diversity |
7 |
REC-215 |
River Rdng/Whitewater Safety |
1 |
PE-111H |
Whitewater Rafting |
1 |
GEOL-111 |
Physical Geol for Sci Majors |
3 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-111L |
Physical Geology/Sci Maj Lab |
1 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
REC-290 |
Wilderness First Responder |
3 |
PE-237B |
Wilderness Survival |
3 |
ACCT-205 |
Fundamentals of Accounting |
4 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
4 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101 |
Physical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-101L |
Physical Geology Lab |
1 |
PTTE-111 |
Computer Skills |
3 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3 |
GEOL-375 |
Geology of Nat'L Parks |
3 |
GEOL-270 |
Geology of National Parks |
3 |
PSYC-473 |
Blood & Airborne Pathogens |
3 |
ALTH-105 |
Infection Prevention |
3 |
ENGL-210 |
Introduction Literary Theory |
3 |
ENGL-210 |
Literary Analysis |
3 |
PEP-475 |
Moral Reason in Sport |
2 |
PE-220 |
Sports Ethics |
2 |
ZOOL-119 |
Human Anat & Physiol |
5 |
BIOL-175 |
Human Biology |
5 |
ZOOL-119 |
Human Anat & Physiol |
5 |
BIOL-175L |
Human Biology Lab |
0 |
PSYC-310 |
Psych of Personality |
3 |
PSYC-210 |
Psychology of Personality |
3 |
PSYC-301 |
Psych of Personality |
3 |
PSYC-210 |
Psychology of Personality |
3 |
PEP-305 |
Appl Sport Psychology |
3 |
PE-225 |
Sports Psychology |
3 |
BIOL-121 |
Human Physiology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228 |
Human Anat & Phys II W/Cadaver |
4 |
BIOL-121 |
Human Physiology + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-228L |
Human Anat & Phys II Lab |
0 |
FCS-305 |
Nutrition Related Fitness Sprt |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
3 |
PEP-201 |
Fitness Activ & Concept |
2 |
PE-221 |
Fitness Activities & Concepts |
2 |
PEP-418 |
Physiology of Exercise |
3 |
PE-223 |
Exercise Physiology |
3 |
H&S-232 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
BUS-101 |
Intro Bus Enterprises |
3 |
BUSA-101 |
Intro to Business |
3 |
MATH-170 |
Analytic Geom/Calculus I |
4 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
4 |
ENGR-105 |
Engineering Graphics |
2 |
ENGR-105 |
Engineering Graphics |
2 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Economics |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
ACCT-202 |
Intro Managerial Acctg |
3 |
ACCT-202 |
Managerial Accounting |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Economics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
ENGL-345 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
ENGL-271 |
Introduction to Shakespeare |
3 |
MS-151 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MSA-151 |
Army Standard Phys Fit Train I |
1 |
ENGL-258 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
ENGL-258 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
CHEM-101 |
Intro to Chemistry I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-101 |
Intro to Chemistry I + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-101L |
Introduction to Chemistry Lab |
0 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin of Chemistry II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin of Chemistry II + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
MATH-176 |
Discrete Math |
3 |
MATH-187 |
Discrete Mathematics |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math Applied/Modern World |
3 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
3 |
H&S-289 |
Drugs in Society |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
H&S-350 |
Stress Mgt/Mental Hlth |
2 |
PE-226 |
Stress Management |
2 |
HIST-111 |
Intro to US History |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3 |
MUSH-201 |
History of Rock & Roll |
3 |
MUSH-127 |
Surv Amer Popular Music |
3 |
MS-152 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MSA-152 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MS-281 |
Military Proficiency Challenge |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MS-290 |
Color Guard/Drill Team |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PSYC-201 |
Survey of Contemporary Psych |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BUS-100 |
The Business Profession |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BIOL-101 |
Perspectives in Biology |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BLAW-265 |
Legal Environment of Business |
3 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3 |
SPAN-201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN-201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
ENGR-102 |
Intro to Engineering |
2 |
ENGR-123 |
Introduction to Engineering |
2 |
ENGR-205 |
Near Space Engineering |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
SPAN-103 |
Spanish Language Lab |
1 |
SPAN-103 |
Self-Guide Lang Study-Spanish |
1 |
ENGR-101 |
Intro Space Sys & Spccrft Dsgn |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENGR-206 |
Near Space Engineering II |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ENGL-090 |
Developmental Writing |
0 |
ENGL-099 |
Fund for Writing |
0 |
ENGL-201 |
English Grmmr: Key Concepts |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ENGL-202 |
Intro to Professional Writing |
3 |
ENGL-272 |
Business Writing |
3 |
ENGL-207 |
Persuasive Writing |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENGL-215 |
Intro to English Studies |
3 |
ENGL-195 |
Intro to English Studies |
3 |
ENGL-221 |
History of World Cinema I |
3 |
HUMS-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
ENGL-222 |
History of World Cinema II |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENGL-230 |
Intro to Film Studies |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENGL-293 |
Beginning Nonfiction Writing |
3 |
ENGL-293 |
Creative Writing: Nonfiction |
3 |
ENVS-225 |
Intrntl Env Issues Seminar |
3 |
ENSI-225 |
Intl Environmental Issues |
3 |
FCS-105 |
Ind and Family Development |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FCS-119 |
Intro to Fashion & Apparel Ind |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FCS-123 |
Textiles |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FCS-170 |
Introductory Foods |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FCS-175 |
Introductory Foods Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
FCS-210 |
Intro to Early Childhood Edu |
2 |
CHD-171 |
Early Childhood Curriculum |
2 |
FCS-224 |
Apparel Const $ Assmbly Proces |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FCS-240 |
Intimate Relationships |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
FCS-251 |
Srvy of Fcs Professions |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
FCS-270 |
Intermediate Foods |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FISH-102 |
Fish and Wildlife Professions |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
GERM-101 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GERM-101 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
THEA-105 |
Basics of Performance |
3 |
THEA-115 |
Basics of Performance I |
3 |
GERM-102 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GERM-102 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GERM-103 |
German Lang Lab |
1 |
GERM-103 |
Self-Guide Lang Study - German |
1 |
FREN-102 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
FREN-102 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
ED-101 |
Orientation to the Tchng Prfsn |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ECE-210 |
Electrical Circuits I |
3 |
ENGR-240 |
Circuits I |
3 |
ECE-212 |
Electrical Circuits II |
3 |
ENGR-241 |
Circuits II |
3 |
ECE-240 |
Digital Logic |
3 |
CS-240 |
Digital Logic |
3 |
ECE-241 |
Logic Circuit Lab |
1 |
CS-240L |
Digital Logic Lab |
1 |
CS-105 |
Computer Science As a Professi |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
CS-121 |
Compter Science II |
4 |
CS-151 |
Computer Science II |
4 |
CS-121 |
Compter Science II |
4 |
CS-151L |
Computer Science II Lab |
0 |
CS-130 |
Programming With Visual Basic |
3 |
CS-125 |
Intro to Visual Basic |
3 |
CS-150 |
Computer Organiz and Architect |
3 |
CS-155 |
Computer Org/Assembly Language |
3 |
CS-240 |
Computer Operating Systems |
3 |
CS-241 |
Computer Operating Systems |
3 |
CS-270 |
System Software |
3 |
CS-270 |
System Software |
3 |
CSS-235 |
Society and Natural Resources |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CSS-287 |
Foundations of Consrv Ldrshp & |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CORS-205-297 |
Integrated Science |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ECON-272 |
Foundations of Economic Analys |
4 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
4 |
CHEM-276 |
Carbon Compounds Lab |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CE-115 |
Introduction to Civil Engineer |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CE-211 |
Engineering Surveying |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CE-215 |
Civil Engnring Analysis & Dsgn |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
COMM-111 |
Intro to Communication Studies |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
COMM-235 |
Organizational Communication |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ARCH-154 |
Intro to Architectural Graphic |
3 |
CADT-102A |
Tech Sketch - Architectural |
3 |
ARCH-243 |
Dgtl Dsgn Tools for Architectu |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ARCH-244 |
Computer Aided Drafting & Mode |
2 |
CADT-104C |
CAD Graphics I - Civil Appl |
2 |
ARCH-253 |
Architectural Design I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ARCH-254 |
Architectural Design II |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
ARCH-266 |
Materials and Methods |
3 |
CADT-236 |
Arch Design & Construction |
3 |
AERO-103 |
Leadership Laboratory I |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
AERO-201 |
Evolution of Usaf & Space Powe |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AERO-202 |
Evolution of Usaf & Space Powe |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AERO-205 |
Leadership Laboratory II |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
AGEC-278 |
Farm and Agribusiness Manageme |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
AGEC-289 |
Agricultural Markets and Price |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AGED-160 |
Srvy Expctatns & Resp Tch Hs a |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGED-180 |
Intro to Agri Education |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGED-181 |
Intro to Extension Education |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGED-252 |
Deveolping Comm & Colleg Org |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AG-210 |
Living on the Land |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AG-212 |
Jr Master Gardener Tchr Prep |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ASM-105 |
Srvy Agri Mechanics |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ASM-112 |
Intro to Agri Systems Manag |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ASM-202 |
Agri Shop Practices |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ASM-240 |
Computer App in Biol Systems |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AVS-105 |
Srvy Sci Livestock Prod & Man |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AVS-172 |
