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Western Washington University

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
FREN-201/202 Intermediate French 7.5 FREN-201 Intermediate French I 5.03
MATH-112 Functions & Algebraic Methods 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3.35
MUS-102 Intro to Theory & Ear Training 3 MUSC-141 Harmony and Theory I 2.01
FREN-202/203 Intermediate French 7.5 FREN-202 Intermediate French II 5.03
ENG-235 Intro to American Indian Lits 5 ENGL-285 American Indian Literature 3.35
MUS-163 Class Voice 2 MUSA-112 Introduction to Voice 1.34
GEOL-211 Physical Geology W/Lab 5 GEOL-101 Physical Geology 3.35
GEOL-211 Physical Geology W/Lab 5 GEOL-101L Physical Geology Lab 0
PE-103 Beginning Jogging 1 PE-110J Jogging/Powerwalking 0.67
DNC-100 Mod-Hop I 2 DANC-115 Modern Dance: Beginning I 1.34
HNRS-251 Psychology 4 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 2.68
LING-201 Intro to Linguistics Science 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
MATH-157 Business Calculus 4 MATH-160 Survey of Calculus 2.68
AHI-231 Visual Cult W Eur 1550-1700 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.01
PSY-210 Cognition 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
GEOL-101 Introduction to Geology 4 GEOL-101 Physical Geology 2.68
GEOL-101 Introduction to Geology 4 GEOL-101L Physical Geology Lab 0
ECON-207 Intro to MacRoeconomics 4 ECON-201 Principles of Macroeconomics 2.68
ESCI-204 Ocenas: Topics/Marine Sci 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.68
PE-145 Beginning Volleyball 1 PE-111G Volleyball 0.67
ESTU-202 Intro to Env Study & Sustain 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.01
PSY-240 Social Psychology 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
MGMT-271 Law & the Business Environment 4 BUSA-265 Legal Envrnmt of Business 2.68
PSY-220 Intro Behavioral Neurosci 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
HIST-263 African Americans Since 1865 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
ENVS-203 Physical Geography 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.68
FIN-215 Personal Finance 4 BUSA-180 Personal Finance 2.68
PHYS-101 Physics Analysis 4 PHYS-111 General Physics I 2.68
PHYS-101 Physics Analysis 4 PHYS-111L General Physics I Lab 0
DSGN-111 Design View 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
ENVS-110 Ecogast: Art & Science Food 2 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 1.34
BIOL-348 Human Anatomy & Physiology 5 BIOL-227 Human Anat & Phys I 3.35
BIOL-348 Human Anatomy & Physiology 5 BIOL-227L Human Anat & Phys I Lab 0
ESCI-101 Environ Studies: a Sci Approac 3 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.01
HIST-273 Latin America: 1492-1824 5 HIST-131 History of Latin America 3.35
PE-193 Intercollegiate Soccer 2 PE-100MF Varsity Sports - Men's Soccer 1.34
ART-109 Visual Dialogue 3 ART-101 Art History Caves to Cathedral 2.01
COMM-220 Communication Theory 5 TRAH-100 Arts/Humanities Gr 1 Tran Crse 3.35
EDUC-109 Scholar of Teach & Learn 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
HLED-210 Intro to Public Health 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.68
INTL-201 Intro to Global Studies 5 HUMS-200 Interdisciplinary Seminar 3.35
MATH-240 Intro to Statistics 4 MATH-253 Statistical Methods 2.68
CLST-350 Greek Mythology 4 ENGL-216 Mythology 2.68
ART-110 Form & Content I: Drawing 3 ART-111 Drawing I 2.01
ENG-351 Intro to Fiction Writing 5 ENGL-292 Creative Writing: Fiction 3.35
ENG-302 Intro Tech & Profess Writing 5 ENGL-202 Technical Writing 3.35
ENG-353 Intro to Poetry Writing 5 ENGL-291 Creative Writing: Poetry 3.35
JOUR-190 Intro to Mass Media 5 COMJ-140 Mass Media in a Free Society 3.35
ENG-354 Intro to Creative Nonfict Writ 5 ENGL-293 Creative Writing: Nonfiction 3.35
CHEM-352/353 Organic Chemistry II / III 5 CHEM-287 Organic Chemistry II 3.35
CHEM-351/352 Organic Chemistry I / II 6 CHEM-277 Organic Chemistry I 4
PHYS-114/115 Principles of Physics I / II 7.5 PHYS-111 General Physics I 5
PHYS-114/115 Principles of Physics I / II 7.5 PHYS-111L General Physics I Lab 0
