Webster University
Transfer Course | Transfer Course Title | Transfer Credit | NIC Course | NIC Course Title | NIC Credit |
ART-2300 | History of Western Art | 3 | ART-101 | Art History Caves to Cathedral | 3 |
INTL-1500 | The World System Since 1500 | 3 | POLS-237 | International Politics/Problem | 3 |
LEGL-4460 | Methods of Legal Rsch & Wrtg I | 3 | PLEG-210 | Legal Research and Writing I | 3 |
LEGL-4470 | Mthds of Legal Rsch & Wrtg II | 3 | PLEG-220 | Legal Research and Writing II | 3 |
PHIL-1010 | Intro to Critical Thinking | 3 | PHIL-201 | Logic and Critical Thinking | 3 |
MATH-1410 | Introductory College Math | 3 | MATH-123 | Math in Modern Society | 3 |
RELG-4310 | Business Ethics | 3 | BUSA-234 | Ethical Conduct in Business | 3 |
LEGL-3490 | Litigation | 3 | PLEG-105 | Civil Procedure and Litigation | 3 |