Princ & Practic of Dairy Sci |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
AVS-209 |
Science of Animal Husbandry |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
AVS-222 |
Animal Reproduction & Breeding |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AVS-263 |
Live Animal & Carcass Eval |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AVS-271 |
Anatomy and Physiology |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
AVS-273 |
Anatomy and Physiology Lab |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AVS-274 |
Beef Feedlot Systems |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ANTH-230 |
Wrold Prehistory |
3 |
ANTH-230 |
Intro to Arch/World Prehistory |
3 |
ANTH-231 |
Intro to Archaeology |
3 |
ANTH-230 |
Intro to Arch/World Prehistory |
3 |
ART-110 |
Integrated Art & Design Commun |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ART-205 |
Visual Culture |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
ART-208 |
Italian Renaiss Art & Culture |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-213 |
History & Theory of Mdrn Desgn |
3 |
ART-102 |
Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital |
3 |
ART-216 |
Digital Tools |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-271 |
Interaction Design |
3 |
ART-122 |
3-D/Design Foundations I |
3 |
ART-272 |
Interaction Design II |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-280 |
Understanding Photography |
3 |
PHTO-183 |
Intro to Digital Photography |
3 |
BAE-142 |
Engineering for Living Systems |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BAE-242 |
Engineering Analysis and Desig |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BIOL-155 |
Introductory Microbiology Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BIOL-255 |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
1 |
BIOL-300 |
Survey of Biochemistry |
3 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
BUS-103 |
Intro to Pga Golf Management |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BUS-110 |
Pga Golf Man Player Developmen |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BUS-150 |
Pga Golf Management I |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BUS-250 |
Introductory Systems Developme |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUS-251 |
Pga Golf Management II |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BUS-260 |
Student Investment Fund Manage |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BUS-261 |
Real Estate |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUS-C263 |
Real Estate Law |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUS-C262 |
Real Estate Finance |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUS-301 |
Financial Management |
3 |
BUSA-236 |
Introduction to Finance |
3 |
CTE-104 |
Input Tech for the 21st Centur |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CTE-111 |
Computer Skills |
3 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3 |
CTE-120 |
Intro to Computer Aided Drafti |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CTE-121 |
Intro to Princ of Engin & Tech |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CTE-122 |
Intor to Manufac & Construct |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CTE-123 |
Intro to Power, Energy, Transp |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CTE-130 |
Intro to Electricity & Elcetro |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CTE-152 |
Manuf: Non-Metallic Materials |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CTE-267 |
Computer Aided Drftng/Design |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CHE-110 |
Intro to Chemical Engineering |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CHE-123 |
Computations in Chem Engineeri |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
CHE-210 |
Integrated Chem Engin Fundamen |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CHE-223 |
Material and Energy Balances |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CHEM-121 |
Glassblowing |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CHEM-253 |
Quantitative Analysis |
3 |
CHEM-253 |
Quantitative Analys |
3 |
CHEM-254 |
Quantitative Analysis: Lab |
2 |
CHEM-253L |
Quan Analysis Lab |
2 |
CHEM-275 |
Carbon Compounds |
3 |
CHEM-275 |
Carbon Compounds |
3 |
AGED-140 |
Intro to Org & Personal Ldrshp |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGED-158 |
Intro to Suprv Agr Experience |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGED-159 |
Intro to the Ffa Organization |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AERO 101 |
Foundations of the U.S. Air Fo |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AERO 102 |
Foundations of the U.S. Air Fo |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGEC 101 |
The Business of Agriculture |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGEC 105 |
Survey of Agribusiness |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AGEC 201 |
Principles of Agricultural Eco |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CORE-114/164 |
Core:understanding Media |
7 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
7 |
DAN-101 |
First Yr/Transfer Stud Orient |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
DAN-210 |
Dance Theatre |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PLSC-100 |
Survey/Plant & Soil Sciences |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
REC-254 |
Camp Leadership |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MATH-175 |
Analytic Geom & Calculus II |
4 |
MATH-175 |
Analytic Geometry & Calc II |
4 |
ENGR-210 |
Engineering Statics |
3 |
ENGR-210 |
Statics |
3 |
PHYS-211L |
Engineering Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS-211L |
Engineering Physics Lab I |
1 |
MVSC-201 |
Phys Activity, Well&beh for He |
3 |
PE-224 |
Nutrn for Hlth, Ftness & Exrcs |
3 |
MVSC-210 |
Meaning of Movmt & Injry Prev |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MSE-101 |
Intro to Metallurgy & Mat Sci |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MATH-137 |
Algebra With Applications |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MATH-215 |
Hntro to Higher Mathematics |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ME-123 |
Intro to Mechanical Design |
3 |
ENGR-123 |
Introduction to Engineering |
3 |
ME-223 |
Mechanical Design Analysis |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MS-212 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MSA-212 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MS-227 |
American Military History |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MS-251 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MSA-252 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MS-252 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MSA-252 |
Physical Fitness Training |
1 |
MS-280 |
Raider Challenge |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MSE-201 |
Elements of Materials Science |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ARBC-101 |
Elementry Modern Stnd Arabic I |
4 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
ARBC-102 |
Elmntry Mdrn Stndrd Arabic II |
4 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
ARBC-103 |
Arabic Language Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
FLEN-210 |
Intro to Classical Mythology |
3 |
ENGL-216 |
Mythology |
3 |
MUSA-J116 |
Concert Choir- Vandaleers |
1 |
MUSP-103 |
NIC Cardinal Chorale |
1 |
MUSA-143 |
Piano Class for Non-Majors |
1 |
MUSA-130 |
Intro to Piano |
1 |
MUSA-210 |
Jazz Improvisation |
2 |
MUSC-126 |
Improvisation |
2 |
MUSA-212 |
Introduction to Jazz Piano I |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUSA-213 |
Introduction to Jazz Piano II |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUSC-260 |
Introduction to Composition |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
JAPN-103 |
Japanese Language Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
NEZP-102 |
Elementary Nez Perce II |
4 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
NEZP-201 |
Intermediate Nez Perce I |
4 |
TRFL-200 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
NEZP-202 |
Intermediate Nez Perce II |
4 |
TRFL-200 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
4 |
SPAN-104 |
Elementary Spanish Transition |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
VTD-244 |
Intro to 3D Modeling |
3 |
CADT-107 |
3-D CAD Graphics |
3 |
IS-210 |
Researching International Issu |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
JAMM-252 |
Introduction to Public Relatio |
3 |
COMM-252 |
Introduction Public Relations |
3 |
JAMM-265 |
Principles of Advertising |
3 |
BMKT-241 |
Fund Promotion & Advertising |
3 |
JAMM-275 |
Intro to Brdcstg & Dgtl Med Pr |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
LARC-154 |
Lndscp Arch Reprsntn & Media I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
LARC-210 |
Lndscp Arch Reprsntn & Media 2 |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
LARC-251 |
Intro to Prncpls of Site Desgn |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
LARC-254 |
Origins of Landscape Form |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
LARC-268 |
Landscape Construction 1 |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
LARC-269 |
Landscape Construction 2 |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
LARC-288 |
Planting Design Studio 1 |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
LARC-289 |
Planting Design Studio 2 |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
GEOL-249 |
Mineralogy & Optical Mineralog |
4 |
GEOL-255 |
Systematic Mineralogy |
4 |
GEOL-249 |
Mineralogy & Optical Mineralog |
4 |
GEOL-255L |
System Mineralogy Lab |
0 |
GEOL-290 |
Field Geology |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
HIST-180 |
Intro to East Asian History |
3 |
HIST-181 |
East Asian History & Civ |
3 |
INTR-210 |
Life Skills for Student Athlet |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ID-151 |
Intro to Interior Design |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ID-152 |
Interior Design I |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ID-254 |
Basic Architectural Design II |
4 |
CADT-111 |
Basic Architectural Design |
4 |
ID-281 |
History of Interiors I |
3 |
TRG7-200 |
Transfer GEM 7 |
3 |
ID-282 |
History of Interiors II |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
IS-195 |
International Sutdies Frshmn S |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FREN-103 |
French Lang Lab |
1 |
FREN-103 |
Self-Guided Lang Study-French |
1 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FS-110 |
Intro to Food Science |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FS-113 |
Intro to Vines and Wines |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FS-154 |
Introductory Microbiology |
3 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
FS-220 |
Food Safety and Quality |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FS-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
FS-255 |
General Microbiology Lab |
2 |
BACT-250L |
General Microbiology Lab |
2 |
FOR-102 |
Intro to Forest Management |
1 |
BIOL-101 |
Intro to Natural Resources |
1 |
FOR-221 |
Ecology |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FOR-274 |
Forest Measurement and Invento |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
