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Wheaton College Il

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Credit NIC Course NIC Course Title NIC Credit
COMM-201 Fundmntls Oral Communication 4 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 4
ENGL-215 Classical & Early British Lit 4 ENGL-267 Survey of English Literature 4
ENGL-216 Brit Lit 17C to 20C 4 ENGL-268 Survey of English Literature 4
PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy 4 PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy 4
AHS-101 Wellness 2 PE-222 Wellness Lifestyles 2
ENGL-334 Shakespeare 4 ENGL-271 Introduction to Shakespeare 4
PHIL-243 Intro to Logic 2 PHIL-201 Logic and Critical Thinking 2
MUCS-262 Baroque/Classical Eras 4 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 4
MUMS-255 Pedagogy I 2 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2
MUTC-252 Aural Skills III 1 MUSC-241L Harmony and Theory III Lab 1
MUCS-261 Music Before 1600 2 TREL-200 Transfer Elective 2
MUCS-263 19th Century Music 2 MUSH-127 Surv Amer Popular Music 2
MUTC-171 Music Theory II 3 MUSC-142 Harmony and Theory II 3
MUTC-272 Aural Skills IV 1 MUSC-242L Harmony and Theory IV Lab 1
ENGW-103 Composition and Research 4 ENGL-102 Writing and Rhetoric II 4
MUCS-264 World Music 2 MUSH-163 Survey of World Music 2
MUTC-241 Music Theory III 2 MUSC-241 Harmony and Theory III 2
MUTC-151 Music Theory I 3 MUSC-141 Harmony and Theory I 3
MUTC-152 Aural Skills I 1 MUSC-141L Harmony and Theory I Lab 1
MUEP-219 Recital & Concert Attendance 0 MUSC-117 Music Convocation 0
MUEP-371 Chamber Music: String 1 MUSP-111O Cardinal Chamber Orchestra 1
MUIP-219 Private Lessons: Harp 3 MUSA-114V Harp 3
MUEP-213 Women'S Chorale 1 MUSP-103 NIC Cardinal Chorale 1
MUIP-201 Private Less: Piano 2 MUSA-146 Piano Class II 2
MUTC-172 Aural Skills II 1 MUSC-142L Harmony and Theory II Lab 1
MUIP-223 Class Piano I 2 MUSA-145 Piano Class I 2
MUMS-115 Intro to Music Tech 2 MUSX-215 Intro Digital Record/Notation 2
ART-101 Art Survey 2 ART-100 Introduction to Art 2
CHEM-236 General Chemistry 4 CHEM-111 General Chemistry I 4
CHEM-236 General Chemistry 4 CHEM-111L General Chemistry I Lab 0
CHEM-237 Inorganic Chemistry 4 CHEM-112 Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II 4
CHEM-237 Inorganic Chemistry 4 CHEM-112L Prin/Gen/Coll/Chem II Lab 0
BEC-211 Microecon Principles 4 ECON-202 Principles of Microeconomics 4
MATH-231 Calculus I 4 MATH-170 Calculus I 4
BEC-226 Fund of Accounting I 4 ACCT-201 Principles of Accounting 4
BEC-227 Fund of Accounting II 4 ACCT-202 Managerial Accounting 4
BEC-212 Macroecon Principles 2 ECON-201 Principles of Macroeconomics 2
ENGL-101 Classics/ Western Lit 4 ENGL-257 Lit of Western Civilization 4
GEOL-211 Physical Geology 4 GEOL-101 Physical Geology 4
GEOL-211 Physical Geology 4 GEOL-101L Physical Geology Lab 0
BEC-342 Management Principles 4 BUSA-211 Principles of Management 4
BEC-367 Finance Principles 4 BUSA-236 Introduction to Finance 4
COMM-101 Public Speaking 2 COMM-101 Fundamentals of Oral Comm 2
KIN-101 Wellness 2 PE-222 Wellness Lifestyles 2
SOC-115 Intro to Sociology 4 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 4