PHYS-115/116 Principles of Physics II / III 7.5 PHYS-112 General Physics II 5
PHYS-115/116 Principles of Physics II / III 7.5 PHYS-112L General Physics II Lab 0
CAM-200 Intro to Canadian Studies 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
MUS-205 Survey Non-Westrn Muscl Cultrs 3 MUSH-163 Survey of World Music 2.01
MATH-107 Mathematical Reasoning & Appl 4 MATH-123 Math in Modern Society 2.68
MATH-114 Precalculus I 5 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 3.35
PLSC-250 American Political System 5 POLS-101 American National Government 3.35
HIST-104 American Hist Since 1865 4 HIST-112 United States History II 2.68
PSY-230 Developmental Psychology 5 PSYC-205 Developmental Psychology 3.35
HLED-350 Nutrition 3 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 2.01
ENG-101 Writing & Critical Inquiry 4 ENGL-101 Writing and Rhetoric I 2.68
MATH-124 Calculus & Analytic Geometry 5 MATH-170 Calculus I 3.35
PSY-101 Introduction to Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
ANTH-201 Intro Cultural Anthropology 5 ANTH-102 Cultural Anthropology 3.35
THTR-101 Intro to Art of the Theatre 3 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 2.01
ANTH-102 Introduction to Human Origins 5 ANTH-101 Intro Physical Anthropology 3.35
HIST-103 American History to 1865 4 HIST-111 United States History I 2.68
CHEM-115 General Chemistry W/ Lab 5 CHEM-101 Introduction to Chemistry 3.35
CHEM-115 General Chemistry W/ Lab 5 CHEM-101L Introduction to Chemistry Lab 0
PHYS-114 Principles of Physics I + Lab 5 PHYS-111 General Physics I 3.35
PHYS-114 Principles of Physics I + Lab 5 PHYS-111L General Physics I Lab 0
CHEM-121 General Chemistry I + Lab 5 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 3.35
CHEM-121 General Chemistry I + Lab 5 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
HIST-113 Intro Civiliz 1713 - Present 4 HIST-102 World History II 2.68
PHIL-107 Logical Thinking 3 PHIL-201 Logic and Critical Thinking 2.01
COMM-101 Fundamentals of Speech 4 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 2.68
HLED-150 Consumer & Environ Health 4 PE-222 Wellness Lifestyles 2.68
MUS-104 Art of Listening to Music 3 MUS-101 Survey of Music 2.01
THTR-201 Intro to the Cinema W/ Lab 3 CINA-126 Film and Culture 2.01
EDUC-108 Purposeful Learning 2 CSC-100 College Transition 1.34
MATH-125 Calculus II 5 MATH-175 Analytic Geometry & Calc II 3.35
MATH-341 Probability/Statistical Infrnc 4 MATH-253 Statistical Methods 2.68
PSY-313 Personality 5 PSYC-210 Psychology of Personality 3.35
GEOL-101L General W/Lab 4 GEOL-101 Physical Geology 2.68
GEOL-101L General W/Lab 4 GEOL-101L Physical Geology Lab 0
LBRL-105 Behavioral Sci 5 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 3.35
PSY-201 Intro Psychology 5 PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology 3.35
AHI-230 Survey Hist II 5 ART-102 Art Hist Da Vinci to Digital 3.35
BIOL-101L Princ W/Lab 4 BIOL-100 Concepts of Biology 2.68
BIOL-101L Princ W/Lab 4 BIOL-100L Concepts of Biology Lab 0
ENVR-110 Env St/Science 3 BIOL-111 Living with the Environment 2.01
PE-136 Beginning Tennis 1 PE-111F Beginning Tennis 0.67
LING-204 Sociolinguistics 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.01
MATH-102 Interm Algebra 5 MATH-108 Intermediate Algebra 3.35
SOC-202 Intro Sociology 5 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 3.35
THD-201L Intro to Cinema 3 CINA-126 Film and Culture 2.01
EAST-201 Pol Matrl Aspcts 5 FLAN-207 Contemp World Cultures 3.35
MATH-155 Econ/Bus Algebra 4 MATH-130 Finite Mathematics 2.68
SPCH-101L Fundamentals 3 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 2.01
ECON-203 Intro Micro Econ 4 ECON-202 Principles of Microeconomics 2.68
HEC-250 Human Nutrition 3 BIOL-207 Concepts Human Nutrition 2.01
MATH-156 Bus/Econ Calc 4 MATH-143 Precalculus I: Algebra 2.68
SPA-201 Orientation 2 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 1.34
AHI-220 Survey Hist I 5 ART-101 Art History Caves to Cathedral 3.35
AMST-301 Comp Cultrl Stds 4 SOC-103 Cultural Diversity 2.68
ENG-336 The Bible As Lit 5 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 3.35
A/HI-220 Srvy Hist I 5 ART-101 Art History Caves to Cathedral 3.35