GEOG-240 |
Economic Geography |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FLGN-121/123 |
Elementary German + Lab |
5 |
GERM-101 |
Elementary German I |
5 |
MUSA-153 |
Guitar for Non-Majors |
2 |
MUSA-114D |
General Guitar |
2 |
FLGN-122/123 |
Elementary German + Lab |
5 |
GERM-102 |
Elementary German II |
5 |
MUSA-114 |
Ind Ins: |
1 |
1 |
PHYS-101 |
Fund of Physical Sci |
4 |
PHYS-101 |
Fundamentals Physical Science |
4 |
PHYS-101 |
Fund of Physical Sci |
4 |
PHYS-101L |
Fund Phys Science Lab |
0 |
MUSA-134 |
Ind Ins: Guitar |
3 |
MUSA-114D |
General Guitar |
3 |
CS-100 |
Intro to Comptrs & Prg |
3 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3 |
PSYCH-311 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-211 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
COMMG-288 |
Intro to Film Art |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
BIOL-212 |
Molecular/Cellular Biology |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
3 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
3 |
PHYS-211 |
Engineering Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-211 |
Engineering Physics I |
3 |
MATH-107 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
RMAT-100 |
Intro to Renewable Resources |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
ANTH-422 |
Plateau Indians |
3 |
ANTH-225 |
Native People of North America |
3 |
AVS-101 |
Anim/Veterinary Orient |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
AVS-174 |
Beef Cow Calf Mgt Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUSC-142 |
Theory of Music II |
2 |
MUSC-142 |
Harmony and Theory II |
2 |
MUSC-141 |
Theory of Music I |
2 |
MUSC-141 |
Harmony and Theory I |
2 |
MUSC-140 |
Aural Skills II |
2 |
MUSC-142L |
Harmony and Theory II Lab |
2 |
MUSC-241 |
Theory of Music III |
3 |
MUSC-241 |
Harmony and Theory III |
3 |
MUSC-239 |
Aural Skills III |
1 |
MUSC-241L |
Harmony and Theory III Lab |
1 |
MUSC-240 |
Aural Skills IV |
1 |
MUSC-242L |
Harmony and Theory IV Lab |
1 |
MUSC-242 |
Theory of Music IV |
3 |
MUSC-242 |
Harmony and Theory IV |
3 |
MUSC-139 |
Aural Skills I |
2 |
MUSC-141L |
Harmony and Theory I Lab |
2 |
FCS-346 |
Pers/Fam Finance & Mgt |
4 |
BUSA-180 |
Personal Finance |
4 |
FLSP-181/183 |
Elementary Spanish + Lab |
5 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
5 |
FLSP-182 |
Elementary Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
FLSP-281/183 |
Inter Spanish + Lab |
5 |
SPAN-201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
5 |
MATH-111 |
Finite Math |
4 |
MATH-130 |
Finite Mathematics |
4 |
FLSP-282 |
Inter Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
CJ-332 |
Corrections |
3 |
CJ-202 |
Corrections in America |
3 |
FLSP-206 |
Sa: Usac-Interm Span I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUED-460 |
Desktop Publishing |
3 |
CAOT-160 |
Desktp Publishing/Publisher I |
1.5 |
BUED-460 |
Desktop Publishing |
3 |
CAOT-161 |
Desktp Publishing/Publisher II |
1.5 |
COMG-233 |
Interpersonal Comm |
3 |
COMM-233 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
COMM-252 |
Principles of Public Rel |
3 |
COMM-252 |
Introduction Public Relations |
3 |
CORE-131 |
Energy & Ethics/21st Cent |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-181 |
Energy & Ethics/21st Cent |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
THE-203 |
Theatrical Makeup |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ASM-107 |
Beginning Welding |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
STAT-301 |
Probab & Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
BIOL-120L |
Biology & Society Lab |
1 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
1 |
JAMM-121 |
Media Writing |
3 |
COMJ-121 |
Introduction to Media Writing |
3 |
JAMM-100 |
Media and Society |
3 |
COMJ-140 |
Mass Media in a Free Society |
3 |
FORP-100 |
Intro to Renewable Resources |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
POLS-235 |
Polit Resrch Meths/Approaches |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MUST-251 |
String Instrument Techniques |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUST-253 |
Brass Instrument Techniques |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUST-254 |
Percussion Techniques |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUST-255 |
Woodwind Techniques |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUSX-284 |
Dictation for Singers |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
NR-100 |
Technology for Exploring Natur |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
NS-101 |
Introduction to Naval Science |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MUSX-283 |
Dictation for Singers |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
NS-102 |
Ship Systems I |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
NS-202 |
Seapower and Maritime Affairs |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ORGS-210 |
Intro to Organizational Scienc |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PHIL-202 |
Intro to Symbolic Language |
3 |
PHIL-201 |
Logic and Critical Thinking |
3 |
PHIL-221 |
Philosophy in Film |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PEP-100 |
Intro to Exercise Science & He |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-101 |
Intro to Athletic Training |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-107 |
Movement Fundamentals |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-132 |
Skill and Analysis of Tennis,p |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-133 |
Skill and Analysis of Golf,arc |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-134 |
Skill and Analysis of Walking, |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-135 |
Skill and Analysis of Basketba |
1 |
PE-241E |
Coaching Methods: Basketball |
1 |
PEP-136 |
Skill and Analysis of Soccer,s |
1 |
PE-241C |
Coaching Methods: Soccer |
1 |
PEP-161 |
Intro to Physical Education |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-171 |
Ath Trng Clinical Experience I |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-171/272 |
Ath Trng Clinical Exp I/II |
2 |
PE-250 |
Clinical Athletic Training |
2 |
PEP-202 |
Skill and Analysis: Stunts and |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-220 |
Coaching Youth Sports |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-243 |
Recreation Activities |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PEP-272 |
Ath Trng Clnical Experience II |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-273 |
Ath Trng Clncl Experience III |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PEP-J275 |
Moral Reasoning in Sport |
2 |
PE-220 |
Sports Ethics |
2 |
PEP-171/172/173 |
Athl Trng Clin Exp I/II/III |
3 |
PE-250 |
Clinical Athletic Training |
3 |
PHYS-100L |
Fundamentals of Physics Lab |
1 |
PHYS-101L |
Fund Phys Science Lab |
1 |
PHYS-200 |
Physics Seminar |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PHYS-213/213L |
Engineering Physics III + Lab |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
PHYS-213 |
Engineering Physics III |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MATH-111/112 |
Fundamentals of Math |
8 |
MATH-123 |
Math in Modern Society |
8 |
FL-204 |
Elementary Italian I |
4 |
ITAL-101 |
Elementary Italian I |
4 |
RRT-287 |
Princ Res Rec/Tour Mgt |
2 |
RRM-220 |
Resort/Recreation Mang Princpl |
2 |
MATH-130 |
Finite Math |
3 |
MATH-130 |
Finite Mathematics |
3 |
ART-112 |
Drawing II |
3 |
ART-112 |
Drawing II |
3 |
SPAN-202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN-202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
GERM-201 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GERM-201 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GERM-202 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
GERM-202 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
ART-121 |
Vis Comm & Design Process |
2 |
ART-121 |
2-D/Design Foundations |
2 |
REM-244 |
Wildland Fire Management |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
REC-104 |
Intro to Rec, Parks & Tourism |
3 |
HOSP-100 |
Intro Hospitality and Tourism |
3 |
REC-105 |
Teaching Golf I |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
REC-107 |
Outdoor Rec and Tourism Pursui |
3 |
RRM-237E |
Outdoor Programming/Leadership |
3 |
REC-108 |
Orienteering & Navigation |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
REC-205 |
Teaching Golf II |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MATH-275 |
Analytic Geom & Calc III |
3 |
MATH-275 |
Analytic Geometry and Calc III |
3 |
PLSC-102 |
Science of Plants in Agri +lab |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PLSC-201 |
Principles of Horticulture+lab |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PLSC-205 |
General Botany |
4 |
BTNY-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
PLSC-205 |
General Botany |
4 |
BTNY-203L |
General Botany Lab |
0 |
PLSC-207 |
Intro to Biotechnology |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PLSC-212 |
Master Gardener |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
POLS-C152 |
Politics and Pollution |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
REM-151 |
Rangeland Principles |
2 |
BIOL-251 |
Prin Range Resource/Mgmt |
2 |
NS-103 |
Introduction to Naval Sci Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
NS-201 |
Ship Systems II |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
REM-211 |
Ecology |
3 |
BIOL-231 |
General Ecology |
3 |
REC-216 |
River Rec and Water Craft Safe |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
REC-218 |
Rock Climbing & Mountaineering |
3 |
RRM-237D |
Mountaineering |
3 |
REC-222 |
Corss Country Skiing |
1 |
PE-110PP |
Cross Country Skiing |
1 |
REC-223 |
Winter Skills |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
REC-224 |
Whitewater Rafting |
1 |
PE-111H |
Whitewater Rafting |
1 |
REC-225 |
Kayaking |
1 |
PE-110B |
Begin Whitewater Kayaking |
1 |
REC-227 |
Mountain Biking |
1 |
PE-110W |
Mountain Biking |
1 |
REC-228 |
Avalanche Fundamentals |
2 |
RRM-237G |
Avalanche Level I |
2 |
REC-240 |
Rec Activities, Prog and Marke |
3 |
RRM-230 |
Leisure & Recreation Programng |
3 |
REC-260 |
Found of Leisure and Society |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
REC-280 |
Rec Practicum in Rec, Parks |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
RELS-133 |
Religion and Family Life |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
RELS-208 |
Italian Renaiss Art and Cultur |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
SOC-209 |
Alternatives to Violence Trng |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
SOC-250 |
Social Conflict |
3 |
SOC-102 |
Social Problems |
3 |
SOC-260 |
Intro to Deviance and Crime |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
STAT-150 |
Intro to Statistics |
3 |
TRG3-100 |
Transfer GEM 3 |
3 |
THE-103 |
Theatre Technology I |
4 |
THEA-103 |
Theatre Technology: Scenery |
4 |
THE-104 |
Theatre Technology II |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
THE-105 |
Basics of Performance I |
3 |
THEA-115 |
Basics of Performance I |
3 |
THE-106 |
Basics of Performance II |
3 |
THEA-116 |
Basics of Performance II |
3 |
THE-110 |
Convocation |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
THE-125 |
Summer Theatre |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
THE-201 |