FAIR-230F Computer Rev 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.68
TH/D-101 Intro Theatr 3 THEA-101 Introduction to the Theatre 2.01
ENVR-201 Env Science 4 PHYS-101 Fundamentals Physical Science 2.68
FAIR-210S Business Wrld 2 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 1.34
PHIL-102 Intro Logic 3 PHIL-201 Logic and Critical Thinking 2.01
MATH-115 Precalculus II 5 MATH-144 Precalculus II: Trigonometry 3.35
PE-203 Into Phys Ed 3 PE-160 Foundations of Physical Ed. 2.01
SPAN-201 Intermediate Spanish 5 SPAN-201 Intermediate Spanish I 3.35
SPAN-202/203 Intermediate Spanish 10 SPAN-202 Intermediate Spanish II 6.7
PSY-250 Intro Personality/Abnormal Psy 5 PSYC-210 Psychology of Personality 3.35
PSY-301 Overview of Research Methods 5 PSYC-218 Intro to Research/Behavior Sci 3.35
PSY-351 Abnormal Psychology 5 PSYC-211 Abnormal Psychology 3.35
LBRL-121 Westrn Trad I: Ancient World 5 INTR-200 Interdisciplinary Seminar 3.35
MATH-224 Multivariable Calc & Geom I 5 TRMA-100 Math Transfer Course 3.35
SPAN-103 Elementary Spanish 5 SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II 3.35
ANTH-104 American Mosaic: U.S. Cultures 4 TREL-100 Transfer Elective 2.68
PHYS-116 Prncpl Physics III + Lab 5 TRLS-100 Lab Science Transfer Course 3.35
CHEM-122 Gnrl Chem II + Lab 5 CHEM-112 Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II 3.35
CHEM-122 Gnrl Chem II + Lab 5 CHEM-112L Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab 0
GERM-201 Interim German 4 GERM-201 Intermediate German I 2.68
GERM-202 Interim German 4 GERM-202 Intermediate German II 2.68
CSCI-101 Personl Comp/Lab 3 BUSA-100 Digital Literacy in Business 2.01
GERM-203 Interim German 4 TRFL-200 Foreign Language Transfer Crse 2.68
ECON-206 Intro Microecon 4 ECON-202 Principles of Microeconomics 2.68
BIOL-101 Intro Biol + Lab 4 BIOL-115 Intro Life Sciences 2.68
BIOL-101 Intro Biol + Lab 4 BIOL-115L Intro Life Sciences Lab 0
PHYS-115 Prncpls of Physics II + Lab 5 PHYS-112 General Physics II 3.35
ENG-202 Wrtg About Lit 4 ENGL-175 Literature and Ideas 2.68
ENVR-202 Social Science 3 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2.01
GERM-104 Review Elementary German 5 TRFL-100 Foreign Language Transfer Crse 3.35
BIOL-121L Plant/Animal 5 TRLS-100 Lab Science Transfer Course 3.35
PE-217 Wtr Sfty Ins 2 PE-266 Water Safety Instructor 1.34
ANTH-361 Indians N Am 5 AIST-225 Native People N America 3.35
CHEM-121L Gen Chem I 5 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 3.35
CHEM-121L Gen Chem I 5 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
GEOG-201 Human Geog 5 TRLS-200 Lab Science Transfer Course 3.35
PE-108 Beginning Weight Training 1 PE-110R Strength Training 0.67
PE-123 Begin Socttish Country Dance 1 TRPE-100 PE Transfer Course 0.67
PSY-330 Soc & Cog Development in Child 5 CHD-134 Infancy-Middle Childhood 3.35
MATH-381 Teaching K-8 Mathematics I 4 MATH-157 Math for Elem Teachers I 2.68
PE-167 Beginning Bicycling 1 PE-110W Mountain Biking 0.67
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish 5 SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I 3.35
SOC-260 The Family in Society 5 SOC-220 Marriage and Family 3.35
PE-102B Beginning Aerobic Fitness 1 PE-110Q Step Aerobics 0.67
ANTH-215 Intro Biological Anthro W/Lab 5 ANTH-251 Intro to Biological Anth 3.35
BIOL-204/205/20 Intro to Evol, Ecol, Bio, Cell 14 BIOL-115 Intro Life Sciences 9.28
BIOL-204/205/20 Intro to Evol, Ecol, Bio, Cell 14 BIOL-115L Intro Life Sciences Lab 0
ANTH-210 Intro to Archaeology 5 ANTH-230 Intro to Arch/World Prehistory 3.35
CHEM-121/122 General Chemistry I, Ii+ Lab 7.5 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 5.03
CHEM-121/122 General Chemistry I, Ii+ Lab 7.5 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
CHEM-122/123 Gnrl Chem Ii, III + Lab 7.5 CHEM-112 Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II 5.03
CHEM-122/123 Gnrl Chem Ii, III + Lab 7.5 CHEM-112L Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab 0
CHEM-251 Elementary Organic Chem W/Lab 5 CHEM-277 Organic Chemistry I 2.68
CHEM-251 Elementary Organic Chem W/Lab 5 CHEM-278 Organic Chemistry I Lab 0.67