Scene Design I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
THE-202 |
Costume Design I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
THE-205 |
Lighting Design |
3 |
THEA-273 |
Stage Lighting |
3 |
THE-221 |
History of World Cinema I |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
THE-222 |
History of World Cinema II |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
VTD-152 |
Intro to Virtual Design |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
VTD-245 |
Advanced Modeling |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-246 |
Advanced Lighting and Material |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-253 |
Virtual Design I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-254 |
Virtual Design II |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-266 |
Animation |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-271 |
Interactive Technologies |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
WLF-102 |
Fish and Wildlife Professions |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
WMST-201 |
Intro to Women'S Studies |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENGR-240 |
Intro Electrical Circuits |
3 |
ENGR-240 |
Circuits I |
3 |
ENG-111 |
Lit of Western Civ |
3 |
ENGL-257 |
Lit of Western Civilization |
3 |
ENG-211 |
Critical Appr to Lit I |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENG-295 |
Seminar/Literacy Stdys |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ENG-343 |
Survey of American Lit |
3 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3 |
ENG-345 |
Sheakespeare |
3 |
ENGL-271 |
Introduction to Shakespeare |
3 |
ENG-341 |
Sruvey of British Lit |
3 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENG-484 |
American Indian Lit |
3 |
ENGL-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENG-342 |
Survey of British Lit |
3 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENG-344 |
Survey of American Lit |
3 |
ENGL-278 |
Great American Writers II |
3 |
COMM-288 |
Intro to Film Studies |
3 |
HUMS-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
ME-101 |
Engineering Graphics |
2 |
ENGR-105 |
Engineering Graphics |
2 |
ME-101 |
Engineering Graphics |
2 |
ENGR-105L |
Engineering Graphics Lab |
0 |
EE-210 |
Electrical Circuits I |
3 |
ENGR-240 |
Circuits I |
3 |
EE-211 |
Electr Circuits Lab |
1 |
ENGR-240L |
Circuits I Lab |
1 |
EE-212 |
Electrical Circuits II |
4 |
ENGR-241 |
Circuits II |
4 |
EE-213 |
Electr Circuits Lab II |
1 |
ENGR-241L |
Elect Circuits II Lab |
1 |
PEB-107 |
Adv Soccer |
1 |
PE-100WF |
Varsity Sports - Women Soccer |
1 |
CORS-221 |
Integ Sci: Physics/Evrydy Life |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-330 |
Interm/Adv Painting |
3 |
ART-245 |
Intermediate Painting I |
3 |
ART-221 |
Introduction to Graphic Design |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-222 |
Introduction to Typography |
3 |
GDES-120 |
Typography |
3 |
REC-102 |
Intro to Rec Prof |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
COMM-421 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
COMM-212 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
SOC-332 |
Corrections |
3 |
CJ-202 |
Corrections in America |
3 |
BUS-204 |
Integ Mngt Tm Bldg - 1 |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BUS-190 |
Intr. Bus. and Value Creation |
3 |
INTR-250C |
Intr. Bus. and Value Creation |
3 |
PEB-106 |
Ind Dual: |
1 |
PE-110T |
Tone and Trim |
1 |
MATH-330 |
Linear Algebra |
3 |
MATH-335 |
Linear Algebra |
3 |
CORE-125 |
Core: Earth & Our Place on It |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
PHYS-103/104 |
General Astronomy + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-103 |
Elementary Astronomy |
4 |
PHYS-103/104 |
General Astronomy + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-103L |
Elem Astronomy Lab |
0 |
PHYS-100 |
Fund of Physics + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-101 |
Fundamentals Physical Science |
4 |
PHYS-100 |
Fund of Physics + Lab |
4 |
PHYS-101L |
Fund Phys Science Lab |
0 |
MUSA-122 |
Orchestra |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PHIL-365 |
Biomedical Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-292 |
Ethics in Health Care |
3 |
POLS-275 |
Am State & Local Govt |
3 |
POLS-275 |
State and Local Government |
3 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics |
3 |
POLS-237 |
International Politics/Problem |
3 |
SOC-230 |
Social Problems |
3 |
SOC-102 |
Social Problems |
3 |
MUSA-118 |
Jazz Choir |
1 |
MUSP-104 |
Vocal Jazz Ensemble |
1 |
MUSA-121 |
Concert Band |
1 |
MUSP-106 |
NIC Wind Symphony |
1 |
MUSA-147 |
Voice Class |
1 |
MUSA-112 |
Introduction to Voice |
1 |
MUSC-120 |
Fundamentals of Music |
2 |
MUSC-120 |
Fundamentals of Music |
2 |
MUSA-145 |
Piano Class |
1 |
MUSA-145 |
Piano Class I |
1 |
PHIL-201 |
Critical Thinking |
3 |
PHIL-201 |
Logic and Critical Thinking |
3 |
THEF-205 |
Lighting Design I |
3 |
THEA-273 |
Stage Lighting |
3 |
THEF-371 |
Play Analysis |
3 |
THEA-271 |
Play Analysis |
3 |
PHYS-103 |
General Astronomy |
3 |
PHYS-103 |
Elementary Astronomy |
3 |
PHYS-104 |
Astronomy Lab |
1 |
PHYS-103L |
Elem Astronomy Lab |
1 |
THEA-106 |
Basics of Performance |
3 |
THEA-116 |
Basics of Performance II |
3 |
THEF-106 |
Basics of Performance |
3 |
THEA-116 |
Basics of Performance II |
3 |
SOC-427 |
Racial & Ethnic Relations |
3 |
SOC-251 |
Race and Ethnic Relations |
3 |
THEF-207 |
Theatrical Makeup |
3 |
THEA-102 |
Stage Makeup |
3 |
THEF-101 |
Intro to Theatre |
3 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3 |
THEF-103 |
Theatre Technology I |
4 |
THEA-103 |
Theatre Technology: Scenery |
4 |
MATH-144 |
Analytic Trigonometry |
1 |
MATH-144 |
Precalculus II: Trigonometry |
1 |
JS-101 |
Intro to the Justice System |
3 |
CJ-103 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
MATH-310 |
Ordinary Differential Equation |
3 |
MATH-370 |
Intro Ordinary Diff Equations |
3 |
MUSA-117 |
University Chorus |
1 |
MUSP-103 |
NIC Cardinal Chorale |
1 |
GEOG-100 |
Physical Geography + Lab |
4 |
GEOG-100 |
Physical Geography |
4 |
GEOG-100 |
Physical Geography + Lab |
4 |
GEOG-100L |
Physical Geography Lab |
0 |
HIST-290 |
The Historian's Craft |
3 |
HIST-290 |
The Historian's Craft |
3 |
ENGL-343 |
Survey of American Literature |
3 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3 |
ENGL-344 |
Survey of American Literature |
3 |
ENGL-278 |
Great American Writers II |
3 |
ENGL-484 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENGL-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENGL-380 |
Intro to US Ethnic Literature |
3 |
ENGL-295 |
Contemp US Multicultural Lit |
3 |
FREN-201 |
Intermediate French I |
4 |
FREN-201 |
Intermediate French I |
4 |
FREN-202 |
Intermediate French II |
4 |
FREN-202 |
Intermediate French II |
4 |
CHEM-278 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
CHEM-278 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
CHEM-372 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHEM-287 |
Organic Chemistry II |
3 |
CHEM-376 |
Organic Chemistry II Lab |
1 |
CHEM-288 |
Org Chem II Lab |
1 |
BUED-101 |
Typewriting I |
2 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
1 |
BUED-101 |
Typewriting I |
2 |
CAOT-113 |
Keyboarding II |
1 |
BUS-378 |
Project Management |
3 |
BLDR-222 |
Project Management |
3 |
CS-113 |
Prog Des & Algo |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BIOL-210 |
Genetics |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
BUS-311 |
Introduction to Management |
3 |
BUSA-211 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
BUS-321 |
Marketing |
3 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
BIOL-341 |
Systematic Botany + Lab |
3 |
BTNY-241 |
Systematic Botany |
3 |
BIOL-341 |
Systematic Botany + Lab |
3 |
BTNY-241L |
Systematic Botany Lab |
0 |
CHEM-100 |
Chemistry & the Citizen + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-100 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-100 |
Chemistry & the Citizen + Lab |
4 |
CHEM-100L |
Concepts of Chemistry Lab |
0 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM-277 |
Organic Chemistry I |
3 |
INTR-126 |
Film & International Culture |
3 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
3 |
JAMM-225 |
Reporting |
3 |
COMJ-222 |
Modern Reporting & Podcasting |
3 |
COMM-332 |
Communication & Small Group |
3 |
COMM-236 |
Small Group Communication |
3 |
ENGL-292 |
Creative Writing: Fiction |
3 |
ENGL-292 |
Creative Writing: Fiction |
3 |
ENGL-313 |
Business Writing |
3 |
ENGL-272 |
Business Writing |
3 |
ENGL-341 |
Survey of British Literature |
3 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENGL-317 |
Technical Writing |
3 |
ENGL-202 |
Technical Writing |
3 |
ENGL-342 |
Survey of British Literature |
3 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENGL-109 |
Writing Studio |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ANTH-329 |
North American Indians |
3 |
ANTH-225 |
Native People of North America |
3 |
ANTH-251 |
Intro to Physical Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-251 |
Intro to Biological Anth |
3 |
ART-211 |
Drawing III |
3 |
ART-217 |
Life Drawing I |
3 |
ART-231 |
Painting I |
3 |
ART-231 |
Beginning Painting I |
3 |
ART-321 |
Graphic Design III |
3 |
ARTG-223 |
Graphic Design III |
3 |
BIOL-115 |
Cells & Evolution of Life |
4 |
BIOL-115 |
Intro Life Sciences |
4 |
BIOL-115 |
Cells & Evolution of Life |
4 |
BIOL-115L |
Intro Life Sciences Lab |
0 |
GERM-101L |
Elementary German I Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
PSYC-218 |
Intro Research Behav Sci |
4 |
PSYC-218 |
Intro to Research/Behavior Sci |
4 |
PSYC-218 |
Intro Research Behav Sci |
4 |
PSYC-218L |
Res/Behav Sci Lab |
0 |
ME-201 |
ASME MicroBaja |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
CS-210 |
Programming Languages |
3 |
CS-210 |
Programming Languages |
3 |
BLAW-165 |
Legal Environment of Business |
3 |
BUSA-265 |
Legal Envrnmt of Business |
3 |
BUS-290 |
Leading Organizations & People |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
THE-206 |
Theatrical Make-Up |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
GERM-101/101L |
Elementary German I + Lab |
5 |
GERM-101 |
Elementary German I |
5 |
ITED-111 |
Computer Skills |
3 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3 |
ECON-151 |
Prin of Economics |
3 |
ECON-201 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
MATH-190 |
Analy Geom & Calc II |
4 |
MATH-175 |
Analytic Geometry & Calc II |
4 |
PHYS-210 |
Engineering Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-211 |
Engineering Physics I |
3 |
BIOL-1 |
Gen Biology |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
ENG-1 |
English Comp |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
HIST-9 |
Intro to U. S. Hist |
3 |
HIST-111 |
United States History I |
3 |
PE-31 |
Fresh Phys Ed |
0.5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.5 |
Amer Gov'T |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
COMG-101 |
Fundamentals of Public Speakin |
2 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
2 |
BUS-340 |
Team Bldg & Group Dynamics |
2 |
PE-234 |
Team Dynamics |
2 |
COMG-332 |
Comm & the Small Group |
3 |
COMM-236 |
Small Group Communication |
3 |
AGEC-101 |
The Business of Agriculture |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CHEM-275/276 |
Carbon Compounds |
4 |
CHEM-275 |
Carbon Compounds |
4 |
CORE-171 |
Core Places |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PTTE-204 |
Fire Fighting I |
5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
5 |
AVS-271/273 |
Anatomy and Physiology + Lab |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-121 |
Shared Places |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-119 |
Sports & American Society |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
AERO-101 |
Foundatins of the Us Air Force |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
AERO-102 |
Foundatins of the Us Air Force |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
FREN-101/101L |
Elementary French I + Lab |
5 |
FREN-101 |
Elementary French I |
5 |
REC-431 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
CAOT-179 |
Medical Terminology |
2 |
ENGR-204 |
Engineering Foundations |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MATH-236 |
Math Elem Teachers II |
3 |
MATH-257 |
Math for Elem Teach II |
3 |
FCS-235 |
Prin & Meth/Child Obsv |
3 |
CHD-235 |
Observation and Assessment |
3 |
PHYS-234/235 |
Engr Physics III + Lab |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
FLJP-101/103 |
Japanese First Semester/ Lab |
5 |
TRFL-100 |
Foreign Language Transfer Crse |
5 |
BIOL-201 |
Intro to the Life Sci |
4 |
BIOL-115 |
Intro Life Sciences |
4 |
BIOL-201 |
Intro to the Life Sci |
4 |
BIOL-115L |
Intro Life Sciences Lab |
0 |
CORE-173 |
Core Discovery (title Varies) |
3 |
TRG7-200 |
Transfer GEM 7 |
3 |
MTHE-235 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
SOC-130 |
Intro to Criminology |
3 |
CJ-245 |
Introduction to Criminology |
3 |
ITAL-101 |
Elem Italian I |
4 |
ITAL-101 |
Elementary Italian I |
4 |
ITAL-102 |
Elem Italian II |
4 |
ITAL-102 |
Elementary Italian II |
4 |
ORGS-155 |
Financial Literacy |
3 |
BUSA-180 |
Personal Finance |
3 |
CHIN-110/110L |
Elem Chinese I / Lab |
5 |
TRG7-100 |
Transfer GEM 7 |
5 |
CHIN-112/112L |
Elem Chinese II / Lab |
5 |
TRG7-100 |
Transfer GEM 7 |
5 |
FOR-210 |
Winter Harvesting |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
FOR-220 |
Forest Biology & Dendrology |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
JAMM-122 |
Multimedia Storytelling |
1 |
COMJ-100 |
The Sentinel |
1 |
ENGL-310 |
Literary Theory |
3 |
ENGL-210 |
Literary Analysis |
3 |
MUSA-146 |
Piano Class |
1 |
MUSA-146 |
Piano Class II |
1 |
CRIM-262 |
Senior Practicum |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CRIM-464 |
Criminology Abroad |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CS-481 |
Cs Senior Capstone Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
DAN-490 |
Senior Project |
2 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
2 |
ECE-481 |
EE Senior Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ECE-483 |
Cmptr Engineer Senr Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry |
3 |
CHEM-111 |
General Chemistry I |
3 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Laboratory |
1 |
CHEM-111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals Oral Communicatio |
3 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
3 |
ECON-446 |
International Economics |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ECON-447 |
International Develop Economic |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ECON-490 |
Economic Theory and Policy |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
EDCI-302 |
Teach Culturally Diverse Lrner |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
EDCI-401 |
Internship Seminar |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
EDCI-485 |
Secondary Internship |
15 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
15 |
ENGL-384 |
Native Amer & Indigenous Lit |
3 |
AIST-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ENGL-402 |
Internship in Tutoring Writing |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ENGL-440 |
Professional Writing Portfolio |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ENGL-490 |
Creative & Literary Portfolio |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ENT-438 |
Pesticides in the Environment |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ENVS-497 |
Senior Research |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
FISH-418 |
Fisheries Management |
4 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
4 |
FISH-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
FISH-495 |
Fisheries Seminar |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
FL-401 |
Sgs Capstone Experience |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
FLEN-315 |
French/Francophone Dinema |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FLEN-331 |
Japanese Anime |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FLEN-391 |
Hispanic Film |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FM-450 |
Global Nutrition |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FOR-424 |
Silviculture Prin & Practices |
4 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
4 |
FOR-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
FOR-490 |
The Resilient Landscape |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-301 |
Advanced French Grammar |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-302 |
Advanced French Writing Skills |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GREN-304 |
Connect French Lang & Culture |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-307 |
French Phonetics |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-308 |
Advanced French Conversation |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-407 |
French & Francophone Lit |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FREN-408 |
Fren & Francophne Culture Inst |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FS-489 |
Food Product Development |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FSP-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
FSP-495 |
Prod Develop & Brand Manage |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
FTV-476 |
Advanced Filmmaking II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GEOG-350 |
Sustainability Global Dvlpmnt |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GEOG-360 |
Population Dynamics Distribut |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GEOG-493 |
Senior Capstone in Geography |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GEOL-490 |
Geology Field Camp |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GERM-302 |
German Listening & Speaking |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GERM-420 |
Topics Germ Culture & Lit |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GERM-440 |
German Media |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
HIST-316 |
American Indian History |
3 |
HIST-240 |
American Indian History |
3 |
HIST-371 |
History of England |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
HIST-372 |
History of England |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
HIST-498 |
Internship |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
IAD-443 |
Universal Design |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
IAD-452 |
Interior Architecture Desgn Vi |
6 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
6 |
INDT-484 |
Industrial Tech Capstone I |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
INTR-401 |
Career & Leadership Developmnt |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
INTR-440 |
Honors Presentations |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
INTR-454 |
Honors Thesis Or Portfolio |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
IS-495 |
Intern Studies Senior Seminar |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ISEM-301 |
Great Issues Seminar |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
JAMM-441 |
Adv Concpts Media/Diversity |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAMM-445 |
History of Mass Media |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAMM-448 |
Law of Mass Media |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAMM-490 |
Issues in Global Media |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAPN-301 |
Japanese Reading & Writing |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAPN-303 |
Japanese Listening & Speaking |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LARC-390 |
Italian Hill Towns & Urban Cen |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LARC-480 |
The Resilient Landscape |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LARC-491 |
Italian Hill Towns & Urban Cen |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-306 |
Culture & Inst Latin America |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-391 |
Hispanic Film |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-409 |
Modern Latin American Society |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-413 |
Spanish American Short Fiction |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-422 |
Mexican Culture Through Cinema |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-439 |
Modern Latin America |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
LAS-441 |
Slavery & Freedom in Americas |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MATH-415 |
Cryptography |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MATH-437 |
Mathematical Biology |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ME-424 |
Mechanical Systems Design I |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ME-426 |
Mechanical Systems Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MKTG-495 |
Product Develop & Brand Manage |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MSE-454 |
Process Analysis and Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MUSA-490 |
Half Recital |
0 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
0 |
MUSA-491 |
Recital |
0 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
0 |
MUSC-490 |
Senior Recital |
0 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
0 |
MUSH-410 |
Studies in Jazz History |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MUSH-420 |
Studies in World Music |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
MUST-432 |
Practicum: Music Teaching |
11 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
11 |
MVSC-486 |
Health Active Lifestyle |
3 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
3 |
NRS-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
ORGS-410 |
Castone Proj Organizat Science |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
PEP-498 |
Internship Exercise Scien Hlth |
1 |
TRG7W-000 |
Transfer GEM 7W Upper Div |
1 |
PHIL-490 |
Senior Seminar |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
PHYS-492 |
Senior Research |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
POLS-385 |
Political Psychology |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-420 |
Intro to Asian Politics |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-449 |
World Politics and War |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-468 |
Civil Liberties |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-480 |
Politics of Development |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-487 |
Political Violence & Revolutio |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
POLS-490 |
Senior Experience |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
PSYC-315 |
Psychology of Women |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
PSYC-415 |
History & Systems of Psycholog |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
PSYC-419 |
Adult Development and Aging |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
REM-456 |
Integrated Rangeland Managemnt |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
REM-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
RSTM-498 |
Intern Recreat, Sport, Tourism |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
SOC-460 |
Capstone Sociology in Action |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SOC-462 |
Senior Practicum |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-301 |
Advanced Grammar |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-302 |
Advanced Composition |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-303 |
Spanish Conversation |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-305 |
Culture Institutions of Spain |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-306 |
Culture Instit Latin America |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-308 |
Proficiency in Reading |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-310 |
Spanish for the Professions I |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-401 |
Readings: Spanish Literature |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-402 |
Readings: Spanish American Lit |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-409 |
Modern Latin American Society |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-411 |
Chicano & Latino Literature |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-412 |
Spanish Short Fiction |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-413 |
Spanish American Short Fiction |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-419 |
Latin Amer Theatre Thru Lit |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-420 |
Modrn Spanish Theatre Thru Lit |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-421 |
Bilingual Biculturl Identities |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-422 |
Mexican Cultural Thru Cinema |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
SPAN-423 |
Culture & Identity Span Cinema |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
STAT-436 |
Applied Regression Modeling |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AGEC-447 |
International Develop Economic |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AGEC-478 |
Advanced Agribus Manage |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
THE-483 |
Senior Capstone Project |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
VTD-457 |
Capstone Design Studio I |
6 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
6 |
WLF-473 |
Ecb Senior Presentation |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
WLF-492 |
Wildlife Management |
4 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
4 |
LAS-394 |
Latin American Literature |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
PHIL-351 |
Philosophy of Science |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
PHIL-361 |
Professional Ethics |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
RELS-442 |
Med Church Erly High Mid Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
RELS-443 |
Med State High and Lt Mid Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
RELS-447 |
The Renaissance |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
RELS-448 |
The Reformation |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
THE-453 |
Topics in World Theatre Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
THE-468 |
Theatre History I |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
THE-469 |
Theatre History II |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
THE-553 |
Topics in World Theatre Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
AIST-329 |
Contemp North American Indians |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
ANTH-350 |
Food, Culture, and Society |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
ANTH-462 |
Human Issues Intern Devel |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
ANTH-562 |
Human Issue Intern Develop |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
COMM-410 |
Conflict Management |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
CRIM-336 |
Comparative Criminal Justice |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
CRIM-439 |
Inequalities in Justice System |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
EDCI-301 |
Learning, Develop, Assessment |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
EDCI-543 |
Learning, Develop, Assessment |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-443 |
Europe High & Late Middle Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-445 |
Med Engl Legal Hist 1066-1485 |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-447 |
The Renaissance |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-448 |
The Reformation |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-485 |
Chinese Social Cultural Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-542 |
Med Church Early High Mid Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST 543 |
Med State High Late Mid Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-545 |
Med Engl Const 1066-1485 |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-585 |
Chinese Soc and Cult Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
IS-370 |
African Comm, Culture, Music |
1 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
1 |
ENGL-322 |
Climate Change Fiction |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
FLEN-313 |
Fnch/Francophone Lit in Trans |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
FLEN-324 |
Topics in Germ Literature |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
FLEN-394 |
Latin American Literature |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-350 |
European Cult & Idea 1680-1800 |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIT-357 |
Women Pre-Modern Europ Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-366 |
Mod Europ Culture 1880-1980 |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-379 |
Hist of Science Ii: 1700-PRES |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-414 |
History and Film |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-442 |
Med Church Europe Erly Mid Age |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
FLEN-307 |
Institutions of European Union |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
GEOG-365 |
Geopolitics and Conflict |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
GEOG-565 |
Geopolitics and Conflict |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-315 |
Compar African-Amer Cultures |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-331 |
Age of African Empires |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-380 |
History of Western Medicine |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-420 |
Hist Women in Amer Society |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-424 |
American Environmental History |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-430 |
Us Diplomatic History |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-438 |
Modern Mexico & the Americas |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-439 |
Modern Latin America |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-440 |
Social Revolution in Lat Amer |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-441 |
Slavery & Freedom in Americas |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-452 |
Europe Age of Revol 1770-1880 |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-454 |
Photo, Politics, Amer Hist |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-456 |
Anti-Semitism & Holocaust |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-457 |
History of the Middle East |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-460 |
Conspiracies Secret Soc in His |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-461 |
Idaho & the Pacific Northwest |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-462 |
History of American West |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-466 |
Eastern Europe Since 1774 |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-467 |
Russia to 1894 |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-482 |
Japan, 1600 to Present |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-484 |
Modern China, 1840S to Pres |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-524 |
American Environmental Hist |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-530 |
Us Diplomatic History |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-582 |
Japan, 1600 to Present |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
IS-325 |
Contemporary Muslim World |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
IS-326 |
Africa Today |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
IS-350 |
Sports & International Affairs |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
LAS-438 |
Modern Mexico & Americas |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
LAS-462 |
Human Issues Interntl Develop |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-307 |
Institut of European Union |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-331 |
Amer Political Parties & Elect |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-332 |
American Congress |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-333 |
American Political Culture |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-338 |
American Foreign Policy |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
POLS-381 |
European Politics |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
RSTM-380 |
Principles Travel & Tourism |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
SOC-350 |
Food, Culture, & Society |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
AGEC-481 |
Agricult Market Global Econ |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AGED-406 |
Exploring Int'L Agriculture |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AGED-471 |
Senr Capstne Agricult Educ |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
AGED-498 |
Internship |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
AIST-316 |
American Indian History |
3 |
AIST-240 |
American Indian History |
3 |
AIST-320 |
Native Amer & Indigenous Film |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
AIST-422 |
Contemp Pacific NW Indians |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AIST-484 |
Native Amer & Indigenous Lit |
3 |
AIST-285 |
American Indian Literature |
3 |
ANTH-455 |
Anthropology Senior Research |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ARCH-411 |
Native American Architecture |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ARCH-454 |
Architectural Des: Vertical St |
6 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
6 |
ART-303 |
Contemporary Art & Theory |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
ART-410 |
Professional Practices |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
ART-490 |
Bfa Art/Design Studio |
6 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
6 |
ART-495 |
Critical Art Writing Seminar |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
AVS-450 |
Issues in Animal Agriculture |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
BE-478 |
Engineering Design I |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
BE-479 |
Engineering Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
BE-491 |
Senior Seminar |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
BIOL-401 |
Undergraduate Research |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
BIOL-407 |
Practicum Biol Lab Teaching |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
BIOL-408 |
Humn Anat & Phys Lab Pedagogy |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
BIOL-411 |
Senior Capstone |
2 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
2 |
BUS-490 |
Strategic Management |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CE-494 |
Senior Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CHE-452 |
Environmental Manage & Design |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
CHE-454 |
Process Analysis & Design II |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CHEM-409 |
Proseminar |
1 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
1 |
COMM-432 |
Gender and Communication |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
CRIM-461 |
Capstone: Justice Policy Issue |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
IAD-281 |
Histor of Interiors I |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
IAD-282 |
History of Interiors II |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
IS-225 |
International Environ Issues |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
ISEM-101 |
Interated Seminar |
3 |
TRG7I-100 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
SOC-201 |
Intro to Inequity and Justice |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
WGSS-201 |
Intro Women'S, Gender, Sexuali |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
ENGL-101P |
Writing &rhetoric I Plus |
4 |
ENGL-101P |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
4 |
AGED-101 |
Verbl Comm Agri, Food, Nat Res |
3 |
TRG2-100 |
Transfer GEM 2 |
3 |
COMM-150 |
Online Oral Communication |
3 |
TRG2-100 |
Transfer GEM 2 |
3 |
PHIL-102 |
Reason and Rhetoric |
2 |
TRG2-100 |
Transfer GEM 2 |
2 |
AMST-301 |
Studies in American Culture |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
ART-302 |
Modern Art and Theory |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
ART-407 |
New Media |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
GEOG-165 |
Human Geography |
3 |
TRG6-100 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
GEOG-200 |
World Cultures & Globalization |
3 |
TRG6-200 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
GEOG-260 |
Introduction to Geopolitics |
3 |
TRG6-200 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
NRS-125 |
Intro Conservatn & Nat Resourc |
3 |
TRG6-100 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
NRS-235 |
Society & Nat Resources |
3 |
TRG6-200 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
RSTM-104 |
Rec, Sport & Tourism Hlth Comm |
3 |
TRG6-100 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
CHIN-201 |
Intermediate Chinese I |
4 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
4 |
CHIN-202 |
Intermediate Chinese II |
4 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
4 |
ENGL-278 |
Surv of American Literature II |
3 |
ENGL-278 |
Great American Writers II |
3 |
FTV-200 |
Global Film Styles |
3 |
TRG7I-200 |
Transfer GEM 7I |
3 |
NEZP-101 |
Elementary Nez Perce I |
4 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
4 |
PHIL-200 |
Philosophy of Alchohol |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
PHIL-240 |
Belief and Reality |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
RSTM-106 |
Intro to Sports Management |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
ANTH-101 |
Biological Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-104 |
Biological Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-102 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH-261 |
Language and Culture |
3 |
TRG6-200 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
CRIM-101 |
Introduction to Criminology |
3 |
CJ-245 |
Introduction to Criminology |
3 |
FOR-235 |
Society & Natural Resources |
3 |
TRG6-200 |
Transfer GEM 6 |
3 |
FTV-100 |
Film History & Aesthetics |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
HIST-270 |
Intro Greek & Roman Civ |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
JAPN-101 |
Elementary Japanese I |
4 |
JAPN-101 |
Elementary Japanese I |
4 |
JAPN-102 |
Elementary Japanese II |
4 |
JAPN-102 |
Elementary Japanese II |
4 |
LARC-151 |
Intro to the Built Environment |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSH-104 |
Jazz: African Amer Art Form |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSH-106 |
Women in American Pop Music |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSH-108 |
Music of the World |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSH-111 |
Intro to the World of Music |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
MUSI-100 |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
MUSI-100 |
Introduction to Music |
3 |
AIST-101 |
Elementary Nez Perce I |
4 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
4 |
ARCH-151 |
Intro to the Built Environment |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
CHIN-101 |
Elementary Chinese I |
4 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
4 |
DAN-100 |
Dance in Society |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of British Literature I |
3 |
ENGL-267 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENGL-268 |
Surv of British Literature II |
3 |
ENGL-268 |
Survey of English Literature |
3 |
ENGL-277 |
Survey of American Lit I |
3 |
ENGL-277 |
Great American Writers I |
3 |
ENGL-290 |
Intro to Creative Writing |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
FLEN-243 |
English Word Origins |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
FLEN-270 |
Intro to Greek & Roman Civ |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
CS-112 |
Comp Thinking & Prob Solv |
3 |
TRG3-100 |
Transfer GEM 3 |
3 |
MATH-153 |
Intro to Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
MATH-153 |
Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
STAT-153 |
Intro to Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
MATH-153 |
Statistical Reasoning |
3 |
CORS-217 |
Exploring the Solar System |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-231 |
Fish & Wildlife Changing World |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-232 |
Science on Your Plate |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-234 |
Science of Engineering & Tech |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-236 |
Science for Non-Scientists |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-237 |
Earth Science in the Movies |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-254 |
Our National Parks |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
CORS-255 |
Concepts in Human Nutrition |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
EPPN-154 |
Microbiology & World Around Us |
3 |
TRG4X-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
EPPN-155 |
Micro & World Around Us Lab |
1 |
TRG4L-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lab |
1 |
FS-201 |
Science on Your Plate |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
TRG4X-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
1 |
TRG4L-100 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lab |
1 |
GEOL-212 |
Dinos & Prehistoric Life |
4 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
4 |
SOIL-205 |
The Soil Ecosystem |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
SOIL-206 |
The Soil Ecosystem Lab |
1 |
TRG4L-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lab |
1 |
AGED-263 |
Hist of Us & World Agriculture |
3 |
TRG5-200 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
AMST-201 |
Intro to Ethnic Studies |
3 |
SOC-251 |
Race and Ethnic Relations |
3 |
STAT-271 |
Stat Infernc/ Dec Anly |
4 |
BUSA-251 |
Business Statistics |
4 |
THEF-105 |
Basics of Performance |
3 |
THEA-115 |
Basics of Performance I |
3 |
H&S-245 |
Intro to Ath Inj |
3 |
PE-248 |
Athletic Injuries-Sports Med |
3 |
ART-261 |
Ceramics I |
3 |
ART-261 |
Ceramics I |
3 |
ART-251 |
Printmaking I |
3 |
ART-251 |
Printmaking I |
3 |
ART-241 |
Sculpture I |
3 |
ART-241 |
Sculpture I |
3 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
4 |
MATH-160 |
Survey of Calculus |
4 |
H&S-150 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
3 |
PE-222 |
Wellness Lifestyles |
3 |
BIOL-120 |
Human Anatomy + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227 |
Human Anat & Phys I |
4 |
BIOL-120 |
Human Anatomy + Lab |
4 |
BIOL-227L |
Human Anat & Phys I Lab |
0 |
ANTH-100 |
Intro to Anthro |
3 |
ANTH-100 |
Intro to Anthropology |
3 |
ENGL-291 |
Creative Writing: Poetry |
3 |
ENGL-291 |
Creative Writing: Poetry |
3 |
ART-281 |
Watercolor I |
3 |
ART-281 |
Watercolor I |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Pre-Calculus Alg/Analytic Geom |
3 |
MATH-143 |
Precalculus I: Algebra |
3 |
FCS-205 |
Concepts in Human Nutrition |
3 |
BIOL-207 |
Concepts Human Nutrition |
3 |
COMM-121 |
Media Writing |
3 |
COMJ-121 |
Introduction to Media Writing |
3 |
BUED-111 |
Computer Skills |
3 |
BUSA-100 |
Digital Literacy in Business |
3 |
ACCT-201 |
Intro Financial Accounting |
3 |
ACCT-201 |
Principles of Accounting |
3 |
COMM-233 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
COMM-233 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
CHEM-374 |
Organic Chem II Lab |
1 |
CHEM-288 |
Org Chem II Lab |
1 |
BIOL-100 |
Intro to Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Concepts of Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100 |
Intro to Biology |
4 |
BIOL-100L |
Concepts of Biology Lab |
0 |
CS-127 |
Programming Language JAVA |
3 |
CS-213 |
Language of CS: Java |
3 |
ART-111 |
Drawing I |
2 |
ART-111 |
Drawing I |
2 |
ART-100 |
Visual Art |
3 |
ART-100 |
Introduction to Art |
3 |
ART-122 |
Visual Comm & Design Process |
3 |
ART-122 |
3-D/Design Foundations I |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
FCS-234 |
Infancy & Early Childhood |
3 |
CHD-134 |
Infancy-Middle Childhood |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
College Writing & Rhetoric |
3 |
ENGL-102 |
Writing and Rhetoric II |
3 |
HIST-112 |
Intro to US History |
3 |
HIST-112 |
United States History II |
3 |
RELS-101 |
Intro to Religious Studies |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3 |
THEA-101 |
Introduction to the Theatre |
3 |
ED-201 |
Divers Lrnr/Soc-Cult Context |
3 |
EDUC-201 |
Introduction to Teaching |
3 |
MUSH-101 |
Survey of Music |
3 |
MUSH-101 |
Survey of Music |
3 |
ENGL-175 |
Introduction Literary Genres |
3 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature and Ideas |
3 |
MATH-235 |
Math/Elem Teachers I |
3 |
MATH-157 |
Math for Elem Teachers I |
3 |
PSYC-305 |
Developmental Psych |
3 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
POLS-101 |
Intro Political Sci/Amer Govt |
3 |
POLS-101 |
American National Government |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC-101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Introduction to College Writin |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
CS-101 |
Intro to Computer Sci |
3 |
CS-100 |
Intro Computer Science |
3 |
COMM-335 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
COMM-220 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
FCS-340 |
Par Chld Rel Fam & Comm |
3 |
CHD-150 |
Professional Partnerships |
3 |
MS-102 |
Fund of Ldrship & Mgmt |
1 |
MSA-102 |
Fund of Leadership & Mgt |
1 |
MS-112 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MSA-112 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MUSA-245 |
Piano Class |
1 |
MUSA-245 |
Piano Class III |
1 |
MUSA-246 |
Piano Class |
1 |
MUSA-246 |
Piano Class IV |
1 |
NR-101 |
Exploring Natural Resources |
1 |
BIOL-101 |
Intro to Natural Resources |
1 |
THEA-201 |
Scene Design I |
3 |
THEA-163 |
Basics Scene Design & Graphics |
3 |
THEA-207 |
Theatrical Make-Up |
3 |
THEA-102 |
Stage Makeup |
3 |
THEA-305 |
Intermediate Acting |
3 |
THEA-272 |
Intermediate Acting |
3 |
HIST-101 |
History of Civilization |
3 |
HIST-101 |
World History I |
3 |
HIST-102 |
History of Civilization |
3 |
HIST-102 |
World History II |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MATH-108 |
Intermediate Algebra |
3 |
MS-101 |
Intro to Military Science |
1 |
MSA-101 |
Intro to Military Science |
1 |
MS-111 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
MSA-111 |
Leadership Lab |
1 |
STAT-251 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
H&S-288 |
First Aid Emergency Response |
2 |
PE-288 |
First Aid |
2 |
MS-201 |
Appl Leadership & Mgmt |
2 |
MSA-201 |
Applied Leadership & Managemnt |
2 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
PSYC-205 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
ENG-175 |
Intro to Literature |
3 |
ENGL-175 |
Literature and Ideas |
3 |
MUSC-225 |
Composition |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MUST-256 |
String Tech & Orch Lit |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MUSA-124 |
Saxophone |
2 |
MUSA-124I |
Saxophone |
2 |
PHIL-208 |
Business Ethics |
3 |
PHIL-103 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
ANTH-241 |
Intro to the Study of Language |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BIOL-154 |
Intro Microbiology |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
DAN-206 |
Dances/Latin America |
1 |
DANC-120 |
Latin Social Dance |
1 |
HIST-423 |
Idaho & Pacific NW |
3 |
HIST-223 |
History of Pacific Northwest |
3 |
GEOL-106 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-102 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GEOL-107 |
Historical Geology Lab |
1 |
GEOL-102L |
Historical Geology Lab |
1 |
CORE-168 |
Bioethics |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CORE-106 |
Wild West-Ppl/Environment |
4 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
CORE-156 |
Wild West-Ppl/Environment |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
SOC-331 |
Criminology Theory |
3 |
SOC-245 |
Introduction to Criminology |
3 |
SOC-424 |
Sociology of Gender |
3 |
SOC-296 |
Sociology of Gender |
3 |
ENGR-220 |
Engineering Dynamics |
3 |
ENGR-220 |
Dynamics of Rigid Bodies |
3 |
CORE-117 |
Movies, the World & You |
4 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
4 |
CORE-167 |
Movies/World & You |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FST-110 |
Food Science |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
FST-220 |
Food Safety/Quality |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
VTD-151 |
Virtual World Bldg 1 |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
VTD-153 |
Virtual World Bldg 3 |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
VTD-154 |
Virtual World Bldg 4 |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
CORS-230 |
Explorations in Conservations |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
INTR-204 |
Life Skills/Athletes |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PEP-204 |
Moral Devl of Leaders/Sport |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
REM-144 |
Wildland Fire Management |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
POLS-208 |
Intro to Political Philosophy |
3 |
POLS-208 |
Political & Social Philosophy |
3 |
POLS-209 |
Intro to Public Policy |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
MKTG-321 |
Marketing |
3 |
BUSA-221 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
SPAN-101/L |
Elementary Spanish I/Lab |
5 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
5 |
JAPN-101L |
Elementary Japanese I Lab |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
CHEM-110 |
Intro to Chemical Engineering |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BIOL-114 |
Organisms & Environments |
4 |
BTNY-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
BIOL-114 |
Organisms & Environments |
4 |
BTNY-203L |
General Botany Lab |
0 |
GENST-101 |
Basic Numerical Skills |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
CORS-208 |
Integ Sc: Food Safet/Risks/Tec |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
PTTE-104 |
Keyboarding |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
1 |
ECE-213 |
Electrical Circuits II Lab |
1 |
ENGR-241L |
Elect Circuits II Lab |
1 |
MUSA-115 |
Studio Ins: Horn |
2 |
MUSA-114L |
Horn |
2 |
ENG-101 |
English Composition |
3 |
ENGL-101 |
Writing and Rhetoric I |
3 |
ENGR-106 |
Survey of Engineering |
2 |
ENGR-123 |
Introduction to Engineering |
2 |
MATH-141 |
Analytic Trigonometry |
2 |
MATH-144 |
Precalculus II: Trigonometry |
2 |
PEB-131 |
Freshman Pe |
0.5 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
0.5 |
ENGR-131 |
Digital Computer Prog |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PEB-233 |
Sophomore Physical Ed |
0.5 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
0.5 |
CHEM-114 |
General Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-112 |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II |
4 |
CHEM-114 |
General Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM-112L |
Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab |
0 |
CS-235 |
Adv Fortran Program |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
MATH-180 |
Anal Geom & Calc I |
4 |
MATH-170 |
Calculus I |
4 |
EE-200 |
Elec Circuits I |
3 |
ENGR-240 |
Circuits I |
3 |
FREN-201L |
Intermediate French Lab |
1 |
FREN-103 |
Self-Guided Lang Study-French |
1 |
ES-211 |
Intro Mechanics |
4 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
4 |
MATH-200 |
Anal Geom & Calc III |
3 |
MATH-275 |
Analytic Geometry and Calc III |
3 |
APST-301 |
Probability & Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
EE-203 |
Electrical Circuits II |
4 |
ENGR-241 |
Circuits II |
4 |
CORE-101 |
Movies/World & You |
4 |
CINA-126 |
Film and Culture |
4 |
CORS-220 |
Natrl Hazrds/Disastr/Prep |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
BIOL-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
BACT-250 |
General Microbiology |
3 |
ENG-313 |
Business Writing |
3 |
ENGL-272 |
Business Writing |
3 |
FLSP-181 |
Elementary Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
FLSP-183 |
Sp Lng Lab: Spanish I82 |
1 |
SPAN-103 |
Self-Guide Lang Study-Spanish |
1 |
FLSP-281 |
Inter Spanish |
4 |
SPAN-201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
BIOL-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
BTNY-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
BIOL-203 |
General Botany |
4 |
BTNY-203L |
General Botany Lab |
0 |
ECON-206 |
Microeconomics |
3 |
ECON-202 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
STAT-206 |
Intro to Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
CORE-166 |
The Sacred Journey |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ART-301 |
Hist of Art: 19th Cent |
3 |
ART-101 |
Art History Caves to Cathedral |
3 |
ART-341 |
Sculpture II |
3 |
ART-242 |
Sculpture II |
3 |
ART-361 |
Ceramics II |
3 |
ART-262 |
Ceramics II |
3 |
ORGS-110 |
Governance in Small Orgs |
3 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
ORGS-220 |
Budgeting for Small Orga |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ORGS-221 |
Workplace Motivation |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ORGS-222 |
Workplace Soft Skills |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
BUS-252 |
Intro to Business Analytics |
3 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
3 |
NR-204 |
Problem Solving in Nat Res |
1 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
MAT-100 |
Intro to Renewable Resources |
2 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
PHIL-321 |
History of Modern Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL-215 |
History of Modern Philosophy |
3 |
BUED-104 |
Keyboarding |
1 |
CAOT-112 |
Keyboarding I |
1 |
MUSH-204 |
Hist/Rock & Roll |
3 |
MUSH-127 |
Surv Amer Popular Music |
3 |
RUSS-105 |
Elementary Conversation |
1 |
TREL-100 |
Transfer Elective |
1 |
ASM-210 |
Small Engines |
2 |
TREL-200 |
Transfer Elective |
2 |
BIOL-202 |
General Zoology |
4 |
ZOOL-202 |
General Zoology |
4 |
BIOL-202 |
General Zoology |
4 |
ZOOL-202L |
General Zoology Lab |
0 |
PHYS-113 |
General Physics |
3 |
PHYS-111 |
General Physics I |
3 |
PHYS-114 |
General Physics |
3 |
PHYS-112 |
General Physics II |
3 |
COMM-131 |
Fund of Public Speaking |
2 |
COMM-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Comm |
2 |
PHYS-115 |
General Physics Lab |
1 |
PHYS-111L |
General Physics I Lab |
1 |
APST-251 |
Prin of Statistics |
3 |
MATH-253 |
Statistical Methods |
3 |
PHYS-116 |
General Physics Lab |
1 |
PHYS-112L |
General Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHIL-320 |
History of Ancient & Medieval |
3 |
PHIL-210 |
History of Ancient Philosophy |
3 |
HIST-357 |
Women Pre-Modern Europ Hist |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
NR-213 |
Indigenous Science Way Knowing |
3 |
TRG4X-200 |
Transfer GEM 4 Lecture |
3 |
HIST-378 |
Hist of Sci I: Antiq to 1700 |
3 |
TRG5-000 |
Transfer GEM 5 Upper Division |
3 |
LARC-150 |
Landscp, Culture, Environment |
3 |
TRG5-100 |
Transfer GEM 5 |
3 |
EDCI-550 |
Contexts of Education |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-382 |
Hist of Biol Conflicts/Controv |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-388 |
History of Mathematics |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-431 |
Stolen Continent, Indian Story |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-449 |
Tudor-Stuart Britian 1485-1660 |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-538 |
Modern Mexico & the Americas |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
HIST-540 |
Social Revolution Latin Americ |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
SOC-431 |
Pers & Soc Issues in Aging |
3 |
TRG6-000 |
Transfer GEM 6 Upper Division |
3 |
COMM-491 |
Communication and Aging |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
GERM-301 |
German Reading & Writing |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
HIST-468 |
Russia & Soviet Union 1864 |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
IS-480 |
Politics of Development |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAMM-340 |
Media and Diversity |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAMM-341 |
Mass Media Ethics |
3 |
TRG7I-000 |
Transfer GEM 7I Upper Div |
3 |
JAPN-201 |
Intermediate Japanese I |
4 |
JAPN-201 |
Intermediate Japanese I |
4 |
JAPN-202 |
Intermediate Japanese II |
4 |
JAPN-202 |
Intermediate Japanese II |
4 |